should cats do tricks?


perfect fifth
Oct 7, 2002
This summer while walking down Lakeshore, I happened upon a cat circus. "A cat circus??" you say, astonishment writ large on your beautiful brow. Yes, a circus of performing cats!

There was a huge line-up outside and when I asked what the excitement was about, the disaffected barker casually informed me that they do tricks, and play in a band and stuff. Of course I had to join the line.

Have you ever taught your cat a trick? Was it totally cute? Discuss and Describe.

I started to wonder, is trying to train cats to perform for crowds in and of itself a form of animal cruelty?

What about trained rats wearing hats (they were part of the show too btw)

And trained chickens (there was one in the band)
This summer while walking down Lakeshore, I happened upon a cat circus. "A cat circus??" you say, astonishment writ large on your beautiful brow. Yes, a circus of performing cats!

There was a huge line-up outside and when I asked what the excitement was about, the disaffected barker casually informed me that they do tricks, and play in a band and stuff. Of course I had to join the line.

Have you ever taught your cat a trick? Was it totally cute? Discuss and Describe.

I started to wonder, is trying to train cats to perform for crowds in and of itself a form of animal cruelty?

What about trained rats wearing hats (they were part of the show too btw)

And trained chickens (there was one in the band)

Most people are unaware that the vast majority of cats are represented by a powerful union, SOOFA (Sit On Our Fat Asses). It is almost impossible to get around their stringent "work" rules.
I am trying to teach my soon to be ex-wife cats to tie itself up inside a pillowcase and jump off a bridge.

No go so far.

Stupid cats.
My cat won't even respond in his name unless there's treats involved. So no, I've never taught my cat a trick, but he's got me well trained.

Long ago I met a woman in a van who was traveling all over the U.S. with her two dogs and cat. Her cat would sit patiently in the seat with all the doors open, staring out at the ocean all meditatively. Any cat I've ever owned would've 1) bolted out in a random direction, or 2) hid under the seat forever. I don't understand how her cat and my cats are the same species.

I see a guy around walking with his cat perched on his shoulder. Again, wtf.
When the cat was around, she could make hairballs appear out of nowhere, she was also good a appearing out of nowhere the faction, no, make that nano-second, the opener broke the seal on a can of tuna.
Not bad for an animal that appeared to be deaf when called by name.
My cat won't even respond in his name unless there's treats involved. So no, I've never taught my cat a trick, but he's got me well trained.

Long ago I met a woman in a van who was traveling all over the U.S. with her two dogs and cat. Her cat would sit patiently in the seat with all the doors open, staring out at the ocean all meditatively. Any cat I've ever owned would've 1) bolted out in a random direction, or 2) hid under the seat forever. I don't understand how her cat and my cats are the same species.

I see a guy around walking with his cat perched on his shoulder. Again, wtf.

The personality of an adult cat depends mostly on it's experience as a kitten. If a kitten grows up in an active environment, with lots of noise and commotion, combined with gentle handling by many different people, it becomes a gentle docile cat, who is not scared of vacuum cleaners and thinks all people are its friend. This is the cat who can ride either in a car, or on your shoulder.
You ought to know Mr. Mistoffelees!
The Original Conjuring Cat--
(There can be no doubt about that).
Please listen to me and don't scoff. All his
Inventions are off his own bat.
There's no such Cat in the metropolis;
He holds all the patent monopolies
For performing surprising illusions
And creating eccentric confusions.
At prestidigitation
And at legerdemain
He'll defy examination
And deceive you again.
The greatest magicians have something to learn
From Mr. Mistoffelees' Conjuring Turn.
Away we go!
And we all say: OH!
Well I never!
Was there ever
A Cat so clever
As Magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

He is quiet and small, he is black
From his ears to the tip of his tail;
He can creep through the tiniest crack,
He can walk on the narrowest rail.
He can pick any card from a pack,
He is equally cunning with dice;
He is always deceiving you into believing
That he's only hunting for mice.
He can play any trick with a cork
Or a spoon and a bit of fish-paste;
If you look for a knife or a fork
And you think it is merely misplaced--
You have seen it one moment, and then it is gawn!
But you'll find it next week lying out on the lawn.

And we all say: OH!
Well I never!
Was there ever
A Cat so clever
As Magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

His manner is vague and aloof,
You would think there was nobody shyer--
But his voice has been heard on the roof
When he was curled up by the fire.
And he's sometimes been heard by the fire
When he was about on the roof--
(At least we all heard that somebody purred)
Which is incontestable proof
Of his singular magical powers:
And I have known the family to call
Him in from the garden for hours,
While he was asleep in the hall.
And not long ago this phenomenal Cat
Produced seven kittens right out of a hat!
And we all said: OH!
Well I never!
Did you ever
Know a Cat so clever
As Magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

--- T. S. Eliot
animal cruelty?

you mean more so than riding a horse?

You must live in lurksville

(you know where I mean)
My cat isn't even aware of HOW to cat. I'm not sure he'd do tricks on command.
My father used to show off all the tricks he'd taught the cat. When the cat was sleeping, my father would say, "Rusty, sleep! Good kitty." When the got up to go eat, my father would say, "Rusty, go eat! Good kitty." When he came back to couch, my father would say, "Rusty, come! Good kitty!"


Dad was pretty funny.
I've had two cats who played fetch.

One loved rubber bands.

The other foil balls and bottle tops.

They were as bad as Labradors.
My grandpa can and it's fucking weird. He has Nick trying to emulate the English language. It's adorable but a little off-putting. He got Harry to 'sit' 'lay down' and 'roll over' on command. I don't know why but cats who perform just rub me the wrong way. You're a fucking cat. Don't lower yourself to that level.
You ought to know Mr. Mistoffelees!
The Original Conjuring Cat--
(There can be no doubt about that).
Please listen to me and don't scoff. All his
Inventions are off his own bat.
There's no such Cat in the metropolis;
He holds all the patent monopolies
For performing surprising illusions
And creating eccentric confusions.
At prestidigitation
And at legerdemain
He'll defy examination
And deceive you again.
The greatest magicians have something to learn
From Mr. Mistoffelees' Conjuring Turn.
Away we go!
And we all say: OH!
Well I never!
Was there ever
A Cat so clever
As Magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

He is quiet and small, he is black
From his ears to the tip of his tail;
He can creep through the tiniest crack,
He can walk on the narrowest rail.
He can pick any card from a pack,
He is equally cunning with dice;
He is always deceiving you into believing
That he's only hunting for mice.
He can play any trick with a cork
Or a spoon and a bit of fish-paste;
If you look for a knife or a fork
And you think it is merely misplaced--
You have seen it one moment, and then it is gawn!
But you'll find it next week lying out on the lawn.

And we all say: OH!
Well I never!
Was there ever
A Cat so clever
As Magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

His manner is vague and aloof,
You would think there was nobody shyer--
But his voice has been heard on the roof
When he was curled up by the fire.
And he's sometimes been heard by the fire
When he was about on the roof--
(At least we all heard that somebody purred)
Which is incontestable proof
Of his singular magical powers:
And I have known the family to call
Him in from the garden for hours,
While he was asleep in the hall.
And not long ago this phenomenal Cat
Produced seven kittens right out of a hat!
And we all said: OH!
Well I never!
Did you ever
Know a Cat so clever
As Magical Mr. Mistoffelees!

--- T. S. Eliot

You make me happy.
I see a guy around walking with his cat perched on his shoulder. Again, wtf.

I don't know if it's cruelty, but it's a violation of the laws of nature.

Either that, or the cats are just fucking with you.

Waiting for their moment.
my one cat comes whenever i call her. the neighbors must think i'm a little off, because every night at bedtime, i open the front door and go, "mew, mew, mew, mew!" she comes running in from playing every time. plus she plays fetch and soccer. she also gives high fives. the other cat doesn't respond to me, so i tell her, "stay out all night, you cat whore!" she does. then she comes in during the day and sleeps. part of me envies her cat life.
My cat won't even respond in his name unless there's treats involved. So no, I've never taught my cat a trick, but he's got me well trained.

Long ago I met a woman in a van who was traveling all over the U.S. with her two dogs and cat. Her cat would sit patiently in the seat with all the doors open, staring out at the ocean all meditatively. Any cat I've ever owned would've 1) bolted out in a random direction, or 2) hid under the seat forever. I don't understand how her cat and my cats are the same species.

I see a guy around walking with his cat perched on his shoulder. Again, wtf.
Treats... the key to getting any cat to doing tricks. I had one once that was trained to sit up and beg for a treat (much like you would teach a dog the same trick.) He would also lie down on command (again, a treat had to be involved), and the would roll over (same incentive -- always a treat.)

I was thinking, if we could teach a cat to perform for a treat laced with kitty litter, it's a shame that we can't do better at training politicians and others in positions of authority who tend to muck things up for the rest of us...

But, then again... that's just me.
one of the cats (i'm pretty sure i know which one) managed to open the cabinet under the sink, get in, and shred all of the toilet paper (4 rolls.) then they closed the door back up, leaving all the evidence inside. i was not happy this morning.
one of the cats (i'm pretty sure i know which one) managed to open the cabinet under the sink, get in, and shred all of the toilet paper (4 rolls.) then they closed the door back up, leaving all the evidence inside. i was not happy this morning.

That is genius, although what a little shit thing to do. I never have owned a cat or lived with a cat thanks to horrible allergies, but cats impress me with their sneakiness. They're little odd beings.