Should the Presidency Depend on Golf Scores?


Your Best Friend
Aug 22, 2013
Obviously yes. Biden's handicap is a six (or eight). He wins!

Why do debates discuss anything else?

lol, trump won a club championship that he didn’t play in and he’s got a plaque to prove he won. Read The Commander in Cheat by Rick Reilly for a look into trump’s golf game
Fuck golf scores. I want to know how many Jenga blocks they can move, how many seconds can they hold their breath underwater, how fast their fastballs are, which Street Fighter character they play as and other arbitrary things that are completely relevant to their ability to run the country!
Fuck golf scores. I want to know how many Jenga blocks they can move, how many seconds can they hold their breath underwater, how fast their fastballs are, which Street Fighter character they play as and other arbitrary things that are completely relevant to their ability to run the country!
Im primarily interested in their wordle streaks.
Fuck golf scores. I want to know how many Jenga blocks they can move, how many seconds can they hold their breath underwater, how fast their fastballs are, which Street Fighter character they play as and other arbitrary things that are completely relevant to their ability to run the country!

I totally didn't even think about their street fighter I think I need to reconsider my decision process.