Shy Sexy Texan

I'm much more me when I'm with you


You have a very creative mind and an amazing artistic streak which is quite salacious. What an interesting woman you must be, somehow I suspect that things are never boring in your household.
I definitely try my darnedest to not be boring :)

You have a very creative mind and an amazing artistic streak which is quite salacious. What an interesting woman you must be, somehow I suspect that things are never boring in your household.
It is quite a predicament :)

Glad you enjoyed the photos!

Is it just me or is predicament a really hilarious word. There is something so ridiculous about it.

And, you probably never have to worry about me enjoying the photos. With you... that is just a given. :devil:
You're a guy.... it has the work "dick" in it... of course you find it entertaining!
I'm sure you find "Titillating" to be even more amusing :)

Is it just me or is predicament a really hilarious word. There is something so ridiculous about it.

And, you probably never have to worry about me enjoying the photos. With you... that is just a given. :devil:
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You're a guy.... it has the work "dick" in it... of course you find it entertaining!
I'm sure you find "Titillating" to be even more amusing :)

That was a low blow and you know it.

And, I would say more arousing than amusing. You know how it is...
I have an idea

I have the perfect idea... Post a new picture today :)

Which shows your amazing smile!!!

I don't normally take requests from anyone...

but you're my birthday buddy and you asked nicely...

so I'll see what I can do...

I have the perfect idea... Post a new picture today :)

Which shows your amazing smile!!!

Pic #50

Making one person smile can change the world - maybe not the whole world, but their world.
