


You are one of the people here I value the opinion of! I think you are great!
I just wanna sprinkle Siren with happy Lit fairy dust. *grin*
Siren Sucks !

Word on the street is that she also Swallows. *wink*

Gotta love that.

aka "Mr. Bootie"
Siren is the on my list of uber, smart sexy whity chicas that i would like to fuck. :D
Re: Siren Sucks !

Then take your little grasshopper ass and go home. Rock,paper, sissors is not for the weak.
True Siren, but I was thinking more of drinking

Siren said:

big deal..........

everyone swallows..............

when they eat.

In particular on a "Slurpee". Cola or Cherry Flavor??

( If I know Siren...... She'd say both. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't )

aka "Mr. Bootie"
Re: True Siren, but I was thinking more of drinking

Re: Azweddie

Siren said:
So when shall we begin?

I think it is about a two day drive from here to there.

Why don't we meet in Kansas we can stay at Sin's house hahahahahahaahahahahaahah :)