So I am a 19 yr old guy who likes bdsm nothing too much like, beat me till I bleed... And I like everything except cock and ball torture,needles, blood... I'm semi bisexual meaning I would like to be kinky with a man as long he's not like morbidly obese or anything, but I find my self wanting a relationship with a full blown hetro woman or maybe even a hermaphrodite....I have never been kinky with anyone but myself.. I have never had any vaginal sex with any woman but I have had anal sex with a cute African American at an oldly young age at her house...i also had my first sexual experience with her too.. She jerked me off in a sand box at daycare during the summer... I have Ben with a man and I have sucked him off and he has blown in my mouth and I have blown In his... I fucked him in the ass... I want to know so far i have only had 2 gifriends.. the one was the previously described black girl and one cule blonde girl with freckels(which is a turn on) really if I should find a dominatrix or if I should wait to find me a girl who is as the rapper boondox says is a "freak bitch" (which is something outside of a session I would never dare call a girl).. Because with me I talk to lots of girls and we have fun and what not and a lot of them never end up out right saying no to a relationship, they just say that their lives are too hectic or something and they end up moving away and we still talk but they talk for a lot longer with me but a little bit less often then we did before she moves... So are dominatrix's worth the money or not....? Or should I not do it and should I wait for a girl who loves me and I feel the same about to do it with me/ to me..?