Signs that you spend too much time on Literotica


I dream, therefore I am
Jul 1, 2011
Reposting this from the AH. Post your zany, hilarious ideas. I'll start with a few.

-You almost submit the erotic story on your computer for your English writing assignment.

-You laugh at jokes you're family don't understand but are afraid to tell them why they are funny.

-You are bored of porn. They just do the same things over and over again.

-Your inbox has more mails from fellow Literoticans than spam.

Feel free to add.
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Someone says something to you in the pub and you almost supply the next line of the limerick
You daughter comes home from school complaining that a boy slapped her and pulled her hair and you feel a twinge of jealousy.
When you see you have been an active member for nearly ten years:eek:
You daughter comes home from school complaining that a boy slapped her and pulled her hair and you feel a twinge of jealousy.

I couldn't agree more! :D

-When you have memorized 16 different countries names and locations because you know someone in each of them.

-When Literotica is the last 20 entries in your cell-phone's browser history.

-When every person on your IM list was met at Literotica.

-When you've memorized the address so that you don't have to navigate to the forums from the main site.

-When you wake up to check your PMs in the middle of the night.

I am sure I will think of more... But this is a start.
I wait on line at DMV and think "Would I lick, suck, fuck or simply shake hands with the person in front of me?"
I wait on line at DMV and think "Would I lick, suck, fuck or simply shake hands with the person in front of me?"

If I were the person in front of you in the line, I would be more than happy with any of the first 3 options! ;)
When World News Now informing insomniacs for decades, was comming on when you logged on, and now it's kids shows on PBS and you're still online.
When World News Now informing insomniacs for decades, was comming on when you logged on, and now it's kids shows on PBS
and you're still online.

So true... Just five more minutes!

When I get mad at Mother Nature because she messes with my internet connection. Noooo..... I don't know if there's a reply.
You introduce yourself by your Lit name to people in RL . :eek:

*forehead smack*
You daughter comes home from school complaining that a boy slapped her and pulled her hair and you feel a twinge of jealousy.


When the fact that the publishing tools don't work from mobile is a bigger concern to you than global warming, the Middle East, or the economy.

When you kick yourself for not posting notification everytime you rub one out on the Have you Masturbated Today thread. Seriously my score should be a lot higher than it is.

When you stop searching traditional porn sites and just look for the pic threads on Playground.

When you are more likely to post about the thing the just made you (insert emotion) on an appropriate thread rather than update your mainstream social network.

When someone not from lit asks 'did you see what so and so posted' and you have to stop yourself from saying 'what thread'

When you are masturbating often enough to various pics in the playground that you forget to log your score and thus wind up kicking yourself.
when your ass falls asleep in the computer chair

your ass falls alseep form sitting the the same chair

When you repeat the same fucking post because...
-You want to be the last on the thread
-you want to up your post count
-you got high
-you were too lazy check the back log
-your mommy and daddy didn't pay enough attention to you as a small child.
-your mommy and/or daddy payed too much attention to you as a small child.
-you lost that part of your memory in an epic choke and jerk session.


When you forget 'kneel slut' is not an appropriate greeting for IRL friends.
- When you see someone you find attractive in the grocery store (or wherever) and wonder if they have a thread on AmPics.
- Checking people's wrists for ligature marks.
- Not only have you told your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse about your activities on Lit, you've recruited them to join

- When you look at an old thread that was started by an old friend who's no longer with us (in the figurative sense) and you get sad.
When someone says something innocuous like, "you've got me pegged." And you imagine him bent over a couch, his wife with a strap-on and ....
When you're surprised your female work colleagues don't greet with bewbiesquishies.