SingleDad's Birthday Thread


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2012
Happy Birthday SingleDad!!!

Happy Birthday, SingleDad!!

May the year be filled with luck, joy and so much laughter that your cheeks hurts.


Well I just saw this thread and I want to thank you all!

Happy Birthday SingleDad!!!

Thank you for starting it Violet, I appreciate that!

Happy Birthday again sweetie, I hope you enjoy your day..........:):):)

Thank you again!

Happy Birthday, SingleDad!!

May the year be filled with luck, joy and so much laughter that your cheeks hurts.
Thank you!


Happy birthday!

Thank you Scent, I appreciate it!

Happy Birthday dude!

Hope you find some beer, some women, and some good food.

Thanks dude, there will be great beer, and good food, I guess two out of three isn't bad, LOL

Happy Birthday SingleDad! A promise is a promise! I hope it meets with your satisfaction.

OH MY SWOOONNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! That was so incredibly sexy!!!!!!!! I mean seriously! You sound so much better then me when I sing that to the ladies, LOL. my heart is pounding, (along with other areas). Hugs!

Hey, hey, Happy Birthday!!!

Thanks Dude, can I get some Champagne and strawberries I need that for my date with my cake friend. Don't tell her thought because she doesn't know we have a date, LOL

Sorry had to delete the images​
Hope you have a great birthday today!

(You share it with my daughter, she turns 18) *s*
Happy birthday, SD!

I hope the year ahead is good to you and rewards you generously for your care and kindness to others.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday dear ...

I hope your day today is filled with smiles, tons of love, and all things beautiful to make your heart full...

You are a very sweet and kind soul, so I want that to come back to you 100 fold...

I pray this next year ahead is your best yet, and that it embraces you tightly with peace, an abundance of love, and all your dreams come true...

Bless you...:heart:
Thank you all for such wonderful birthday wishes, they are greatly appreciated!

Absinthefather, your clown is confusing the heck out of my manhood!

I see breasts oh lets come out and play, looks up, :eek: lets not!

LOL, thanks for the laugh!
Oh, and just in case anyone was wondering there is still plenty of time to send me a gift, hehehehe
Happy Birthday to a wonderful guy!! :heart: I hope you had a wonderful day :kiss: Here's wishing many naked, horny, kinky redheads your way! ;)
*Imagine a cast of performers from your favorite musical production (or whatever):
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.
Haappppyyyy Biiiirttthhdaaayyy deeeaaaar Singulllll Daaaad...
Haaaapppppyyyy Biiiirrrthdaaayyy tooooooo yooooouuuuuu.