Sigs are evil!

Only the ones that are 10 feet long and have 8 million colors and pictures and quotes and whatever else on annoying!
Only yours, because it is so huge!;)

I like your new AV, BTW!:heart:
I like my sig thank you very much and I'm not gonna change it for anyone.

But they are evil! :rolleyes:
Morwen said:
If your sig is longer than your post, what does that make you?

What does that say about your capacity for independent thought?

Not much.

Yup you're right, you sure are.
Well, excuse the hell out of me! If you want to assume that my posts are empty because I choose to incluse my favorite quotes in my sig line, go right ahead. I know that I have alot to add to an environment such as this one, and my opinion is the only one that matters to me right now.
Don't take anything from that supercilious bitch

Well, it's nice to know you admit it!:)

When i'm not exhuasted with a massive headache I tend to put mor thought into my posts, but tonight is not a night for deep thoughts and passion. Sorry to dissapoint you!
ExCuSe My RaNdOmIzEd PoStInG... I'm GoInG tO wIn ThE pOsTiNg rAcE!