should a character following bimbo tropes be good at cooking?


Fetish Artist
Sep 28, 2023
on one hand, it feels like a bimbo should know how to cook so she's able to please her men in all the different ways
but on the other hand, it feels like she might be too dumb to know how

if creating a character that follows all the plastic dumb slutty bimbo tropes, do you think she should know how to cook?
Have you never heard of an idiot savant? It’s when someone lacking in social skills is great at something else. I once knew an introvert accountant who was a phenomenal pool player. Your character can be similar. Make cooking one of the things she’s good at, and if you must maintain the bimbo bs, maybe she can doubt her ability and ask for constant support from those who eat her food. While of course declining samples herself for the usual reasons. Not my thing, but good luck.
Have you never heard of an idiot savant? It’s when someone lacking in social skills is great at something else. I once knew an introvert accountant who was a phenomenal pool player. Your character can be similar. Make cooking one of the things she’s good at, and if you must maintain the bimbo bs, maybe she can doubt her ability and ask for constant support from those who eat her food. While of course declining samples herself for the usual reasons. Not my thing, but good luck.
lol you don't have to repeatedly comment on things about my fetishes about how like "oh that's not MYYY fetish, i am SOOO not into that"
ever heard of kinktomato v.v
lol you don't have to repeatedly comment on things about my fetishes about how like "oh that's not MYYY fetish, i am SOOO not into that"
ever heard of kinktomato v.v
Look up Suspiciously Specific Denial on tvtropes.

For the record, Karen is on my list if I ever decide to visit Mean Girls. :D
But I will be encouraging Karen to a higher level of self esteem. Hope it works. I also may use jealousy to motivate her into getting with my other six targets (Cady, Gretchen, Tina Fey’s character, Janice, Regina, & Regina’s mom). Polyamory without bisexuality is a recipe for disaster, don’t you know. :) Gotta put a little challenge and extra spin into it.
But I will be encouraging Karen to a higher level of self esteem. Hope it works. I also may use jealousy to motivate her into getting with my other six targets (Cady, Gretchen, Tina Fey’s character, Janice, Regina, & Regina’s mom). Polyamory without bisexuality is a recipe for disaster, don’t you know. :) Gotta put a little challenge and extra spin into it.
karen IS the best
tbh besides being hot i'd argue that she's like one of the only characters in that movie who isn't petty and vindictive
It all depends on you and the kind of bimbo you want to write about. I can imagine one type of bimbo who is good at doing things for her man, liking cooking and cleaning, and incompetent at everything else, and I can imagine a bimbo who is ONLY good at looking good for her man and servicing him sexually.

How does she become a bimbo? Does she start out that way or does she become a bimbo? If she becomes a bimbo, then how? For many, that's part of the fun.

I'd say that even more than most story kinks, this one should be done in the way that is most satisfying to you personally. It probably will be a better story if you fully indulge whatever your fantasy is and run with it.

It could be fun if she starts out as an incredibly annoying Karen, named Karen (I feel bad for Karens, to be honest. None of the Karens I've known have been Karens).
It all depends on you and the kind of bimbo you want to write about. I can imagine one type of bimbo who is good at doing things for her man, liking cooking and cleaning, and incompetent at everything else, and I can imagine a bimbo who is ONLY good at looking good for her man and servicing him sexually.

How does she become a bimbo? Does she start out that way or does she become a bimbo? If she becomes a bimbo, then how? For many, that's part of the fun.

I'd say that even more than most story kinks, this one should be done in the way that is most satisfying to you personally. It probably will be a better story if you fully indulge whatever your fantasy is and run with it.

It could be fun if she starts out as an incredibly annoying Karen, named Karen (I feel bad for Karens, to be honest. None of the Karens I've known have been Karens).
this is true. i was talking to someone about the bimbo tropes and we got onto whether her hourglass figure should be more top heavy or bottom heavy and i'm like that's really preference, there's a bimbo for everyone :p
so yeah i guess it's true that some people might find it sexier for a bimbo to be able to please her man by cooking for him, and others might find it sexier for her being too dumb and helpless to cook :eek:
... lol karen is the character in the movie mean girls who's like the dumb one xD
"i have a fifth sense. it's like i have ESPN"
this is true. i was talking to someone about the bimbo tropes and we got onto whether her hourglass figure should be more top heavy or bottom heavy and i'm like that's really preference, there's a bimbo for everyone :p
so yeah i guess it's true that some people might find it sexier for a bimbo to be able to please her man by cooking for him, and others might find it sexier for her being too dumb and helpless to cook :eek:
... lol karen is the character in the movie mean girls who's like the dumb one xD
"i have a fifth sense. it's like i have ESPN"

Go for it. This is one of those kinks that's divisive for people. For some it's an eye-roller, a big 'no.' But it also has a lot of fans. I think there's a big audience for these stories. There are men who fantasize about bimbos but there are also women who fantasize about being bimbos. It's a form of surrender.

I'd like to do one of these stories someday, although I'm ridiculously backed up so I have no idea when. But if I did it, I'd probably over-do. Full bimbo. Make her transition from a woman who's not at all a bimbo to a total bimbo, who goes through training to become incompetent at everything except being a bimbo. She tries to make dinner but can't do it because it's too complicated and she's worried about getting grease on her bimbo dress.
Go for it. This is one of those kinks that's divisive for people. For some it's an eye-roller, a big 'no.' But it also has a lot of fans. I think there's a big audience for these stories. There are men who fantasize about bimbos but there are also women who fantasize about being bimbos. It's a form of surrender.

I'd like to do one of these stories someday, although I'm ridiculously backed up so I have no idea when. But if I did it, I'd probably over-do. Full bimbo. Make her transition from a woman who's not at all a bimbo to a total bimbo, who goes through training to become incompetent at everything except being a bimbo. She tries to make dinner but can't do it because it's too complicated and she's worried about getting grease on her bimbo dress.
yeah it's a divisive kink but i like it, and i managed to get a surprisingly decent following on deviantart doing bimbo fetish art and recently branched out to post a few lil stories to go with the pics for those who would want to read them. so in terms of writing what i enjoy and also pleasing my deviantart following, i'm allllll about the bimbo fetish. :p
yeah that's another thing that people can have different opinions on, whether or not they want it to be the gradual transition from normal woman to bimbo, or whether she should just be a bimbo to start??? my current wip has her just be a bimbo to start.
"Bimbos" get everything they want with sex, they don't cook.

As an aside, they're still smarter than the men they're with because they're using them.
"Bimbos" get everything they want with sex, they don't cook.

As an aside, they're still smarter than the men they're with because they're using them.
i guess that is another way you could write them? but the ones i write don't necessarily USE sex to get what they want. sex IS what they want, it's all they want, and they can't really think of anything else. :p
tbh i would consider a materialistic woman who uses sex to get things a different trope entirely?
For the record, the bimbo types I’m into are the following-

- The honest can’t help it types like Karen.

- The ones who can be charmed out of the act with character development and lover’s support.

- Those who fake it to please others. But with these, I’m the type who hopes they’ll drop the act at some point so I can tell them I’m also into intelligent & empowered women. More so than bimbos. And I hope they can appreciate that.

Overacting, negative manipulating, and using people is not something I’m into from any gender. Or other division of characters.

If all your character wants is sex, maybe get her into cooking by encouraging food play in the bedroom or have her read a kitchen Kama sutra book. The latter do exist. ;)
For the record, the bimbo types I’m into are the following-

- The honest can’t help it types like Karen.

- The ones who can be charmed out of the act with character development and lover’s support.

- Those who fake it to please others. But with these, I’m the type who hopes they’ll drop the act at some point so I can tell them I’m also into intelligent & empowered women. More so than bimbos. And I hope they can appreciate that.

Overacting, negative manipulating, and using people is not something I’m into from any gender. Or other division of characters.
the karen type is my fav. xD
lol somewhere i saw a prompt that was like "she's a bimbo but also one of the sweetest nicest people you've ever met" and i'm like writing the prompt like that makes it sound like bimbo and sweet nice person are mutually exclusive??? tbh when i think of bimbo traits, sweet is actually one of them? conventionally sexy, fake, stupid, promiscuous and/or sex obsessed, submissive, and sweet.
i guess that is another way you could write them? but the ones i write don't necessarily USE sex to get what they want. sex IS what they want, it's all they want, and they can't really think of anything else. :p
tbh i would consider a materialistic woman who uses sex to get things a different trope entirely?
The bimbo trope is a hot woman with little between the ears who likes sex and because of that guys will take care of them in the material sense as a result. A smarter strictly materialistic woman would be referred to as a gold digger or if young a sugar baby.

Bimbo is a fetish only for loser men who need to feel like they're smarter than the woman. In reality the only way that type of man would be smarter is if he was using a sex doll, and now that they're putting AI in those....maybe the only thing he could be smarter than is his hand.
The bimbo trope is a hot woman with little between the ears who likes sex and because of that guys will take care of them in the material sense as a result. A smarter strictly materialistic woman would be referred to as a gold digger or if young a sugar baby.

Bimbo is a fetish only for loser men who need to feel like they're smarter than the woman. In reality the only way that type of man would be smarter is if he was using a sex doll, and now that they're putting AI in those....maybe the only thing he could be smarter than is his hand.
hey, not just men are into the bimbo fetish, also have you not heard of kinktomato -.-
on one hand, it feels like a bimbo should know how to cook so she's able to please her men in all the different ways
but on the other hand, it feels like she might be too dumb to know how

if creating a character that follows all the plastic dumb slutty bimbo tropes, do you think she should know how to cook?
What you're calling a "trope" is technically not a trope. It's a stereotype. A trope is when a word is used in a manner that is not it's typically understood meaning, like calling a woman a fox or hot or saying a movie is really cool.

Stereotypes are definitely useful in fiction, but only if the stereotype is almost universally understood, such as "idiot" or "rapist". The word "bimbo" has as many meanings as there are readers.

For instance, lovecraft68's definition of a bimbo is an unintelligent woman who wants to be taken care of. If she's really dumb, would she know she wants to be taken care of? Most people think bimbos are blonde. Is she blonde or is her hair red, another stereotype that can mean to many that she's really into sex?

The best way is to describe what makes her a bimbo, because your idea of a bimbo might not be the same as another reader's. In doing so, you will have answered your own question.
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on one hand, it feels like a bimbo should know how to cook so she's able to please her men in all the different ways
but on the other hand, it feels like she might be too dumb to know how

if creating a character that follows all the plastic dumb slutty bimbo tropes, do you think she should know how to cook?

Sorry, I don't see the much connection between the two personality traits. They could go together although also maybe not.

Not to give you a hard time (which is code for, I am going to give you a hard time!):

1. How do you define "bimbo?"
2, How do you define "slutty?" You seem to mean that she was several men going on once.

I guess I'm asking if it's a matter of how she looks versus how she acts? :unsure:

P.S.: Some of the responses above (like from lovecraft) ask similar questions.
The thing about the bimbo fantasy is that it's so transgressive, so unapologetically anti-feminist. But it's one of those fantasies that, while hard to justify in a rational way, hits an erotic nerve for both men and women. I remember a friend of mine, a highly intelligent, assertive, and extremely successful attorney, who went to the best schools, made gobs of money, and had achieved national prominence in her field, once said sometimes she wished she was just stupid and beautiful, that life would be easier and more fun that way. I don't think she truly meant it, but that she could even say it was amazing to me, after all she had accomplished.
If all your character wants is sex, maybe get her into cooking by encouraging food play in the bedroom or have her read a kitchen Kama sutra book. The latter do exist. ;)

I'm too poor and food is too expensive to indulge in food play. I have to eat all that I can obtain. :(
Or she's not dumb at all. She's become a bimbo on purpose and acts that way so that she can be underestimated and manipulate as she needs to. Perhaps she's even an undercover federal agent who's undercover, to expose a ring of stock manipulators. They talk around her frequently assuming she doesn't understand anything.
The thing about the bimbo fantasy is that it's so transgressive, so unapologetically anti-feminist. But it's one of those fantasies that, while hard to justify in a rational way, hits an erotic nerve for both men and women. I remember a friend of mine, a highly intelligent, assertive, and extremely successful attorney, who went to the best schools, made gobs of money, and had achieved national prominence in her field, once said sometimes she wished she was just stupid and beautiful, that life would be easier and more fun that way. I don't think she truly meant it, but that she could even say it was amazing to me, after all she had accomplished.
i don't think it's that anti-feminist???
forever ago i was writing a YA/NA series focusing around a college girl falling in love with a demon, the whole thing was very twilighty and written mostly to a straight female gaze i guess? but one of the background characters was borderline a bimbo, and i think she was one of the most complex and also feminist characters i've ever written, whether it be in one of my serious projects, one of my clean-ish fluffy YA books, or one of my smuts.
since it wasn't a smutty story, her, uh, condition? was taken a bit more seriously, and was almost kind of sad. the character was a succubus, so of course she was supernaturally sexy and had to have sex constantly in order to sap life energy from her partners to live. she also had like... a genuinely low iq and super childish interests like "look i colored a pony on the wall!"
but she was surprisingly perceptive about certain things, and also an excellent advocate for herself. "it's nice to be important but it's important to be nice" was kind of her go-to life advice, and she would maintain that being born a demon and having to drain people's life energy through sex to live DIDN'T make her evil, any more than being born a lion and having to eat a zebra makes a lion evil. she was also very anti slut shaming and very adamant that yeah, she really likes sex and has a LOT of it, that doesn't make her a lesser person either. and yeah she's not smart, but once again not everyone can be smart, that's one of the things that you're either born/raised with or not. what matters is how you treat people.
all my betas freaking loved that character, they were like 'oh my god your main character and her demon boyfriend is so dull and generic, why isn't the whole story about the demon bimbo instead'
and i'm like 'unfortunately a lot of teen/college girls want dull and generic so they can put themselves in the mc's space and fantasize about having the hot guy, demon bimbo's more complex experiences wouldn't go over nearly as well"