silly idea for celeb section


Mar 22, 2020
im not a writer at all ( have dyslexia ) one story id love to read is this. A game show where two celebs ( or teams ) compete and the lossers have to strip or maybe stripped by the audience
part one could be a countdown theme carol vorderman vs rachel riley ( be fun to see them both do the numbers game ) maybe susie dent as host
part two could be news tv themed susanna reid & lucy verasamey vs carol kirkwood & sally nugent ( please not naga ) .... think the loser in this case should have to stip while reading the news like naked news used to. the winners could go on to face the sky sport girls after
I am not saying you should unless you want to, but: if you feel like writing fiction would be fun, dyslexia isn't necessarily going to stop you. There is really good dictation software that will let you speak your story and magically turn it into text on a screen. Other software can even read it back to you.

i wish i could write a story but the thought of it scares me to death will look into the dictation option. Love reading all the stories on here first thing i do is whats new after work. I think that all the people who write these are amazing its such a shame that it looks in a lot of case’s people have given up due to negative comments
I think that all the people who write these are amazing its such a shame that it looks in a lot of case’s people have given up due to negative comments
It's very true. There are categories that are a bit more gentle to new writers, and it's advisable to know them before submitting a story. Loving Wives for instance I would not recommend to a new writer, but Mature or Romance would probably be fine.