*shock* I've just seen Christophe's pee pee

4laterer said:
Christophe - why have you posted a shot of your dick?

and why a pic of your LIMP willy?

Hey, please keep the comedy bits....well, comedic.
4laterer said:
Christophe - why have you posted a shot of your dick?

and why a pic of your LIMP willy?
its that whole gravity thing.....the tides, moon phase, hey there could have even been a comet close by...one will never know for sure!:D
Re: Re: Re: *shock* I've just seen Christophe's pee pee

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Says Mr "sick my duck"

He thinks it's original

And you didn't invent inadequacy either.
Re: Re: Re: Re: *shock* I've just seen Christophe's pee pee

4laterer said:
Chris..theres no need to thank me for looking at your dick

however, I appreciate manners

its just unusual, I guess

"thanks for giving me a blow job"

"Thanks for coming over and staring at my pee pee"

I see you were well brought up

unlike SOME around here
well i have to say thank you...manners...i have a few...not many but a few! :cool:
for 4laterer, if you don't like my hubby, get the fuck off the thread, i happen to love my hubby's cock, just troll someplace else. don't go away mad, just go away.
Mrs. Christophe change your fucking pic your ass looks terrible had you just shit yourself there or were you taking some black cock? Either way change the pic it offends my eyesight you fucking skank.

Chritophe you look like a fag in that leotard, isn't that what bitches wear when they do gym? Or do you wear it to try and get the niggers comeing onto you, you race traitor fuck.