Short Order Godhood


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
One has to admire the beauty of the female body. All those supple curves, soft lines, and erotic scents. There is not much better or as worthy of adulation in my opinion than a half clad woman showing just enough of the natural masterpiece that is her body. To not only spark the imagination but guide it as well. Devoid of makeup and all other forms of body alteration but in its most natural clean state.

The look, the feel and the scent is the closest mankind can ever hope of emulating heaven short of attaining godhood and bringing the realm of heavan down upon the earth itself.

[-edited for grammar and spelling-]
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littlekateyes said:
Sweetie right now i could really spark the imagination. :eek:

I love this planet, please do spark the imagination... even more so than the Av would be difficult
littlekateyes said:
How would you like me to Spark it?

My sordid little mind is a playground of imaginitive little merry go rounds of ideas. I would hardly know where to begin to present to you the virtual buffet of options and ideas that dance merrily accross my mind at this particular moment..

In short.... surprise me.
Close your eyes and think of silk, and lace. Soft, very soft, let me know when you get that far.
littlekateyes said:
Close your eyes and think of silk, and lace. Soft, very soft, let me know when you get that far.

Done, I envission smooth flowing cords of silk, intermingled with delicacy embrodered of lace.
Over very soft skin, (baby oil and lotion work wonders.) :eek: Has this spark anything yet?
littlekateyes said:
Over very soft skin, (baby oil and lotion work wonders.) :eek: Has this spark anything yet?

Its sparked many a pleasent thought and makes me thankful that my desk covers the lower half of my body at the moment
littlekateyes said:
Over very soft skin, (baby oil and lotion work wonders.) :eek: Has this spark anything yet?

Its sparked many a pleasent thought and makes me thankful that my desk covers the lower half of my body at the moment
Females are great lovebunnies...

But you forgot the sleek, graceful lines of a Harley-Davidson! Never lets me down, always there, ready for a good ride. However, no Harley is complete without an old fashioned, red-haired, double-breasted bed thrasher astride it! :D
Re: Females are great lovebunnies...

Lost Cause said:
But you forgot the sleek, graceful lines of a Harley-Davidson! Never lets me down, always there, ready for a good ride. However, no Harley is complete without an old fashioned, red-haired, double-breasted bed thrasher astride it! :D

Honey that could do it for just about anyone.
Re: Females are great lovebunnies...

Lost Cause said:
But you forgot the sleek, graceful lines of a Harley-Davidson! Never lets me down, always there, ready for a good ride. However, no Harley is complete without an old fashioned, red-haired, double-breasted bed thrasher astride it! :D

I prefer the classic indian bikes to harleys
such thoughts, roaming through my mind. I heartily agree, nothing is more beautiful then a half nude women, free of any adornments, makeup, whatever..

btw.. nice red head..
crystalizedjoy said:
such thoughts, roaming through my mind. I heartily agree, nothing is more beautiful then a half nude women, free of any adornments, makeup, whatever..

btw.. nice red head..

Thats it, I think I might have to go see if I can't find me a nice squeeze girl this weekend.. Time to dust off the old "Slick Daddy Demarco" skills and jump back into the pool.