Should redheads come with a warning label?

No. You shouldn't be with them if you don't realize immediately from their hair color that they are crazy.

Natural selection and all that
I've had relationships with three redheads, two ended amicable and the other, I married, still am. I've found (natural redheads, no dye jobs) to be fun, loving, kind, selfless and yes, a little crazy. Who isn't? If you've had bad experiences with them, it's not them, it's you.
Moody, strong willed, hard headed lol. I can be the meanest person you ever met or the nicest if I like you
I've had relationships with three redheads, two ended amicable and the other, I married, still am. I've found (natural redheads, no dye jobs) to be fun, loving, kind, selfless and yes, a little crazy. Who isn't? If you've had bad experiences with them, it's not them, it's you.
Lighten up Lucille, its not meant to be serious.