Simple question about sequestration


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
How is sequestration the Republicans' fault when they don't control the Senate and only have a thin majority in the House?

I know the Republicans are the "root of evil in the modern world," but come on this just doesn't make sense. You mean to tell me Obama couldn't convince a couple dozen House Republicans to support Him on this?

Why is it that Ronald Reagan was able to work with a House of Representatives that had a much larger Democrat majority and get so much of his legislation through? He did it by personally lobbying and reaching out to members of the other party, not just talking to Tip O'Neil or the leaders but going directly to individual members. We are not a Parliamentary system, we don't have whips who enforce party discipline, every vote in Congress is a "free vote;" nobody has to vote the party position.

If Obama is incapable of convincing a mere 30 members of the other party to support Him, He is either a political imbecile or is deliberately making no effort to do so for His own political purposes.
Ronald Reagan was hell of lot more President than Obama will ever will be.
(I didn't really like Reagan)

Remember Obama definition of compromise is doing all my way or else.
are you that stupid?

1) The Democrats were willing to work with Reagan. The Republican mantra from Day 1 with Obama was "One Term President that we refuse to work with"

2) The sequestration was part of the Republican compromise WITHIN their own party. You know the one? Remember? Where the leader of the House, John Boehner, agreed to a compromise with the President and Harry Reid...then backed out of because the Tea Party thought they were big shits and wouldn't support Boehner's compromise. Of course, it is easier to blame Obama.

3) Obama signed it because there was no other choice...default...or sign it. Remember? What was it attached to?

The only people unwilling to accept facts are the SAME people that believed they would win the election.
Ronald Reagan was hell of lot more President than Obama will ever will be.
(I didn't really like Reagan)

Remember Obama definition of compromise is doing all my way or else.

Reagan was definitely more of a Keynesian than Obama is... so if that's your metric, by all means...
I guess the OP needs to be reminded that the Pub leaders stated quite emphatically that their main job was to make the President a one-termer. These are the guys he is supposed to play nice with?

How is sequestration the Republicans' fault when they don't control the Senate and only have a thin majority in the House?

If Republicans in the House write a bill and vote for it why should they bear no responsibility for it? :confused:
If Republicans in the House write a bill and vote for it why should they bear no responsibility for it? :confused:

Even you know this is dishonest...

How is it that President Obama’s public does not understand it is the president himself who wrote the sequestration bill — even threatening that should the Republicans attempt to make changes in the bill, he would not sign it?
Even you know this is dishonest...

How is it that President Obama’s public does not understand it is the president himself who wrote the sequestration bill — even threatening that should the Republicans attempt to make changes in the bill, he would not sign it?
There have been dozens of bills from the White House that the Republicans completely blocked. That one they didn't. End of story.
There have been dozens of bills from the White House that the Republicans completely blocked. That one they didn't. End of story.

Awwww the party of no decided to let one of Obama's dumb ass ideas through so it is there fault. :(

The economy sucks because the mean Republicans will not let Obama do anything. :(

Your logic should be put in a text book to study. :cool:

But on a side note, the debate on whether Carter or Obama is the worst president will soon be solved.
How is sequestration the Republicans' fault when they don't control the Senate and only have a thin majority in the House?

I know the Republicans are the "root of evil in the modern world," but come on this just doesn't make sense. You mean to tell me Obama couldn't convince a couple dozen House Republicans to support Him on this?

Why is it that Ronald Reagan was able to work with a House of Representatives that had a much larger Democrat majority and get so much of his legislation through? He did it by personally lobbying and reaching out to members of the other party, not just talking to Tip O'Neil or the leaders but going directly to individual members. We are not a Parliamentary system, we don't have whips who enforce party discipline, every vote in Congress is a "free vote;" nobody has to vote the party position.

If Obama is incapable of convincing a mere 30 members of the other party to support Him, He is either a political imbecile or is deliberately making no effort to do so for His own political purposes.

I know. It is hilarious. Obama came up with the idea to begin with. Dems and Repubs voted for it. And now that Obama is calling on Congress to save Obama from the Obama Sequestration, it's the Repubs fault. Crazy, I know.

The best part? Neither Dems nor Repubs will budge. That's good. If Americans do not feel the pinch that Obama says they will feel, we'll all be thinking "that was no so bad. Spending cuts are not as evil as Dems say they are."
Keep the money going into DHS so corrupt officials inside of it can pocket millions.