Should men write lesbian erotica!

Diane Marie

Really Experienced
Jan 8, 2002
"I would also like to add something... MEN SHOULD NOT WRITE LESBIAN EROTICA! Grrr that pisses me off! You can't do it! It sucks! You have no fucking clue!"

I just couldn’t resists this, it’s from another author’s profile. I use the word lesbian very loosely. I’ll define it as an encounter between two women which ends in sex.

1). What is your opinion on men writing lesbian stories?
2). How about lesbian stories but from the man’s perspective?
3). How about first person stories, first person being female, written by male author’s?
4). Can a man have a clue about what we feel sexually? It seems to me they don’t feel what we do, but that is only a guess, because I can’t feel what they feel either.
5). Do all lesbian stories written by men suck?
6). If your answer happened to be negative to most of the above, how about a lesbian writing heterosexual erotica?
7). A personally one I’d like the men to answer. What is it about sex between women that turns most men on so much?
8). One last personal one. Why does a man, one who would go crazy if his wife slept with another man, get turned on by, even encourage, his wife having sex with another woman?

The obvious answer to 8 is so he can have sex with the other woman, but I just don’t believe that. Most men would, I think, watch if that was the rule his wife set. I believe most men would be content with just hearing about the encounter.

I’ll answer questions 1-6 later, I’d like to see some responses first.
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A man's reply

Originally posted by Diane Marie

1). What is your opinion on men writing lesbian stories?
I would myself not feel confident writing one, but principally I wouldn't see a reason why not. This is basically about the question if a writer would be able to write from any perspective, including those he/she would emotionally, sexually or biologically never be able to really identify with. I've seen thoroughly convincing examples of that being possible, though, with women writing beautifully about a man's sexuality and the reverse.

The lesbian or gay genre mightl be more difficult to tackle, but that might be simply because many more people lack homosexual experiences than heterosexual ones. It doesn't mean it would be impossible. I do realize also (see your quote) that there are more than just issues of quality at stake here: some may find it "ideologically incorrect".

2). How about lesbian stories but from the man’s perspective?
No objections here, but you got to like them. They have this tendency to easily become sleezy. Doesn't mean it's impossible to write a great (e.g. voyeurist) piece on it, though.

3). How about first person stories, first person being female, written by male author’s?
I've never done the first person thingy, but have written quite intimate scenes from a female's perspective. Feedback on them never gave me the impression anyone was having any difficulty with the female character's emotions and sensations being "invented" by a male writer, and some of the most positive comments were actually from women. (See also 4)

4). Can a man have a clue about what we feel sexually? It seems to me they don’t feel what we do, but that is only a guess, because I can’t feel what they feel either.
Existentially, that would be true. But in writing erotica, the question might be more if a male (or female) writer can make a convincing case of what he (or she) is writing about.
I can never feel what a woman feels sexually, but you can sense, share, discuss and read enough to make yourself a convincing writer in that respect I'd say.

5). Do all lesbian stories written by men suck?
Most I have read do, some very seriously so.

6). If your answer happened to be negative to most of the above, how about a lesbian writing heterosexual erotica?
See 1

7). A personally one I’d like the men to answer. What is it about sex between women that turns most men on so much?
Within the broad spectrum of things I can find a turn on, this one does not stand out, really. If there is any special turn on to it for me, it might be the more intense level of emotional sharing I assume to be present in two women having sex.

8). One last personal one. Why does a man, one who would go crazy if his wife slept with another man, get turned on by, even encourage, his wife having sex with another woman?
Short reply: I'm not, and I don't

Just my 2 cents :)

1). What is your opinion on men writing lesbian stories?

I have no problem with it.

2). How about lesbian stories but from the man’s perspective?

I assume this means that a man observing lesbian sex? Fine, go for it.

3). How about first person stories, first person being female, written by male author’s?

Sure. I've read many stories by men that had very real female characters.

4). Can a man have a clue about what we feel sexually? It seems to me they don’t feel what we do, but that is only a guess, because I can’t feel what they feel either.

Of course we can't feel what the other sex feels, but if we know anybody of the opposite sex, we can guess pretty accurately.

5). Do all lesbian stories written by men suck?

I don't recall having read one, but keep in mind that a great many stories suck on this site.

6). If your answer happened to be negative to most of the above, how about a lesbian writing heterosexual erotica?

This is probably a greater stretch than a man writing about women. A lesbian probably has very minimal experience with men, so her chances of observing a man in action would be rare. She also would be unlikely to have had in-depth sexual discussions with a man, so she wouldn't even have anecdotal evidence.

7). A personally one I’d like the men to answer. What is it about sex between women that turns most men on so much?

Women are beautiful, multiply it by two (or more) and you get the idea.

8). One last personal one. Why does a man, one who would go crazy if his wife slept with another man, get turned on by, even encourage, his wife having sex with another woman?

I would never encourage a woman I was serious about to cheat. However, I have encouraged fuckbuddies to do it, but with minimal success.
karmadog said:
7). A personally one I’d like the men to answer. What is it about sex between women that turns most men on so much?

Women are beautiful, multiply it by two (or more) and you get the idea.

I asked the same question to a male friend once and got the same answer.
That's the same answer I give to people who wonder why so many women like male/male. ;-)

As for lesbian stories written by men--well, usually it sticks out a mile, because the women are behaving more or less like men with tits. A (straight) man's reason for writing a lesbian encounter is usually very basic and goes straight for the crotch. Women, even lesbians, generally don't pave such a straight road to bed. However, a man might well enjoy another man's lesbian story much more than he would enjoy a woman's, for that very reason.

Neither of them would do much for me, so perhaps I shouldn't talk...

Diane Marie said:
"I would also like to add something... MEN SHOULD NOT WRITE LESBIAN EROTICA! Grrr that pisses me off! You can't do it! It sucks! You have no fucking clue!"

I think men should write lesbian erotica. Maybe they can learn something. We already understand that some women are just not attracted to us, individually....we don't like it, but we understand it. The story would show the author's understanding of the situation....right or dead wrong. Author's might not be here if they weren't looking to improve their skills. So, I think we should all try things that we are not good at.

7). A personally one I’d like the men to answer. What is it about sex between women that turns most men on so much?

Women, it's just that simple. A woman with a shoe, a coat rack, a spoon, a dog, a cat, a horse, a pig, a blade of grass, etc....

It just doesn't matter as long as a woman is involved.

8). One last personal one. Why does a man, one who would go crazy if his wife slept with another man, get turned on by, even encourage, his wife having sex with another woman?

I can't speak for crazy jealuous men, but as for myself: I don't see women as property. They wouldn't be mind even if I married. Only the stupid think he can control a woman. Beat her and treat her badly, he still have no control.

If I was a woman, I would never leave the house, because I would be too busy fucking myself.
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Weighing in again:

In terms of character motivation, it might be easier for me to write a lesbian character than a straight female.

I used to hang with a couple of lesbians, one of which I used to girl watch with. We tended to be attracted to the same women and, as far as the physical aspects go, for the same reasons.

We weren't all that different. If I was to write a lesbian story (I have no intentions of doing so), I would rent a porn video. No, not that kind. There are videos produced by lesbians, for lesbians. That might help a little to know what would turn on a lesbian as far as the physical act.

Beyond that, I think everybody--male, female, gay, straight--wants the same things.
1). What is your opinion on men writing lesbian stories?
I don't see any problem. I write stories from a woman's POV all the time and have actually been mistaken for a woman on the basis of them. I have also written a couple of lesbian stories and while I'm not the best writer in the world, I actually find it offensive to suggest that a man can't write a good lesbian story.

2). How about lesbian stories but from the man’s perspective?
Probably be a bit difficult to write, but if anyone wants to. I personally wouldn't like writing from the POV of a person not involved, but everybody's different.

3). How about first person stories, first person being female, written by male author’s?
See no1. I'm very annoyed at Black Lace which has a women's only rule. This means that, although I am a fairly gifted author, an utter hack who doesn't possess a Y chromosome is considered better than me.

4). Can a man have a clue about what we feel sexually? It seems to me they don’t feel what we do, but that is only a guess, because I can’t feel what they feel either.
I have two older sisters who I'm both on very good terms with. As a result of growing up in a female-dominated household I've ended up with a very female mind anyway and any holes can be filled in by my female friends.

5). Do all lesbian stories written by men suck?
Read Seducing Dawn, which is my only lesbian effort on here so far (although one in production). It's not absolutely mind blowing, but it is a good story.

6). If your answer happened to be negative to most of the above, how about a lesbian writing heterosexual erotica?
If I can do the vice versa...

7). A personally one I’d like the men to answer. What is it about sex between women that turns most men on so much?
The thought of pornography without men in it is one thing. Also I think it's also because we're expected to find it sexy.

8). One last personal one. Why does a man, one who would go crazy if his wife slept with another man, get turned on by, even encourage, his wife having sex with another woman?
Because men rarely consider another woman a threat. If she slept with a man, she might leave him. But if she sleeps with a woman, that's just sexy.

At least that's what I think.

The Earl
This is an old argument from an old prejudice.

It goes: "You can't write a believable story about any particular race, ethnic group, religion, et cetera unless you are a member of that particular race, ethnic group, religion, et cetera." All that is being done here is adding gender to the 'et cetera.'

This flies in the face of literary history, as well as common sense.

A good writer, who happens to be male, may be able to write a story from the point of view of a particular lesbian. [ They are not, as the 'Rule Enforcer' seems to imply, all punched out with a cookie-cutter.]

Alternately, a bad writer, who happens to be male (or God forbid, female) may write a story from the point-of-view of a lesbian, which sucks. :D ( Figuratively, not literally.)

Personally, I have no especial desire to have a lesbian story read by any reader, male or female, who judges my writing on the gender of the author, rather than the content of the story.

One last point.

If we enforce this trend, rather than leave it to be self enforcing, we will have to eliminate all science fiction, fantasy, and at least half the great general literature of the past 400 years.

No "Mission of Gravity" or "I, Robot," no "Hobbit" or any "Superman" nary a "Harry Potter" to be seen. Peter Pan would be out the window with half of Shakespeare. Huck Finn would have no reason to climb onto a raft, Harriet Beecher Stowe might as well stay in Cincinnati, and Charles Dickens need employ much less ink to pen "Little Dorritt."

Only Jane Austen, for a certainty, would pass this new criteria.
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Funny you should mention this topic, or should I say opinion.

I have written four stories in my entire life. The third and fourth stories are a continuing saga of two women. These two women are not "Lesbians", but rather bi sexual.

They are not the worlds best stories. And I think it was a great challange for me especially as a new writer, to tackle the subject. I think the stories are good. I am running a 4.65 rating right now after 23,000 views and roughly 100 votes. I am pleased as hell with the scores.

These two particular stories (one is pending) were my first real attempt at character developement. I think...I did a pretty good and accurate job.

Regardless of whether I did a decent job, I am sure you would not like them. I dont think they are your kind of erotica/pornography.

Anyone who would care to take a look is more than welcome to. Any comments would be appreciated.

But to answer your question's in a very basic manner. Yes I think it can be done, and furthermore, I do not find men on here objecting to women writing from a mans perspective which happens all the time.

Quasimodem said:
This is an old argument from an old prejudice.

It goes: "You can't write a believable story about any particular race, ethnic group, religion, et cetera unless you are a member of that particular race, ethnic group, religion, et cetera." All that is being done here is adding gender to the 'et cetera.'

Quasi, What you said man.

I said a lot more and then came back and bit my tongue.

If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.

Should men write Lesbian erotica?

1). What is your opinion on men writing lesbian stories?

For self...I've written two stories. They've both done well. I think a lot depends on the story itself, how it's written...and why. But to answer simply, I think men CAN write lesbian stories yes.

2). How about lesbian stories but from the man’s perspective?'s possible. But here I would think that if a man is just writing a lesbian story from a man's perspective, chances are its written for be read by they can get off to it. I would doubt it highly that too many stories of this nature would appeal to most lesbians, unless they too enjoy a good stroke story. (ah huh).

3). How about first person stories, first person being female, written by male author’s?
In this regard I'd have to say refer to my answer in #2.

4). Can a man have a clue about what we feel sexually? It seems to me they don’t feel what we do, but that is only a guess, because I can’t feel what they feel either.

Can a man have a clue? Hell yes...if he's sensitive enough to a woman's needs then sure...why not? Does he have to be a lesbian in order to be able to communicate, learn....experience what a woman likes....wants....needs? No...I don't think so. He just needs to be sensitive to a woman. And believe it or can be.

5). Do all lesbian stories written by men suck?

No....not all. Again....both that I've written seem to be doing well, and I received a fair amount of feedback "from" lesbians telling me so.

6). If your answer happened to be negative to most of the above, how about a lesbian writing heterosexual erotica?

Sure...why not. I'd say the reverse is true here too. A lesbian (of which I have several lesbian friends) have certainly had heterosexual experiences in their past to draw from. Does every lesbian always have a hatred towards men? No. Do lesbians have a fair appreciation for hetrosexual relationships in comparison to a totally gay relationship? I would hope so. I think it would be unfair to judge otherwise.

7). A personally one I’d like the men to answer. What is it about sex between women that turns most men on so much?

LOL.....Probably one of the oldest questions dating back in time. Lets face it, women ARE gorgeous creatures....femine (whether you agree with that or not) sensual creatures. Two women together IS sensuality. It's a good representation of erotic....unbridled passion, as women are more wont to express it than most men are. Fact of life. Men are by nature, creatures of physical attraction. We do tend to admire beauty....we just hate to admit it.

8). One last personal one. Why does a man, one who would go crazy if his wife slept with another man, get turned on by, even encourage, his wife having sex with another woman?

#1....I wouldn't go crazy personally. I'd enjoy the experience myself. But then...that's me. So to encourage either would be a simple expression and desire to not only want to experience something beautifully erotic, arousing, sensual with my wife in BOTH of the above instances...would be the reason I would have to say would be the primary purpose.

And again...why would I encourage my wife to have sex with another woman? So I could enjoy seeing her pleasured of course.

I remain,
Guys, I think she was looking for a fight. I appologize, this was an opinion and a search for comrades..

Sweetheart, think what you want. My love to you :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
i wonder which profile you found that little gem inside... ;)

my personal opinion on all of the above is that any author should be able to write on any topic from any point of view. how about that for a sweeping comment. still, it fits eh.

i have written about two males having sex, have i ever seen or experienced it? no. i don't think i did too bad a job.

i have written about threesomes... one male and two females. i haven't seen or experienced a threesome either.

i've written about a murder. nope, i haven't comitted one... yet.

Diane Marie, you sure know how to wake up the masses ;)
As for lesbian stories written by men--well, usually it sticks out a mile, because the women are behaving more or less like men with tits. A (straight) man's reason for writing a lesbian encounter is usually very basic and goes straight for the crotch. Women, even lesbians, generally don't pave such a straight road to bed. However, a man might well enjoy another man's lesbian story much more than he would enjoy a woman's, for that very reason.

I chose madam manga's post only to illustrate one of my pet peeves, and maybe to take some of the heat off the men folk her.

She comments on women behaving more or less like men with tits. I don't know if she is right or wrong, since i have read to few of these stories to base an opinion on.

I feel the same way when i read females writing on male mastrubation. i have read a lot of these storie's and some by writers i consider the best on here.

There description of a male mastrubating just don't ring true to me, and to paraphrase madam manga they sound more like how a woman would mastrubate if she had a dick. to much tip pinching, precum rubbing, ball pulling,rubbing there nipples and thrusting in and out of there palms.

Women's mastrubating is more of a whole body experience while from what i've seen men's is more of a race to the finish line.

Now i maybe wrong on this, and it wouldn't be the first time.

Now for a complete waffle on the rest of the questions asked, I agree with everyone else completely and with out question no matter what side of the issue they were on

Ms. M:eek:
You seem like a very angry person Diane. Are you taking your meds?

I guess what you are really saying, somewhere beneath all that prejudice, is that you want stories written just for you.

Well, I got news for you . . . there's a whole bunch of other people out there that read stories too. Stories that you probably don't like. You see any of them demanding that authors not write stories for angry women who have a chip on their shoulder?
wildsweetone said:
my personal opinion on all of the above is that any author should be able to write on any topic from any point of view. how about that for a sweeping comment. still, it fits eh.

i have written about two males having sex, have i ever seen or experienced it? no. i don't think i did too bad a job.

i have written about threesomes... one male and two females. i haven't seen or experienced a threesome either.

i've written about a murder. nope, i haven't comitted one... yet.

I think WSO hit the proverbial nail on the head. I also believe that anyone can write about anything. The key is becoming educated about the topic/theme you are attempting to write. If I wanted to write a story about a gay male couple, I would do as much research as I could about the gay population. I would try to chat with gay men online or in person if I could. I would even go as far as letting a gay male proof my story to find obvious errors.

If I sat down today and wrote a story about a gay couple, it probably would be very inaccurate. But with the proper research and insight, I feel I could write a powerful story.

Experience with the topic certainly helps, but research and talking with those who have experience can overcome my own lack of experience.
Ms.M said:
As for lesbian stories written by men--well, usually it sticks out a mile, because the women are behaving more or less like men with tits. A (straight) man's reason for writing a lesbian encounter is usually very basic and goes straight for the crotch.

Ms. M:eek:

Ms. M.

I bet I could write a lesbian story, post it under a woman's name and even you would not know it was a man who wrote it. :p

Dean Koontz wrote a few romance novels early in his career. He wrote them under a female pen name so that the publisher would publish them. In his "Companion" book, he talks about the many female fans who wrote telling him how wonderful they were.

He is a good writer. Any good writer can write good stories from perspectives outside himself. Poor writers can't write good stories no matter what the perspective is.

Most of the stories on this site, let's face it, are written by poor writers. So to judge all male writers by what you see here as the "usual" case, is simply idiotic. Sorry but there it is. Like all prejudice, this is a case of rampant stupidity.

Sorry I tried to bite my tongue and failed. I simply loathe prejudice no matter what form it takes.

I'm not too keen on Diane Marie (especially since she jumped down my throat when I was researching a lesbian story on here. I think she was expecting me to be writing a 'men with tits' story), but I think people are being slightly harsh. She hasn't actually adopted this opinion herself, she's bringing it up as something to discuss. And frankly she's chosen well cause it's certainly got us going.

I have written under a female nom de plume before and no-one has noticed the difference. I'm not the best writer here, but I'm perfectly capable of writing outside my POV and I'd imagine most people in the Hangout are too.

The Earl
BigTexan said:
Ms. M.

I bet I could write a lesbian story, post it under a woman's name and even you would not know it was a man who wrote it. :p

[snip] Any good writer can write good stories from perspectives outside himself. Poor writers can't write good stories no matter what the perspective is.

Most of the stories on this site, let's face it, are written by poor writers. So to judge all male writers by what you see here as the "usual" case, is simply idiotic. Sorry but there it is. Like all prejudice, this is a case of rampant stupidity.

Sorry I tried to bite my tongue and failed. I simply loathe prejudice no matter what form it takes.


Actually, Ms. M was quoting me, Madame Manga, and didn't put the quote in bold, so the line about "men with tits' looked like her words. The resemblance in our initials probably confused a few people as well. Check the fifth post in this thread for my full remarks.

BT, I do not disagree with you. A good writer, no matter what he or she packs between the thighs, can project the imagination into all sorts of situations and make believable characterizations of people very different from him or herself. As a writer who is both good and seeking to improve, you are unusual, IMO. If you say that you could write such a story and not make your sex obvious, I have no reason to disbelieve you. ;-)

Unfortunately, most writers, on Lit and elsewhere, are not good writers, as you say. (I have been posting mostly in the "You Stink" thread on Story Feedback for the last few days.) I used words like "generally" and "usually" specifically in order *not* to tar all male writers with the same brush; I try to avoid "always" and "never" and similar absolutisms. I apologize for giving offense, as I did not intend to offend you or anyone. With the possible exception of bad writers! They do not tend to hang out on the forums for long. ;-)

Neither am I saying that the "men with tits" syndrome necessarily makes a *bad* story. It will just not be one that I am personally interested in, except anthropologically. ;-) Many men might enjoy such a story very much. As I said, I am not a fan of woman/woman situations. I don't hate them, but they do not arouse me. Frankly, the woman-written ones often bore me even more than the male-written ones; men at least tend to have actual sex as the main goal!

I think the last f/f I read was a story of yours for feedback purposes. I told you that although the story was good in general, I began to skim at that point. It wasn't your writing or characterization that turned me off; those were more than adequate. I am just not wired for lesbian incest erotica. That is not your fault, nor is it mine.

But I am not being harder on lesbian stories than I am on the categories I do enjoy. You, as a non-gay man, might well skim or skip most stories written by women (or indeed anyone) about male/male situations. I have read piles of those, and they suffer in general from what I might call the "women with dicks" syndrome. ;-) Apparently many women like it that way or don't know any better, but I have been complaining about it in those forums for years. Men's gay male stories get the characterizations down, but are often too porno-style for my taste. It is a rare female writer who can make men be men when they are sleeping with each other, and when I find such a writer, I rejoice. If anyone knows of any, point me there!

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Ms.M said:
There description of a male mastrubating just don't ring true to me, and to paraphrase madam manga they sound more like how a woman would mastrubate if she had a dick. to much tip pinching, precum rubbing, ball pulling,rubbing there nipples and thrusting in and out of there palms.

Women's mastrubating is more of a whole body experience while from what i've seen men's is more of a race to the finish line.

Now i maybe wrong on this, and it wouldn't be the first time.

Ms. M:eek:

I think you are on the right track, referring to men, at least in my case. I don't masturbate often, and when I do, it's because I'm trying to spill some cum on something. I stoke my dick to get it hard, not to cum.

Yours is an example on how an author can make things relavent for some people, not all. So, with some many readers out their, a story written without first hand knowledge
BigTexan said:
Ms. M.

I bet I could write a lesbian story, post it under a woman's name and even you would not know it was a man who wrote it. :p

Dean Koontz wrote a few romance novels early in his career. He wrote them under a female pen name so that the publisher would publish them. In his "Companion" book, he talks about the many female fans who wrote telling him how wonderful they were.

He is a good writer. Any good writer can write good stories from perspectives outside himself. Poor writers can't write good stories no matter what the perspective is.

Most of the stories on this site, let's face it, are written by poor writers. So to judge all male writers by what you see here as the "usual" case, is simply idiotic. Sorry but there it is. Like all prejudice, this is a case of rampant stupidity.

Sorry I tried to bite my tongue and failed. I simply loathe prejudice no matter what form it takes.


cool AV, Sir. You are right about not being able to hold back. It is obvious to me that this thread will have a long life.
I've noticed something interesting. There is no reply from the thread starter. Clearly this was an act of curiosity.
Ouch! I really don't bite!!
By the way TheEarl my comment was tongue in cheek humor, that comment was just met to make you laugh. Perhaps at times my humor is a bit to dry.

First I’d like to make some comments on what some of you have said. I think I may comment more at another time.
Originally posted by PaulX35
I do realize also (see your quote) that there are more than just issues of quality at stake here: some may find it "ideologically incorrect".
Should ideological or political correctness be a criteria as to what an author writes? It seems to me that many great literary works would never have been written if those author would have felt it was.
Originally posted by karmadog
This is probably a greater stretch than a man writing about women. A lesbian probably has very minimal experience with men, so her chances of observing a man in action would be rare. She also would be unlikely to have had in-depth sexual discussions with a man, so she wouldn't even have anecdotal evidence.
Quite a misconception you have my dear boy. Most lesbian have had relationships with men. It is not at all uncommon for a lesbian to also have children, children born of a heterosexual relationship. Unlike our male counterparts, we are driven by forces stronger then our sexual preferences.

One of those forces is the desire to have children, along with that desire comes a need to mate, a biological need as well as a psychological need. Perhaps some lesbians are going to tell you they have never gotten anything out of a sexual relationship with a man. Maybe that says more about her men then the joy of having sex with a man. You’ll never hear me say that, nor well you hear my partner say that, we’ve both had marvelous experiences with men, both physical and mental. Some not so good also, but is that not the case with all of us?
Originally posted by Madame Manga
Women, even lesbians, generally don't pave such a straight road to bed.
I’m assuming your "even lesbians" was just your way of pointing out to the men that we to are women, no real difference between a heterosexual woman, bisexual woman or a lesbian, aside from the obvious one.
Originally posted by BlackSnake
Guys, I think she was looking for a fight. I appologize, this was an opinion and a search for comrades.
Damn! I make one little comment about a guys cock being scary and I’ve made an enemy for life. No I was not picking a fight!!!!!!
Originally posted by karmadog
We weren't all that different. If I was to write a lesbian story (I have no intentions of doing so), I would rent a porn video. No, not that kind. There are videos produced by lesbians, for lesbians. That might help a little to know what would turn on a lesbian as far as the physical act.
Forget the videos hun, the only things one produced by the lesbian is going to teach you is we like actors who can act and movies that actually have a plot! That teaches you nothing about lesbians, it just teaches you about women in general. Your a man right, you’ve made love to women right, well it’s just that, making love, just leave out the desert part, intercourse. Even when I was with men I was always partial to the main course. Intercourse for most of us is desert, nothing wrong with desert, but I want the main course first.
Originally posted by wildsweetone
my personal opinion on all of the above is that any author should be able to write on any topic from any point of view. how about that for a sweeping comment. still, it fits eh.
I’d say it but you just did wildsweetone!

I think most anyone can get the sex parts right, it may even be easier for the men to add real passion then it would be for a purely heterosexual women. Most men have made love to a woman. Most men want to make love to women, most men feel that passion. A woman who is not bisexual or lesbian, I would assume would have a harder time.

I see no reason a man can’t figure out the emotional part of a lesbian, many male author do a fair, some much better then fair, job with women in general, and as I’ve pointed out, a lesbian is a woman. It is really just a matter of basic research, ask and read. An awful lot of that research most of us have already had, life experiences.

Back to my Hemingway quote, "a writer should create living people; people not characters. A character is a caricature." To make a lesbian story believable make your lesbians believable women. Yes she falls in love with other women, but most of you men can relate to that.

Contrary to popular belief most lesbians are not man haters. They have fathers and brothers they love, male coworkers they befriend, husbands of friends they dearly love. Yes some do, most of the time men have earned their hate, but in my opinion that view of men is very narrow.
Couture said:
You seem like a very angry person Diane. Are you taking your meds?

I guess what you are really saying, somewhere beneath all that prejudice, is that you want stories written just for you.

Well, I got news for you . . . there's a whole bunch of other people out there that read stories too. Stories that you probably don't like. You see any of them demanding that authors not write stories for angry women who have a chip on their shoulder?
Yes dear I do take meds, thank god not for somethings so trivial as who writes a lesbian story, sexual or other wise.

No Coutrue, I am not asking anyone to write stories for me.

Please Coutrue, read my questions again, I made no statements of intent, I only asked questions. I assure you and everyone else I did not intend to upset anyone. They were only questions.