Sister's Punishment (closed)


Sinful Salvation
Mar 22, 2013
It was late that Friday night. Too late for Tommy's barely-legal teenage sister to still be out. She should have been home an hour ago! This was just great. Their parents had just left for a week-long business trip, and what's the first thing the little bitch does, knowing he was left in charge?

Disrespect him!

He was sitting in his room, bathed in the blue glow of porn on his computer. High as a kite from burning a couple joints outside earlier. He raked out a fresh line of coke and snorted it off his desk. He had to stay up and wait on her somehow, right?

He paced back and forth, and then went and made himself a stiff drink. Soco and lime, and downed it. He cracked open a beer. He was getting more and more pissed as the minutes dragged by.

Finally, though, a car pulled up outside. He heard a car door open and shut.

He'd been waiting for this...


The school party had started as awkward as was expected: none of the boys had been willing to be the first to approach a girl, and none of the girls had been willing to approach one of the guys, but eventually a few got some courage to make a move.

The music hadn't been that interesting and any dance that contained of any daring touching was completely off-limits as were alcoholic drinks. Erica wasn't even sure why she had gone... it was nothing for her to enjoy such kind of socializing. A normal Friday night for Erica was reading or doing some of her homework already. But some of her friends had been wanting to go and Erica hadn't been really wanting to be home alone with Tommy. She and her older brother were very different from each other.

It had surprised Erica that some of the guys had shown an interest in her. Other girls had shown up dressed like little sluts, some even to the point they had been send home by teachers. Erica's dress had been simple and decent and she always had the feeling her glasses drove guys away, although they very much matched her 'good girl' status. The only thing she had going for her were her breasts that had already formed to an C cup, and most likely would get a bit bigger even. And some guys enjoyed her fire red hairs.

After a few hours she had been ready to go home but a few class mates had invited her to a classroom where people had a secret stash of alcohol. Someone would drive her home in a bit they promised her and Erica had accepted. She had drank a lot more than she had been planning and it had gotten much later than she was supposed to be home. As a guy drove her home, his hand kept stroking her leg which tickled and made her giggle.

She was still giggling when she arrived home and went inside. She hoped Tommy was already asleep
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The lights were out downstairs. Tommy decided he'd let Erica sweat a little bit, and went up and sat in her room, his bottle of Southern Comfort at the ready. He took a pull off it and waited, rehearsing in his mind how he was going to chew her out. He sat in her chair at her desk and waited, his heart thumping hard from the cocaine in his bloodstream.

He sniffed, getting an extra little bump of the white powder that was lodged in his nostril. He sniffed again, enjoying the short buzz.

He was going to make damn sure she understood not to disrespect him like this! Didn't she understand that she was his responsibility? Who the fuck did she think she was, anyway?

Rage built up in him. He took another swig of the whiskey and clenched his fist. A familiar rush of blood hit his loins; was he getting turned on at the thought of punishing his kid sister? He shook the thought away, even as he recalled how he'd admired the way her body had grown up and filled out recently.
Quietly, except for the constant drunk giggles that she tried to suppress, Erica made her way through the dark downstairs and onto the stairs. She didn't realize anything amiss until she opened the door to her room and found her brother there.

- "Tommy... what..."

She started nervously, her alarm clock showing very well that it was well past the time she was supposed to be home
And then she opened the door... and seemed stunned to find him there, waiting for her.

"Welcome home," he said, standing up. At six foot one, he towered over his little sister. "Little late to be getting in, huh?" he said, glaring down at her.

"You had me worried sick," he said, practically spitting, and clearly more pissed than worried. He looked her up and down, noting the glassy look in her eyes, the slight stumble, the slightest slur to her words.

"Are you drunk?" he demanded to know, but he already knew the answer. She reeked of booze.
- "I... no... I..."

Erica stammered, knowing the rules on drinking very well. She wasn't sure what to say to him, so she played a bit with the temple of her glasses. Her brother always made her feel uncomfortable, the way he looked at her and behaved around her. When he had his friends over and she heard them laugh she always got the feeling that she was the subject of their conversations, although she had no idea what they could be saying about her that they found so funny
"No?" Tommy growled, stepping towards her and grabbing her arm. "First you disrespect me, coming home late and drunk no less, and now you're gonna stand there and lie to me?" he said, he voice rising in anger.

He pushed her up against the wall. "You think this is funny? Mom and Dad give me one job, and that's to take care of you, and this is how you fucking treat me? You little bitch," he said. He grabbed the bottle of Southern Comfort.

"So you think you wanna drink, huh?" he demanded, and pushed the bottle into her hands. "Then drink. Show me you're all grown up."
Erica gasped as he grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. He really was scaring her now. His own breath held weird smells as well, but her mind was too groggy to focus on that. She looked at her hand when Tommy pushed the bottle into it, but before she could speak, she dropped the thing, spilling the drink everywhere.

- "Sorry... I am... sorry..."

She nearly was crying as she stared at the mess that was forming on the floor
She dropped it! Whiskey splashed over Tommy's feet, and he swiftly bent over and picked the bottle up. Not too much was lost, but it was immediately clear he was going to have to take a more forceful approach here. He grabbed her arm once more and pulled her across the room, and forced her onto her bed.

"You must want to do this the hard way," he growled, and grabbed her face! He pushed her down on her back on the bed and brought the bottle to her lips, pouring the whiskey into her mouth!
Tommy clearly was a lot stronger than his sister, since all her attempts to break free from him were pointless. As she tried to complain, it only caused her mouth to be filled with the whiskey, that easily went down her throat. Erica had the feeling the drink was setting her throat on fire but there was nothing she could do about it.

She sure wasn't giggling any more
"How's that, huh?" Tommy growled. "You think you wanna be a party girl, is that it? Well, I'll teach you how to party," he said, smacking her face and pouring more whiskey in her mouth when she opened it to protest! "Drink up, little sister, and get ready."

"This party is just getting started," he growled, grabbing her jaw and shutting her mouth so she couldn't spit out the whiskey.
She couldn't believe he smacked her... or most of what he was doing, and at the same time it didn't surprise her much at all. When she opened her mouth to tell him to stop, he poured more of the drink into her.

She wasn't sure what he meant with 'get ready', but there was not much she could do about the situation. Her brother held all control and there was nothing she could do against it. She couldn't even threaten him that she would tell her parents when they got home, as he had more against her
He laughed at his sister as she struggled against him. He smacked her again, knocking the glasses off her face, and then pulled her off the bed and onto the floor.

"So you wanna be a party girl, huh? You like gettin drunk? How do you feel now?" he growled at her. He discovered he was rapidly growing more and more aroused. He'd never treated anyone this way before, but the power he had over his little sister in this moment was... Exhilerating.
She stared in fear at her brother, extremely scared at how he was treating her.

- "Stop... please stop..."

She begged him now he no longer had the drink against her lips. Without her glasses her vision was a blur making it hard to see what he was doing
"Stop?" Tommy sneered. "You want me to stop?" He spat.

"I'm not convinced you've learned your lesson yet, little girl," he growled. He grabbed her again and moved her back to the bed, bending her over the side of it. "You wanna be a little brat, do whatever you feel like, then I'll treat you like a little brat!" He couldn't believe he was really about to do this, but it seemed only natural.

And the palm of his hand fell firm and sharp across her backside!
Erica yelped loudly as her brother hit her. Still she couldn't really believe he was doing this and she felt very scared to be alone in the house with him.

- "Please stop, I am sorry..."

She cried