Sillyman to declare war on Nebraska.


Clearence INFRARED
Sep 11, 2001
It's been a long time since the last time I've been there, but frankly, I saw the sheer boredom of the place and I say they need regime change. My goal is to bring drugs and gambling to the state following a mass parachuting of nude dancers into the capital. Anyone know what that is by the way? I've forgotten.
The capital is Lincoln (I think...please don't shoot me if I am wrong)....and I think Nebraska needs it!

Damnit people I can't fill a state with graft and corruption unless I know where the government seat is!

I mean, bribing the local barber just doesn't get you much these days.
hey where is my fucking AK-47?! I ain't going to war without it.
Zmey said:
hey where is my fucking AK-47?! I ain't going to war without it.

We'll get you your own fucking Abrahms if you like, or maybe one of those neato RV Camper/Tanks like they had in Stripes.
Yeah, but will those fuckers in South Dakota let us stage out of there? Don't suppose we'll get support from Colorado, either! :D
SuprSalor said:
Yeah, but will those fuckers in South Dakota let us stage out of there? Don't suppose we'll get support from Colorado, either! :D

Well, at least we've got Kansas. Those guys will go after anything.

Plus, Iowa still owes us since we saved their butts in the last conflict.