Sister moves in (closed)


Literotica Guru
Nov 14, 2010
Evan pushed the vacuum into the hall closet and checked his watch, she was already 15 minutes late. He shook his head as he walked down the hall into his living room and took a deep breath trying to enjoy the last few minutes of calm his life and his house were likely to enjoy for at least the next year.

The house was a two story town home decorated in dark earth tones and with exposed wooden beams. The furniture was all leather and a large LCD screen sat next to the the fireplace. Bookshelves holding all manner of topics and genres of fiction lined the walls along with vintage travel posters and maps. This home was his sanctuary and it was about to be invaded by his 18 year old sister.

At 31 Evan was a new professor at a small private university in the Pacific northwest. He had started there two years ago after finishing his PhD in history. His parents and sister had come for a visit right after he moved here and she had fallen in love with the town and the university and insisted she would attend even though it was out of state and expensive. At that time he made a deal with her that if she could get scholarships to pay the tuition he would let her stay with him to save on the room and board. To his surprise and their parents delight she had pulled it together over the last two years and come up with enough scholarship money to come.

For the last two weeks he had spent time preparing for her to arrive. Cleaning up the guest room that had turned into a quasi-storage area. Working to organize the house to be more presentable than what it was typically with his bookish bachelor mentality. He had also worked to preserve some of his sanctuary. The second floor of the house was only his office, his bedroom and the loft that overlooked the living room and was only accessible from his bedroom. Both the office and bedroom doors now had new locks on them.

Shaking out of his thoughts he checked his watch again and saw that time was crawling but his sister was now 17 minutes late. Evan worked through his life with a strict schedule. It was the only way he could keep up with his job, his workout routine, and all the other pulls on his time. He hoped that this was not a sign of things to come but also knew she was more like their mother and their mother ran on her own clock. He sighed and walked across the hardwood floors to the kitchen.

Popping open the fridge he grabbed a beer and sat at the bar in the kitchen. It was a hot day and the inside of the house was on the warm side as well. He was sweating a little from the intensity of his last minute cleaning spurt. Just as he took his first drag from the bottle he heard a car door outside and figured that must be her.

Setting the beer down on the counter he walked outside and was assaulted by the heat and humidity. One he was out of the shadow of the house the hot concrete also quickly reminded him that he was not wearing shoes and he hopped a bit trying not to scorch his feet.

It took a moment to see his sister, well the back half of her anyway, as she was scrounging in the backseat for something.

"Well it is about time you got here! You are just like mom, always running on your own time." The cheer in his voice softened the harshness of his words. As he got closer to the car he could tell that the back seat was full of stuff and he figured the trunk would be too.

"Come on and give me a hug so we can get your car unpacked and get inside where it is a little cooler."
Andrea drove for hours on her way to her big brothers house or well her house to now. Her long blonde hair blew with the wind coming in through her open window. The breeze felt very good on this extremely hot of days. She was very excited to be moving away from home. And she loved that she was moving in with her brother, she knew he would let her have the freedom their parents never let her have.

Her car was full to the brim with boxes. It wasnt everything she owned but it was everything she was going to need for the year. She had been running behind she just shrugged it off and kept driving. Her hair blowing in the wind that was rushing in through the open window. She pulled up to the house and got out. She went to start unpacking the car when she heard her brothers teasing voice behind her.

She straightened up and stuck her tongue out at her. She was standing there in flip flops, short jean shorts and a cut off halter top. Her brother told her to come and hug him so she took off. Jumping into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist like she always did. She laughed when he spun her.
Evan staggered when Andrea lept into his arms. When he was 20 and she was 7 that was one thing. Now that he was 31 and she 18 it took some effort to not fall over or drop her. He did slip out of his sandle and planted his foot on the hot concrete.

"Hot! Hot! Damn its hot." As he yelped he tried to juggle her and ended up with a handful of her ass before setting her down.

"That would be the concrete which was hot... not anything else." He hopped back to his sandle and slid it onto his foot.

"Lets get this junk in the house and get a beer."
She shook her head when he said nothing else was hot. "Yeah right nothing else is hot! Im totally sexy i don't know what your talking about!" She said laughing lightly "and my stuff is not junk! Jerk face!" Yeah she knew she was being childish but this was her and her big brother, she was allowed to be immature.

She wasn't like that very often but when she was it was very obvious. She laughed when he rolled his eyes at her childishness and went to start grabbing boxes out the car.
Working together the car was emptied quickly. Though now his living room looked like a copy of Glamour had exploded... or vomited all over. He shook his head as he retrieved his now warm beer and took a swig. Sitting at the bar counter in the kitchen he was acutely aware how his shirt was clinging and his underwear riding with the sweat.

"Help yourself to a beer and come have a seat. We need to talk house rules Peanut." That was his longtime nickname for her. At 18 and a woman grown it didn't seem to fit anymore. Of course this is the same woman that 10 minutes ago called him jerk face and stuck her tongue out at him.
"You do remember that im 18right?" She asked going over to the fridge grabbing a beer. He had offered and she wasnt going to pass it up. She took a drink of the beer and went to sit next to her some what muscular brother. "You stink just so you know." She said like any sister would. She was glad she didnt ever sweat much so she still smelled like her body wash and deodorant.

"So what are the rules dad?" She said slightly teasing him for acting like their father with the rules.
"I don't stink I smell like an honest bit of work. Something that you would be generally unacquainted with." He smiled at his barb tossed back toward her. Looking down into his bottle he frowned and decided that this was not going to work at slaking his thirst. "Since you are still up grab me a fresh beer from the fridge if you would be so kind."

Straightening up and putting a sterner face on he looked at his sister, "Andrea, I don't mean to be a downer but my house my rules. I am not some 20something frat guy." The unspoken, anymore hung between them for a moment as he could see a few memories of times he had been home from college flash behind her eyes. "I am on the faculty at school and I have been fast tracked for tenure. I do not need this place turning into a zoo and causing drama at work ok?"

He shifted in his seat trying to ease the bunching his boxer-briefs were doing inside his pants and grimaced when they would not relent. Trying to ignore it he continued, "I don't plan on this being anything overly noxious. You can drink in the house but if you have people over who are under 21 I would prefer that they not. I don't have classes on Friday so if you want to have over night guests," he gave her a knowing look, "please be kind enough to limit them to Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. Also the deal with you is that I am providing you with free room and board, not feeding every friend you make. I don't mind cooking for 3 or four on occasion but I will not become the feeding pantry for your friends. Last two things. First your room is your business and as long as the door is closed and no smell leaks from it I don't care how you keep it but we split the house work 60/40 with you doing most of it. Which before you say anything was also part of the deal. Lastly, the only things upstairs are my office and my bedroom with the attached loft. They are my sanctuary and off limits to you and your friends."

Having listed all the rules he looked at her to see how she would receive them. Most had been enumerated over the summer before she arrived but he believed in covering all his bases. As he watched her a trickle of cold sweat made a bee-line down his spine and he shivered and rolled his shoulders involuntarily.
"I like going to parties not hosting parties. And ok i wont go upstairs, and follow the rest of your boring rules. I dont want to cause you problems with work. And the only smell that comes out of my room is my perfume and normally i dont wear much." She handed her brother another beer.

She went to start taking things into her room. She had already sent her bed and dresser to the house and had the movers set everything up. She got all of her clothes her dresser and closet. She made her bed and started putting the rest of her stuff in her room.
"The perfume is the smell I was talking about!" he called after her as she moved to the living room and started relocating her possessions to her room. Heaving off the stool he yelled down the hall, "I am headed for a shower. See you in a bit, think about what you want for lunch."

Heading up the stairs he unlocked his bedroom and went in, locking the door behind him. Stripping naked he strolled to the bathroom and set the water running. As he waited on the water to get to the temperature he wanted he crossed into the toilet area and grabbed a magazine from the rack by the commode. Flipping through he smiled at the hardcore pictures of a young woman sucking a cock in several frames before the final one revealed her face covered in cum. When he tossed the magazine into the rack it landed next to several other similar publications. His bedroom and office was filled with large amounts of porn and was the reason for the locks.

In the shower he cleaned up and started to relieve his arousal when for just a moment the girl in his thoughts morphed to look like Andrea right as he climaxed. He was shocked at the thought and quickly tried to put it out of his mind as he got dressed and tried to refocus before heading down stairs.
She ignored her older brother as she got everything set up in her room. She noticed she didn't have a lock on her door, she would have to talk to her brother about that later. She waited to unpack her sex toys last. She put her vibrator in her bedside table drawer along with her twosided dildo and a few other things that she used alot.

The siblings ate sandwiches and settled into a lazy day watching tv together and then calling it an early night. Andi had forgotten about the no lock on her door. When she closed her door she stripped out of her clothes and laid naked on her bed. She didnt know why she was wet but she was very wet. She pulled out her vibrator and fucked herself with it
The next morning he woke earlier than normal and just in time to hear the coffee pot in the loft click on. Laying in bed for a moment he stretch and felt his morning erection slide across the smooth sheet and it gave him a shudder. He glanced around the room and smiled at his sanctuary. While the downstairs was decorated in heavy dark woods his room was all light blond woods and colors. He knew that with Andi now living here this place, and his office, would be a refuge when he needed it and was glad for the space. Shifting again the sheet rubbed his cock in a most delightful way and he couldn't resist the need to grab it. In short order he stroked himself to completion with thoughts of a delightfully round English professors ass filling his head. When he shot his load it splashed on the sheets in a large gooey mess. He shook is head and thought about how it was time to change the sheets anyway so he would clean it up later.

Slipping out of bed, still nude, he walked to the loft where the coffee was almost done and poured his normal cup. Looking down into the living room it occurred to him that this was probably the last morning he could come out here like this lest his kid sister catch him au natural. Quickly he slipped back into his room and threw on a robe before heading for the tiny balcony off the front of his bedroom and the bistro table there.

He sat and sipped the coffee reflecting on the coming school year. This would be his third year at the university and he had been able to design his own class on the War of the Roses in addition to his normal teaching slate of freshmen American history. Things were developing nicely between himself and one of the professors in the English department. Now he just needed to make sure that Andi behaved and didn't cause to much trouble this year. With the end of these thoughts he also found the end of the coffee in his mug and frowned. He thought about the extra cup in the pot but knew better, it was time to get dressed and head out for a run.

Back in his bedroom he dug out a pair of running shorts and a shirt and after tossing the bathrobe on the floor he slipped into them. Grabbing his shoes and socks he walked downstairs, forgetting to close his bedroom door as he was unaccustomed to doing so, and sat at the kitchen table putting on the shoes.
Andi woke up with a tender pussy. She had been ruthless when she was playing with her vibrator. Just the thought of how it had felt was turning her on but she pushed the feelings aside for the time being. She pulled one of her brothers old shirts on over her head and some boyshorts that hugged her hips and ass. She opened her door and walked into the living room. Her blond hair was just messy enough for someone to think it was sex hair.

As she walked into the kitchen to find something to eat she noticed Evan sitting at the table putting on his running shoes. As she walked by on her way to the refrigerator she ruffled his hair. She opened the fridge and leaned in slightly to see what her brother had in there, her ass sticking out with the action. "There is like nothing to eat in this house." She said still bent at the hip her back to Evan.
"That's because all you eat is shit. There are fresh fruits and veggies in there. Organic eggs and bacon. Everything the healthy body needs." He stood up and looked back noticing the tight fabric stretched over her ass. For a moment he forgot who that ass belonged to and admired it. Then reality returned and he quickly headed for the door.

"Get up earlier and start running with me. Help keep that freshman 15 off." With that parting shot he was out the door. Quickly he was in a runners trance and trying not to focus on the ass at home or even the one at work.
She glared at her brothers retreating back. Remembering a time where he would eat pizza for every meal if he could. She had nothing to worry about for the time being. She had a high metabolism and she worked out, just not in the morning. Slowly she could smell the coffee had made for himself. She figured if she didnt touch anything but the coffee her brother would never know she had been upstairs.

Once she had checked to make sure her brother was gone she darted up the stairs. She slowly reached her hand out to the knob and willed it to be unlocked. She grabbed the door knob and gave it a twist. It opened easily. She walked in the room closing the door behind her. Walking toward the door to the loft something caught her eye.

She turned sightly and saw a mass amount of porn. Her eyes went wide. She never expected her brother to have so much of it. She walked over to the abundance and sifted through it. She found some on brunettes, a lot on blondes, mostly young blondes. She found quite a few lesbian mags. She flipped through one of the magazines pages and felt herself starting to get extremely turned on.
As he ran Evan tried to ficus on nothing but putting one leg in front of the other. He failed. The running shorts were rubbing his dick and bringing his mind to his last encounter with Elizabeth Carter from the English department. Hersilky hair rubbing his thighs as she sucked him off. Looking at his GPS he relized he was only 2 miles into the 6and he would never make it. Turning around he headed for the house and much needed relief.
After flipping through the mag Andi decided that she had better get out of their before her brother came home. She quickly exited the room with the lesbian magazine she had been looking through, closing the door behind her. She ran down the stairs and into her room slamming the door. She didnt realize that the door didnt catch when she slammed it so her door was cracked.

She quickly pulled down her boyshorts not bothering to remove all of her clothing. She reached over to her bedside table and grabbed her vibrator. She turned it on her highest setting and slowly pushed it into her soaking wet pussy. She moaned loudly as she pushed it in and out of her tight hole.
As Evan reached the house he was thinking of little else other than the need to relieve his swelling balls. As he reached the door he became acutely aware his hardon was obvious and there would be no hidding it from Andi. He prepared to run through the living room to the stairs. Opening the front door and not seeing her he headed for fast walked trying to be inconspicious. The door closed heavily behind him.

Reaching his room he noticed the door was unlocked and panicked. Flinging the door open ever magazine and DVD strewn around were individual beacons.

Fuck. If Andi walked in here... Fuck he thought.

The panic had wilted his hardon but the shower revived it quickly. He stroked hard at the thought of his secret store of porn being discovered by Elizabeth. It was not her face in his mind at his climax that shot on the shower door.
She heard the shower start upstairs and her eyes went wide. what if he finds out i was in his room? she put her panties back on and hid her vibrator. She stashed the stollen mag under her mattress. After she made sure everything was hidden she grabbed a towel out of the hall closet and walked into the bathroom that was meant to be hers.

She made sure that her brother was out before she turned on the water so she didn't scorch him with hot water. She turned in warm water and started washing her hair. She scrubbed her body to get all the dirt from yesterday off.

When she was finished with her shower she wrapped a short towel, that only reached to under her firm ass, around her and walked out of the steam filled bathroom. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of beer taking the top off and taking a sip before turning around to notice her brother had just walked into the room.
Finishing his shower he threw on dark jeans and a polo and headed down stairs. Turning the corner into the kitchen he stopped dead as Andrea stood there in a towel head back taking a long drsught of beer as she stood in front of the open fridge.

"Little early isn't it?" His tone was mild but with a serious undertone. "While you're standing there can you get me the basket of berries from the crisper?"

He headed to the opposite end of the kitchen to get his blender and some bananas. He looked back in time to see her digging in the bottom drawer of the fridge.
"Im only having the one and im not going to drink one later because im going out." She reached down causing her towel to rise on her ass and grabbed his berrys. She walked over to her brother and handed the closed container. "I promise im not a drunk and i wont be drinking very often at all. No need for the dad tone." She leaned up and kissed his cheek then walked out of the kitchen and into her room. She amerged half an hour later in black sofie shorts and a black sportsbra. Her hair was pulled into a high pony tail and she had her ipod attached to her arm with the headphones looped around her neck. "Im gonna go for my run now buh buh. Ill see you later." She smiled and walked out of the house
His eyes locked on her ass when it flashed beneath the towel and he was embarrassed at how obvious it seemed that he was looking at her butt when she turned around and brought him the berries. The kiss on the cheek just made the embarrassment worse and he purposely paid close attention to the counter top and his fruit while she left the room.

As she was getting herself set for the morning he made breakfast, a fruit smoothie and two eggs sunny side up, and finished gathering his things for work. Just as she came out ready to jog he was headed for the garage.

'Im gonna go for my run now buh buh. Ill see you later."

"Great, remember your key!" But the sound of the door closing met his words. "Crap."

Hesitating for a moment he quickly walked down the hall to her room and opened the door. Doing a quick survey of the room he looked to see if her keys were anywhere in sight. Not seeing them he had to assume she took them and started to close the door when an aroma suddenly hit him, the smell of sex. He paused and breathed deeper and was certain the smell was that of a worked over pussy. Looking around the room again he saw her boy shorts from this morning laying discarded next to the unmade bed. Crossing the room nervously he stooped to look at them and reached out with a finger to touch them and found the crotch to be soaked.

Hormones then overrode his good sense, that was screaming to get the fuck out, and he picked them up as he squatted there next to the bed. With only a flicker of hesitation he brought the crotch to his nose and took a deep breath and the heady scent of his sisters pussy filled his nostrils. After a moment though his good sense finally prevailed and he stood up and dropped the shorts, they landed on the bed, and he walked out shaking.

"What the hell am I doing? he said to himself as he walked down the hallway.

Quickly he grabbed his bag and his keys and headed out to his car. Pulling out of the driveway all he wanted was to get to work and clear his head. He didn't even realize he had left Andi's door wide open or that his cellphone was sitting on the counter. As he reached the end of the street and turned to leave the subdivision his forgotten phone beeped the special tone he had set for Elizabeth and the light showing a waiting text started to blink.
During Andi's run she was joined by a very attractive guy who was going to be in some of her classes in the coming semester. She invited the boy over to the house for thursday trying to comply with at least one of her brothers rules. She gave the boy her number and ran off back toward her house.

When she got there she noticed her brothers car wasn't in the drive way. She shrugged and walked in the house. She was going to take another shower when she noticed her bedroom door was wide open. She looked around her room and saw that her dirty cum soaked panties were on her bed when she knew that they had been on the floor and her door had been closed for that matter.

She grabbed her phone calling her brother so that she could scream at him about privacy when she heard a ringing in the kitchen and went to find the phone. She picked it up glaring at it. She noticed that there was a text from a woman named Elizabeth. She opened it, figuring if he could didn't respect privacy why should she, and read the text.
The drive to work helped clear his head a good deal. This morning was an abberation because he hadn't had sex in a week. He was horned up because Elizabeth had been sexting him recently and they were supposed to go out tomorrow. That is all it was. Thinking of sexting he normally had a raunchy message or picture from her by now. After pulling into his spot in the garage he reached for his phone in his bag. It was not there. His mind flew back to the kitchen and where it sat to charge all night.
Andi stood in the kitchen her mouth hanging open. She couldnt believe her eyes. She clicked onto the text and there was a picture of some woman her legs open with her pussy showing and her b cup breasts hanging out of her half unbuttoned shirt. She looked like a teacher so andi figured it was someone he worked with. "What the fuck are you doing big brother" she said aloud to herself.
In a renewed panic he put the car back in gear and sped out of the parking garage. The entire way home he was thinking of nothing more than his phone and the bevy or steamy texts and pics sitting unlocked with his nosy sister alone in the house. As he drove he also realized that he had not locked his bedroom door before leaving and the only coffee maker in the house was in the loft.

Shit shit shit his mind screamed.