

Really Experienced
Nov 15, 2013
I've never done this of my own volition. Its always someone else's idea... This time its for me.


  • IMG_20140607_165147.jpg
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You may be shy, but what I can see is absolutely lovely. I even like the picture itself. I shall sit here and await more with baited breath.
Gorgeous... Lovely suckable nipples.

I look forward to any more images you feel comfortable posting.
Thanks for being bold and brave enough to take that step on your own for the first time. You look fantastic! :)

You have a beautiful body. There is no need to be shy, you should be proud of it.
I've never done this of my own volition. Its always someone else's idea... This time its for me.

I don't normally comment on threads like this - they are what they are - but you are not only beautiful but know how to use a camera. The composition of straight lines from the stomach, the firm, gentle curves, and the subdued lighting accentuated by the black and white is beautiful, and somehow very French - you aren't Quebecois by any chance?

Thank you for such a lovely shot.