Singles: Do you know your "league"?

P. B. Walker

Literotica Guru
Nov 21, 2001
As a single person, do you know your "league" (i.e., the attractiveness of the person of the opposite sex which you can attract)? Do you stay in your league? Or do you go for higher than your league? Or is everyone in your league? Or is the concept of leagues ridiculous and stupid?

Was watching Friends when I saw this episode where someone at work thinks Chandler is a gay man. It eventually gets straightened out, but in the mean time Chandler brags that he could "get a Brian", i.e., implying that Brian was not out of his league like everyone says.

P. B. Walker said:
As a single person, do you know your "league" (i.e., the attractiveness of the person of the opposite sex which you can attract)? Do you stay in your league? Or do you go for higher than your league? Or is everyone in your league? Or is the concept of leagues ridiculous and stupid?

Was watching Friends when I saw this episode where someone at work thinks Chandler is a gay man. It eventually gets straightened out, but in the mean time Chandler brags that he could "get a Brian", i.e., implying that Brian was not out of his league like everyone says.


Hey Peeb;

Speaking of Leagues...Have any of the Toronto grrls here told you yet how much you look like Wendel Clark?


Re: Re: Singles: Do you know your "league"?

Lancecastor said:
Speaking of Leagues...Have any of the Toronto grrls here told you yet how much you look like Wendel Clark?

Nah...he's much cuter than that.

Back to the topic: When I was single, I never saw anyone as being out of my league. May sound vain and spoiled, but I pretty much was able to get anyone I wanted...except for that one guy who broke my heart cause I liked him more than he liked me...but we did date, so I guess he wasn't out of my league, just noncommittal.
I consider everyone but a few thugs, (who scare me). :D
I'd like to think that everyone is in my league, but I think some guys would disagree. :(
Re: Re: Singles: Do you know your "league"?

Lancecastor said:
Hey Peeb;

Speaking of Leagues...Have any of the Toronto grrls here told you yet how much you look like Wendel Clark?

That is freaky! Never had someone say I looked like him, but I have had people say I look like that boxer that got HIV when I was younger and had longer hair... uhm... it'll come to me... one second... shit... <google time>... Tommy Morrison!

I don't have a league or belong to one. I used to be in a bowling leauge a long time ago, and a softball league a few years, ago, but I didn't do so well in those either.
lobito said:
I don't have a league or belong to one. I used to be in a bowling leauge a long time ago, and a softball league a few years, ago, but I didn't do so well in those either.

I bet you'd have done well if you would have shown them that ass. :p
I see more Clarky in you, myself, but yeah, she's right, you're better looking.

As to the self confidence is well-developed enough that I haven't met anyone out of my league yet.


My dates have all been stunning.

I was kinda thinking Tony Twist, but PBW is still cuter. Face it, PB, you should be in hockey if you're not already.
Tony Twist? no, I know Tony Twist, and he's no Tony Twist.

He kinda looks like PBW to me though.


I was young when I was bowling, actually came in first place with my team, but bowling doesn't get lots of women. Softball was a bunch of drunks with bats and balls and sometimes gloves...
BoobsNBrains said:
I was kinda thinking Tony Twist, but PBW is still cuter. Face it, PB, you should be in hockey if you're not already.

I can't skate for shit. On the rare occasions I go ice skating (about once every 5 to 10 years) I usually spend the first hour just figuring out how to skate in a straight line without falling on my ass. The one time I had a hockey stick in my hands, I was using it to keep myself from falling down. LOL.

I played soccer when I was a kid and living in Germany... does that come close?

P. B. Walker said:

I played soccer when I was a kid and living in Germany... does that come close?


Soccer comes close to another ice sport, I think:

Yes - I know my league - American League all the way.

I love baseball players! They know how to swing a bat and handle those balls!

Damn - I love champagne! Kisses, P.B.!

P. B. Walker said:

A little stuck on our hockey are we?


No I'm just yankin' your is very manly.

Back on subject...I've always dated the pretty one, what about you?
Since I am in the bush league, I prefer finding men who are in the Big leagues.

I'm a good sport. The balls are in their court. But it's my backfield that will be in motion.
Agent99 said:
Since I am in the bush league, I prefer finding men who are in the Big leagues.

I'm a good sport. The balls are in their court. But it's my backfield that will be in motion.

One day you will be sent to know this, right?
Lancecastor said:
No I'm just yankin' your is very manly.

Back on subject...I've always dated the pretty one, what about you?

It's not just for men :) Women soccer players rock.

Uhmm me? I've always been pretty much in my league, whatever that is. :) Never dated a stunning super model type sorry.
sweet soft kiss said:
Toller Cranston was a wonderful skater....

One of the best ever in terms of artistic impression. His paintings are pretty cool, too.

Rumour was he used to date Wendel Clark.
My league consists of ladies that smile at me and don't wear rings on a certain finger. Unfortuantely I'm a poor batter and strike-out a lot :D
So I have to join a league when I become single?

I'm pretty sure I'll be a league of one. Won't that be fun?
Lancecastor said:
One day you will be sent to know this, right?
I know! ;)

If you pitch (woo at) me high and inside, I'll Sing-Sing with joy.