Shortened Title and Tagline length


Jun 5, 2021
So, am I crazy, or was there a change to the length of the title field sometime before 2021? When I was on here before, my title, The Reluctant Representative, was listed as, The Remembrance of the Reluctant Representative. But it had to be shortened when I returned and posted the story a second time. Likewise, the taglines seem to be ever shrinking.

A new story, I published (today) my new title, Sex Serenade for Strangers in G-spot Major but had to list the title as Sex Serenade for Strangers G Major. The story is another 750-word story. It makes any title length over a few words incapable of having Part One or Chapter One follow. So short titles are now required. So 42 characters are too long for a title on here. I'm also never sure how many characters we can have on the taglines. It seems to vary, and I can't imagine how that is possible.

Yes. Annoying. How can you expect to attract views when descriptive titles and subtitles are truncated to near-meaningless?
If I do my multi-part Stargate story, it'll have a simple title, and only #1, #2, #3, & #4 on the title line, and the tagline will be the subtitle.
The title length default is 35 characters, I think. Laurel has some ability to lengthen it for chaptered stories, but that has to be coordinated via an Editor's Note. I don't know what the subtitle length is, but it's not huge.
If you need a few extra characters for a specific purpose in the title, request in the unpublished note and Laurel can consider. it She gave me an extra character or two on "Where the Deer and the Antelope Play" since it wasn't going to be a series needing part numbers.

For the subject line, the default length is 60 characters.
Yeah, for the Pink Orchid event. Laurel increased the titles so the full words 'Pink Orchid' fit.

My guess is that the site wants people to read the story, not just some clever title. So everyone is forced to just write 'Babysiter sex story #3964' with a subtitle of 'BBC, co-ed, no ostriches, MMF' instead of the Wikipedia or cliff notes that some people used to use.
From what I recall, it's always been 32 characters for title and 64 for description. It's restrictive as all hell, but it's simply another creative skillset. The better you get at working within the strict boundaries ( absent the occasional additional characters boon from Laurel ) the more readers you pick up.
The Title length has always been 35 characters exactly, although a word to Laurel in the note to admin can get it lengthened. As for the short description about 60 characters, never have counted those.