Simple little things


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
What simple little things about your SO or Person your interested mean the most to you?

Me I like women who make life unintentionally brighter. just by not trying to.

What type of simple things do you look for in a person, or for you married people what simple things do you appreciate in you spose.

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a warm smile. not a fake toothy one or a smirk, just a pleasant warm smile.
I love the way my husband goes through life with a don't sweat the small stuff and its all small stuff outlook. Sometimes I get wired about small stuff hell if the roof fell in I would be like damnnn my husband would be like we will fix it don't worry LOL weird huh :nana:
her smile, her voice, her sense of humor, the way she brushes her hair away when speaking to the cl...uh nevermind :D
I also like a woman who knows silence doesnt mean anger. and silence can be comforatable.

Man Im just feelin all fuzzy today aren't I.
Sometimes it's the unexpected things.. said or done that comes at a time when you really could use a smile.
I love his hands in my hair, his mouth everywhere on my body, and his enthusiasm for his work and all the fun things in the world. This list could get out of hand... I'll stop there!
I love how when I'm upset, he can say one thing that will make me smile for hours. And it's not "I love you".
Anything that shows a caring unselfishness. Like fixing something that's broken, or making me breakfast, or as I already told you Aquila honey, taking out the garbage and killing spiders.
The way Tranquility can work that phone. You don't ever want to screw up something and be on the other end of that phone. Ever. You don't ever want to be the customer service person on the other end of the headset. She doesn't yell. She doesn't even use obscenities. But she will turn you into a puddle of goo on your chair; then work her way up the chain of command. Then, boom. She's got a free year of DSL or some such amazing thing. Simply....Amazing.
AnelizeDarkEyes said:
The way Tranquility can work that phone. You don't ever want to screw up something and be on the other end of that phone. Ever. You don't ever want to be the customer service person on the other end of the headset. She doesn't yell. She doesn't even use obscenities. But she will turn you into a puddle of goo on your chair; then work her way up the chain of command. Then, boom. She's got a free year of DSL or some such amazing thing. Simply....Amazing.
Its a gift :p learned from the good ole senator himself :nana:

Hubby can sense when things have gone bad on a give day for me and will draw a hot bubble bath, fix dinner and then sit and read a bit out of one of my favorite romance stories to me...complete with accents.

As I am the one who usually has to talk my SO off the rooftop, it's nice when he sees that I'm getting irrationally upset about something and tells me to read something funny before I go to bed.
That he could come to me if he was upset about something.. and have an actual conversation about it.