Shocking Ted "calgary" Cruz Not American!!!!!! Lies!! Scandal!!!!


Literotica Guru
Oct 20, 2006
Nice Try, "Rafael Edward"

I took some time yesterday to inspect the alleged "birth certificate" of U.S. "Senator" "Ted" Cruz. He plans to run for president in 2016, but has a little issue called being born and indoctrinated in a socialist country known as "Canada." I'm still piecing together his real back story, but for now I can tell you that I take issue with the following on what he claims is the legal document proving he became him when and where he says he did:

Ted Cruz's birth certificate
Yeah, right.

1. The certificate was released as a crude, cartoonish gif. Actual birth certificates in the 1970s were printed on birch bark.
2. The red seal is blank. Authentic Canadian birth certificates show a Mountie chasing a moose making off with a six-pack of Molson.

3. The font. It's all wrong. Go to www.thefontit' for magnification and a comparison of typewriter keystrokes from Departments of Health in all four Canadian provinces and, most important, Moscow. Yes, I said Moscow and I'll say it again. Moscow.

4. There's no mention of hockey anywhere on this "certificate." Also: a proton scan reveals no trace of tar sand residue, and that shit gets all over everything. Why so clean…"Ted?"

National Review cover: Canada as
Including a certain Ted Cruz?
5. The conservative bible known as National Review calls the entire population of Canada "Wimps!" If "Ted Cruz" indeed has dual U.S.-Canada citizenship, this would make him a half-wimp and unacceptable to the Republican party. Yet "Ted Cruz" acts like a bully and is accepted with open arms by the GOP. Why the discrepancy? What's going on here?
6. I have no recollection of ever seeing "Ted Cruz" during his childhood, in grade school, or college. In fact, I'd never heard of "Ted Cruz" until a couple years ago. Where has he been all these years? What is he hiding and where is he hiding it?

7. Skip 7---I'm saving it for my book.

8. This is a very short document---only a dozen or so lines. Where's the long-form birth certificate? Or should I say: where's the long-form birth certificate, comrade? (Or sir or mister or other suitable address...I'm flexible.)

9. Four out of five dentists who confirm the authenticity of birth certificates as a side job tell me this thing is as fake as a two-dollar loonie. At least I think so. I was sucking on laughing gas at the time.
That's for starters. I'll reveal the rest in my brief to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, please send lots and lots of money for my new time share think tank, Americans for Sensible Blather, so I can continue investigating this assault on our democracy in all fifty states. I plan to start by scouring every birth record in Hawaii, the last place "Ted Cruz" would expect anyone to look. I hope their records are online so I can do the scouring from the smartphone in my golf cart.
This was actually kinda funny. I would criticize the font, but it's addressed in the text and I think it adds to its charm.
Since Ted Cruz, natural born or not, has about as big a chance to become POTUS as Antony Weiners' pubes, who gives a crap?
I didn't read all the op as the font was too big, but what strikes me about Cruz is that he didn't know what his citizenship was, which is really, really, weird.
Nice Try, "Rafael Edward"

I took some time yesterday to inspect the alleged "birth certificate" of U.S. "Senator" "Ted" Cruz. He plans to run for president in 2016, but has a little issue called being born and indoctrinated in a socialist country known as "Canada." I'm still piecing together his real back story, but for now I can tell you that I take issue with the following on what he claims is the legal document proving he became him when and where he says he did:

Ted Cruz's birth certificate
Yeah, right.

1. The certificate was released as a crude, cartoonish gif. Actual birth certificates in the 1970s were printed on birch bark.
2. The red seal is blank. Authentic Canadian birth certificates show a Mountie chasing a moose making off with a six-pack of Molson.

3. The font. It's all wrong. Go to www.thefontit' for magnification and a comparison of typewriter keystrokes from Departments of Health in all four Canadian provinces and, most important, Moscow. Yes, I said Moscow and I'll say it again. Moscow.

4. There's no mention of hockey anywhere on this "certificate." Also: a proton scan reveals no trace of tar sand residue, and that shit gets all over everything. Why so clean…"Ted?"

National Review cover: Canada as
Including a certain Ted Cruz?
5. The conservative bible known as National Review calls the entire population of Canada "Wimps!" If "Ted Cruz" indeed has dual U.S.-Canada citizenship, this would make him a half-wimp and unacceptable to the Republican party. Yet "Ted Cruz" acts like a bully and is accepted with open arms by the GOP. Why the discrepancy? What's going on here?
6. I have no recollection of ever seeing "Ted Cruz" during his childhood, in grade school, or college. In fact, I'd never heard of "Ted Cruz" until a couple years ago. Where has he been all these years? What is he hiding and where is he hiding it?

7. Skip 7---I'm saving it for my book.

8. This is a very short document---only a dozen or so lines. Where's the long-form birth certificate? Or should I say: where's the long-form birth certificate, comrade? (Or sir or mister or other suitable address...I'm flexible.)

9. Four out of five dentists who confirm the authenticity of birth certificates as a side job tell me this thing is as fake as a two-dollar loonie. At least I think so. I was sucking on laughing gas at the time.
That's for starters. I'll reveal the rest in my brief to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, please send lots and lots of money for my new time share think tank, Americans for Sensible Blather, so I can continue investigating this assault on our democracy in all fifty states. I plan to start by scouring every birth record in Hawaii, the last place "Ted Cruz" would expect anyone to look. I hope their records are online so I can do the scouring from the smartphone in my golf cart.

Much better.
I laughed and laughed.


:mad: Look at 'im . . . typical whey-faced, shifty-eyed poutine-guzzling Molson-breath Canuckistani, that one . . . How can America trust this man?! If the U.S. goes to war with Canada, will he stand with the Americans . . . or with them?!
No wonder he hates Obamacare! It's not socialist enough, goddammit!

Off topic a bit, but until this birth certificate was released, I had no idea Cruz's real name is Rafael. There's nothing wrong with being known by a nickname, but in his case one could argue it was a matter of political necessity too. There has to be something to the fact that Obama was able to build a political career as a Democrat using his own unusual first name; but on the Republican side, you have Rafael "Ted" Cruz, Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, and Nimrata "Nikki" Haley. I guess Marco "Marco" Rubio is about as daring as you're allowed to get namewise as a wingnut.
Since Ted Cruz, natural born or not, has about as big a chance to become POTUS as Antony Weiners' pubes, who gives a crap?

Right, that's what losers like you said about Ronald Reagan.

At some point, my dear, a true conservative WILL be President again. I'm talking a real conservative, not a Harper or Cameron type phony. A conservative Republican has as much or more chance of winning as a liberal or RINO Republican.

I could bring up some data to support my point, but it doesn't really even need data. I think you know it will eventually happen as well.
I love these folks spewing anti-Hispanic bigotry. Some of the same anti-Latino racists who hated on Zimmerman also promote bigotry against Cruz.
The way lieberals visciously attack black, Hispanic, and women conservatives proves to me that they have no moral leg to stand on when they call me or anyone else "racist" or "sexist."

They do it everytime, and are always far harder on the "diverse" conservatives.
At some point, my dear, a true conservative WILL be President again.

Actually, well, no. Never again. Because the American people will never elect such again, if ever they have. Because what you call true conservatism is both a minority position and, even as such, demographically doomed.
The way lieberals visciously attack black, Hispanic, and women conservatives proves to me that they have no moral leg to stand on when they call me or anyone else "racist" or "sexist."

They do it everytime, and are always far harder on the "diverse" conservatives.

Is your current pro-Russia stance part of that "diversity?"
More Cruz Lies! says Cruz can't be president "because the law of Canada made him a citizen of Canada by BIRTH."

For those who can't tell already I'm doing a busy body/vette/jenn impression.
I figured the liberals on the board would get it. People like botany, busy, jenn etc. need humor explained to them.


Well, it's a nice try, but really the font is too much. Even though you explain that. I doubt people are going to read past the second sentence.
Well, it's a nice try, but really the font is too much. Even though you explain that. I doubt people are going to read past the second sentence.

True but I needed the volume of racist, trollish behavior of them. Most people on this board don't read past sentence one anyway.
For the record, I think "" is wrong; unless there's some sort of court ruling to the contrary on the subject of who is "natural-born," I don't have any problem with Cruz being considered eligible to be President.

But that doesn't mean I'm not going to be calling out 2009-13 vintage birthers for their hypocrisy if they want to support the guy.
For the record, I think "" is wrong; unless there's some sort of court ruling to the contrary on the subject of who is "natural-born," I don't have any problem with Cruz being considered eligible to be President.

But that doesn't mean I'm not going to be calling out 2009-13 vintage birthers for their hypocrisy if they want to support the guy.

Well, the real problem is not location but the interpretation of "natural" birth as such, Cruz having been grown in a laboratory as we all know.