Shouldn't HE be lifting that?


Super Fan
Oct 14, 2001
An Albanian man smokes a cigarette as his wife carries hay alongside the national road in near Elbasan, near the capital of Tirana February 24, 2003.

Think happy thoughts

Hot, caring guy drives by in a pick up truck.....runs over scumball guy....puts hay in the back of his truck and takes woman to his mansion where they live happily ever after.
Mona said:
It's official, chivalry is dead.

I'm sure he'll open the door for her when they get to where they are going.

Re: Re: Shouldn't HE be lifting that?

The Heretic said:
Maybe, assuming that the guy in the photo even knows the woman.

Does he have to know her.

OR maybe he has a bad back. :rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: Shouldn't HE be lifting that?

Mona said:
Does he have to know her.

OR maybe he has a bad back. :rolleyes:

Maybe he blew his back out with her the night before?
You guys don't know a personal trainer when you see one, do you?
Re: Re: Re: Shouldn't HE be lifting that?

Mona said:
Does he have to know her.
If you were a guy, would stop and help every woman that you saw carrying a heavy load? How far would carry it?

I tend to help people if they are struggling with things, but if they are healthy I don't see why I should carry every person's load - I would never have any time or energy for my own load.

Besides, I do have a bad back. :eek:

Just the same, if he were her husband it would be plain bad form - he could have at least put out the cigarette and looked like he was helping her until the photographer had moved on. :D