Show us what type of panties you have on today.


Apr 1, 2016
Any women on here willing to show us what type of panties they have on a daily basis?
On a daily basis? Show you our frillies in a permanent provocative pantie pose, Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su? Can't see many of the ladies up for that curious date.

And why, anyway, GrimmZombie? You can't sniff them, lick them, rip them right off without so much as a by-your-leave, or growl as you wrench them to the side with just the right amount of rough bossiness or bossy roughness, or tear a suggestive central hole in them with strong, sinewy hands for naughty rapid heavy-equipment access, or make a glorious mess in them on screen.

Phew. Shouldn't have started this. Time for a cold shower ...