Should I get a Twatter Account?


Evil Genius Incognito
May 15, 2011
What do I say?

Who will I twat?

Do you really want to know when I make a stinky?

I mean really.

Do you really need to know what I'm doing every minute of my day?

What to do, what to do?

This really is a conundrum.
If you're bored, try this. That place has more body hair than Robin Williams' shower drain.
Facebook is for discussing your digestive system. Twitter is for being funny.

So...probably not.
Do you have real life friends? I have a Twitter account with real friends. It amuses me every now and then. Much more useless information than funny stuff.

But if you have no real life friends than getting a twat of lit friends could make you happy.... :cool:
Do you have real life friends? I have a Twitter account with real friends. It amuses me every now and then. Much more useless information than funny stuff.

But if you have no real life friends than getting a twat of lit friends could make you happy.... :cool:

I'm not twatting you, you twat. :rolleyes: