sick kitties and thread


Assassin/Subtlety Spec'd
Aug 9, 2000
one of the cats at the house, a very big black male, the masochist i've mentioned once or twice, is quite the sick kitty right now. he's been throwing up all day. we put him out in the garage (a nice, private, heated area for him to be in). i just went out to give him a little attention. threw up three times and dry-heaved once in the space of 20 seconds. poor little bugger.

he goes to the vets tomorrow, and they suggested a hairball as a possibility over the phone to his owner (a housemate), but he won't even touch the hairball medicine, stuff he's faked having a hairball in the past to get as it tastes like salmon. thing is, he's got a penchant for clearing the string off of bobbins, eating it (a lovely picture was captured involving some pink string just hanging there last week). we just realized that he's done it a lot lately.

i think some string's gotten balled up in his stomach and is making his life miserable. what exactly can be done for him?
Surgery or laxatives are how they deal with odd things that pets eat. I imagine the laxatives would only make him feel worse, as if it is string, it could be wound throughout his intestinal tract. I know this will sound odd, but, have you looked to see if any string is protruding from the cat's ass? I had a cat who was fond on chewing on plastic grocery bags and much the same thing happened to him. He was miserable until he pooped out a very long string of plastic.
see the comment about the pink string? we know he eat the string.

Just be kind to him, and try to ease things for him until the vet has a chance to help him.
:cattail: <---scylis' cat with the string hanging out