shipwrecked on Paradise Island (closed for now)


Mischief Maker
Aug 22, 2001
ooc: *stepping over drawn line and grinning* This is for myself and Tibvo for now. Enjoy :)


Marie Cramer
38 5'7" 34-29-36 Brown hair, blue eyes.

The Story, 1992

The sea tossed and churned wildly as the hurricane ripped apart our yacht. All on board was my husband Richard, our son and myself. Richard yelled out for us to get our life vests on and get into the smaller life raft.
Scared as hell, I descended the rope ladder and held to the boat as best I could. Next came my son, but before Richard could get into the raft the sea tossed him overboard. Scurrying to get him inside the boat, he was thrown out of reach before we could grab him. He had no life vest on, and were soon too far from him to see him.
I don't know how long we were on the raft but I awoke awhile later, thirsty, tired and on the beach of some island. we left the raft, searching for life on the island with us, but never could find anyone.

Over the next year we set up a home and found food, off and on there was storms to give us fresh water, and my son quickly learned how to hunt as did I to survive. We had hoped for a rescue but so far nothing and no one had come along us in our little 'paradise'.
Another year had passed and yet another, and time was taking it's toll on us. My son was now 18 and I had reached my 38th birthday. We kept track as best we could of the date and often we would refleck on the things we missed most about home.
Hamburgers, movies and such things. I had noticed lately my son had began to act strangely around me, or perhaps it was my own imagination?
Either way he began building onto the make shift house to get his own private room. No longer wishing to share a single rooms hut with me, I understood his desires to have privacy and so I said nothing.
A small part of me was hurt, since his father was gone, he was in reality all I had left. I had become a little overly protective but also allowed him his freedoms. We still struggled daily for food and water and my son never gave up building and lighting the bomb fire every night. Hoping, always hoping.

(OOC: LOL! Welcome to the "Other Side". :D)

Curt stands patiently by the flowing river, his eyes piercing its foaming depths. Now eighteen and the only other inhabitant on the island that has been his home for the past three years, Curt Cramer had been forced to grow and adapt to his new environment. Forcing him to change from an once awkward and palid looking boy into a robust and handsome looking young man with deep brown skin that covers a well-defined body which is crowned by a mane of thick golden hair that stretches down his back. Only his eyes have not changed during the dramatic transformation.

Movement suddenly catches his eyes and in one fluid motion, he jams the crude looking spear he is holding into the water. When he pulls the spear out, impaled on the end is a struggling fish.

Mother will be pleased! He thinks to himself, knowing how much she likes fish for dinner.

Pulling the fish off the spike, he puts with the other three he has caught and then wraps them up in a cloth he has brought with him. Picking up the bundle, he stands straight and looks up at the sky. Seeing that that sun is at its peak, he know that he best make for the camp if he wants to get in some building work as well as build the bombfire before it gets dark.

Grabbing the spear, he effortlessly clumbers up the bank and heads off into the jungle...

Curt had gone to get something to eat and the heat was so stiffling, I knew inorder to be somewhat smell free, I needed a shower.
Gathering my things, which wasn't much since we were stranded here. I grabbed a boar skin skirt and my old bra. Little to nothing for clothing here, and only so much one could do with no needles and thread. Curt, bless his heart, did his best to be a 'man' and help out, but it was still hard on both of us.
Neither one of us had so much as camped while home in the states. Our upbringing didn't call for frolicking in the woods of all places. Well we were getting a real reality hard dose of camping.
I picked up a make shift comb, clean clothes and headed down to the water falls.
This was the common place for showering and we each avoided it when we knew the other was showering here. And since Curt was on the other side of the island fishing, or so I assumed, it was safe to shower.
Stripping down, I waded into the pool and climbed up on the flat stone. The crisp cool water hit my heated skin and A very loud moan escaped my lips. Since coming here and living as we did, there was no 'fat' handles on my body. For that I was greatful, as well as the work outs that kept my breasts high and firm as well. It was just too bad there wasn't a man around to apprieciate it.
Woe for me since my hornmones were going out of whack badly!
Using the sand in an old old sock, I began to scrub away the grime of the day. Taking off as much as possible dirt wise.
When I finished washing, I stood under the heavy spray of the falls and just let my fingers roam my body. How long had it been since a man touched me? It had been too long, and even though I hadly thought of Richard, I craved him now. Lightly my fingertips trailed over my breasts, stopping to tweak lightly on my nipples. Teasing them into stiffened peaks, I moaned again, eyes closing tightly, I just wanted to enjoy this.
Moving lower, my fingertips teased between my breasts and on down the flat of my stomach. Circling my belly button, I pushed lower, over mound and down into trembling folds. I gasped loudly, my other hand coming out to grip on the rock wall and keep myself upright.
Slowly at first I moved, teasing and tantilizing my body into orgasmic bliss. The cresendo sped up as I bucked against my own hand, my moans coming non-stop as I fantasized about a thick hard shaft buried inside my womb once again.
My eyes came open as I cried out with release, trembling and weak, I barely was able to stand there in the water. My heart pounded and my eyes caught a movement?
Jerking upright, I glanced again but saw nothing standing there. Perhaps a bird or something? My imgination was running rampart on me today.
Gathering my things, I quickly dressed and raced back to the hut. Hopefully Curt was lucky again today and caught something for our supper. I smiled when thinking of my son, now a man. He had been able to do alot more than I thought he would, and indeed took care of me now more than I took care of him.
Entering the clearing I called out, "Curt hun? Are you here?" The flush of my skin still vibrant as was the tingling in my body. A small knowing smile played upon my full lips as I thought about going back and doing it all over again.
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"Over here, Mother!" Curt calls out from their quarters. He had got back ahead of his mother and had assumed that she had gone to bathe. One look at her wet hair told him that he had been right.

Just as well I didn't come back via the pool. He thinks to himself, feeling himself flushing at the thought.

Feeling sticky in the humid air, he had thought about having one after spending time on the new room but one look at the darkening sky tells that it going to storm later on, and badily too.

"I've already hung up the fish. Got plenty too." He grins with satisfaction, pointing at where he has them strung up. "I think I'll have a shower before the weather breaks."...
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Walking up the make shift steps, I peeked in on Curt.
"That sounds good hun.. I can wait until you return before cooking dinner." I moved inside and set my things down, looking for the comb.
"Now what the hell did I put it?" my frustration was growing by the minute. I walked over to Curt and cupped his face, kissing him gently on the forehead, "Thank you." I smiled and moved off, my son was such a sweetheart. I could remember the first mother's day card he made in kindergarden.. A sticky handprint and very large 'i love you' on the front.
He was forever going to be my baby, well in my mind anyways. Sitting down, I searced through a box on the ground for the comb.
"have a good time and be careful to get back before the storm Curt!" I called out to him before he vanished.
"Where is that damned comb?" Standing up, I shook out my hair, which had grown to a rather long length since coming here.. What I wouldn't give for a pair of scissors right now..

"Have a good time and be careful to get back before the storm Curt!" He hears her call out as he takes off down the trail towards the pool.

It doesn't take long to reach the water. Glancing up at the sky, he quickly disgarbs himself and slips into the water. The sudden coldness around his hot body causing him to shiver. He can feel the water soak into his hot body as he swims to the waterfall which he uses as a shower. Pulling himself out, he stands on the stones underneath the fall and he starts to scrub himself.

After washing under his arms, his back and arse, he starts on his feet and legs, slowly moving his hands up his firm flesh until they are directly under his testicles. Then he gently cradles both sacks to make sure that the water completely immerses them, washing the sweat that he had accumulated during the day.


The feel of his hands on his testicles causes a tingling sensation in his penis, causing him to close his eyes in pleasure.


He doesn't have to look to know that his penis is now swelling. Getting harder and longer as he continues to caress his balls.


He tries to abstain from touching it as long as he can but finally he gives in and allows a hand to be filled with his hard, firm flesh...

I couldn't locate the comb, but I had an idea where I had left it.
The falls.
Sighing, I glanced up at the sky then down the trail, I should be able to make it back before the storm hits, right? No other choice, it was the only comb we had, I took off down the trail.
Curt wouldn't mind if I popped in, after all I am his mother. Smiling, I hummed a little tune as I picked my way down the worn dirt path, coming around a large palm tree, I paused in my steps, adjusted my skirt and then glanced up.
My eyes buldged out of their sockets, or I was having a heart attack at a young age. My god! My son stood on the rocks, and.. well he was relieving tensions.
My eyes travelled up from his feet, over his hand movements and up his chest. Where did my little boy go? It had never dawned on me he was a grown man, or perhaps I chose to ignore that?
I felt a sadness momentarily, sadness I had lost my little boy to this place!
I turned to go but paused, hearing his moan of pleasure. Ok I am his mother, it isn't a big deal. I will just ignore what he is doing, get the comb and get out of here...
I kept my eyes from him as I walked silently around the rock and trees to the shore, bending down I picked up the comb and moved to rise once more.
My heart lept in my chest as I began to think of some rather sinful things. Morally wrong things as well. I felt my own body react to watching him masturbate, closing my eyes, I felt shame redden my face and I quickly stood up and began walking back towards the hut.
My mind lecturing me scathingly for what I had thought, what I had pictured in my mind. The thoughts of touching him in any form other than comfort was sinful and wrong.
But damn he was built! He was my son.. I couldn't change that, I had best stop thinking about what I seen and thought.
I wanted to kick myself, for the tale tale signs were there. Even my own body trembled with pent up desires. I paused just before the last tree and glanced at him once more.
Those thoughts weren't going to go away anytime soon, not after seeing how much he had grown... changed. God!
I stormed off back to the hut, quickly as possible, and once inside, I shut the door and laid down on the bed. Eyes closed, my mind trying to push out the sight of him naked and hard. My mind trying to tell my body to stop being so wanton and nasty, while my sex tingled with pleasurable thoughts.
"He's your son Marie! Stop that!" I rolled to my stomach and buried my head under the pillows.

He manages to get back to the clearing before the heavens break. Even so, he manages to get soaked by the time he enters the protection of the overhanging shelter attached to the front of their hut. Brushing back his hair, he sees that the table is already laid for dinner.

"You just in time, hun. Thought I would cook it before the rains came." His mother places the plates on the table and takes a seat. Curt goes to take the second seat.

"Oh no you don't, young man. You are soaking. Change your clothes first." She admonishes.

He feels like saying 'Aw, Mother!' but he doesn't. Instead, he goes into the hut to change into something else...

I had calmed myself some what and began dinner. My mind working over and over what I saw and how wrong it was to be excited by it.. Then how it was natural since we were the only two living human's on this forsaken island.
I was torn, confused and still highly aroused. gruffly I cleaned the fish, seasoned it with some wild herbs and roasted it over the fire pit. Setting the table, I jumped as a loud clap of thunder echoed overhead.
Setting the table, I turned just as Curt came inside the hut. I couldn't meet his eyes, but I was determined to be his mother.
"Go change..." I ordered, his clothing, what there was of it, dripping water everywhere.
Turning back to the stove, I kept my eyes away from the partitian between the 'bedrooms' and the living/kitchen area. I was tempted to look, to watch him once more. But quickly I chastized myself and went back to cooking.
I had found some wild looking potatoes, harvested them and now we had a steadier diet.
"Dinner is ready Curt." I sat down at the table, adjusting the little skirt and waiting for him to join me.

Having changed, the boy joins his mother at the dinner table.

He looks at the plate, his mouth watering at the site. He has been looking forward to this all day. Gently, he cuts into the fish with his knife (the cutlery being one of the few things that they had managed to salvage).

Sinking his fork in, he pulls away a slice of flesh and slides it into his mouth.


"This is lovely, Mother." He compliments, savouring the taste in his mouth as he looks up at her.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She replies, suddenly looking away.

What's the matter with Mother? He wonders but soons forgets about it as he consumes his meal.

They had just finished when they feel the wind starting to pick up.

"Oh! Oh! We better batten down. It looks like it's going to be a bad one." She says as the picks up the plates.

Quickly pulling in the tables and chairs, Curt releases the sticks holding the shelter up so that it swings down to cover the front of the hut, protecting it from the elements. Since making it only recently, he is still quite pleased with how he did it using vines and wood. They didn't worry about the other sides since they were well protected by the surrounding undergrowth.

Making sure that everything is as secured as they could be, he goes back and finds that his mother had pulled back the partition curtain (part of the sail that they also managed to salvage) and was sitting on the side of her bed. Without a word, he joins her, laying down on her bed and placing his head on her lap. Something they always do during a storm. Now all they can do is wait for it to end.

Looking up at her face, he sees that something is troubling her.

"Are you okay, Mother?"...

We got everything locked up tightly just before the storm broke out full force.
Sitting on the bed, I kept thinking this wasn't a good place to be tonight. Confined with my son in a small ass house. Course it wasn't his fault I was insane...
Smiling as he laid his head down on my lap, I bit back that wildly rising urge and began to thread my fingers through his hair.
Gently stroking, he asked me what was wrong with me?
"Oh just thoughts dear.. Nothing too awe inspiring.. How about you? Anything exciting happen today?"
With that question, perhaps he could take my mind off of my libidio for a short time? It was a try at least.
I glanced down into his eyes and smiled gently, So much for my little boy being little now. He was fully grown, much like his father was.
"Perhaps we can find something to talk about, anything at all to occupy my mind off of this... storm.."

"Perhaps we can find something to talk about, anything at all to occupy my mind off of this... storm.."

He looks up at her. For some reason that he couldn't think of, his mother looks different.

"Got the fish today and was going to do the extension but the storm stopped that." He replies and stops, enjoying the feeling of her hand in his hair. It has always had a soothing affect on him ever since he can remember.

"Mother?" He finally asks.


He looks at her again.

She does look sort of different!

He doesn't know what it is but something inside him likes it.

"Do you think we will ever get home?" This is not the first time he has asked her this and deep down knows that she has no more clue than he does. Even so, he does need to ask...

I smiled and stopped stroking his hair momentarily, "Yes hun, I do believe some day we will be able to go home and enjoy the things we took for granted many times.."
"Like what?" came his eager reply. We had done this so many times, perhaps I could think of some new things to list?
"Like driving a car with the top down and the wind in our hair." I smiled returning to stroking his hair.
"Or perhaps going to the movies and eating a ton of popcorn. Swimming in a huge athletic size pool and hamburgers.. Lord I miss those fattening things!" I chuckled and watched his eyes light up with pleasure.
"What would you like to do hun? I mean once we get home?" Here came the flood, he always went into a flood of things he wanted. usually centered around things much younger kids did than him. But I didn't mind my little boy staying a little boy either.
I shifted on the bed, biting back a moan. This was working but slowly!

"What would you like to do hun? I mean once we get home?"

He ponders his mother's question, his mind going back to the waterfall. He feels himself blushing at what he was thinking about but he can tell her can't he? She is his mother. Even so, for some reason, he finds it hard to come straight out with it.

"Mother? What are girls like?" He asks finally...

Oh lord.. There was one of those questions I was expecting sooner or later.
Shifting a little I tried to keep my smile in place and not feel nervous about it. After all, a son should be able to ask him mother anything right?
"Well hun, there are all types of girls and all are different in their own unique way. Some are brunette, blonde. Tall and short. Some are athletic and some are clothing hounds." I chuckled a little.
I could tell from his look that wasn't what he meant at all. I sighed a little and smiled, stroking his hair once again.
"Well and some are senstive to touch, some aren't.. Other's are easy to get and some make you work hard for their attention.. What exactly would you like to know hun?" I paused, hoping that satisfied his curiousity, and some part of me was hoping it hadn't.
"Dammit Marie! Get a grip on yourself!" I chastized myself once more, "It's hot in here isnt it?" I fanned my face a moment, sweat beading a little on my brow. Perhaps it was just me?

"It's hot in here isnt it?"

Why is she feeling hot?

To him, it is getting colder, not hotter.

"I'm okay, Mother." He says, his mind going back to her question. He can still remember how he was treated at school. Nobody really liked him and he was always known as the 'geek'.

"Do you think that girls would like me?" He asks...

Looking at him astounded a moment, I then chuckled and nodded my head.
"Oh yes hun, they would definately like you." I thought back to the lanky all limbed boy with no balance or girth to him. Sure he had been a little geeky and on the thin side but hell he was barely 16 at that time. Now he had two years of hard labor on him.
"Hun you are built better than your father was at 35. Trust me, the girls would love you. Why do you ask?" I was worried he felt insignificant and I didn't want that. Even with it just us on this Island, I wanted him confident, not scared.
"You should be proud of how you look.. I never seen a male model look as nicely as you do. Hope it's ok for your mom to say that.." I chuckled as he flushed a little redder.
"I love you hun, and I would do anything to keep you happy.. but I wouldn't lie to you." I smiled and bent down, kissing his forehead a little. Straightening up somewhat, I pushed my skirt back down to keep it in a proper and respectable location.

As she bends down to kiss his forehead, he feels her pressing into his arm and chest. He feels a slight shiver. Is he getting cold?

I could be a model?

True, he has changed since coming to the island but he wonders if she is just saying that because she is his mother?

Looking up at her, he sees maybe for the first time how pretty she is.

No. Not pretty. Beautiful. Dad was really lucky.

His face drops at the thought of his father. He still misses him. He tries to think about something else.

"You think, Mother? You think I could be a model?"...

I sighed and nodded, "Yes hun, I am positive you could be a model. You are well sculpted, perfect baby face features but still the look of a man is there." I felt my pulse leep wildly as I looked him over.
"Strong frame, that devil may care grin you got from your father. All of those are assets they look for when choosing a model." I shivered slightly, still hot but the breeze was cool. I felt my nipples become erect inside my skimpy thin bra, but didn't make a move to cover them up. He would notice if I did that, which would draw the wrong kind of attention to myself.
The right kind my mind kept screaming at me!
"So.. umm. question Hun?" He looked up at me and I felt another tremor inside. Damn those dark eyes, they reminded me too much of Richard.
"Ever umm been with a girl before all this happened?" I knew the answer, I was certain he hadn't but I didn't know for sure. Why was I asking this?! I felt like blushing but with held that urge down tightly.
"Is that what you are worried about hun? When we do get home the girls won't be err attracted to you?" I had to advert my gaze a moment and stop thinking and seeing his nude form in the falls.

"So.. umm. question Hun? Ever umm been with a girl before all this happened?"

He looks at her blankly. He is not sure he understand what she is asking.

"Is that what you are worried about hun?....When we do get home the girls won't be err attracted to you?"

"Girls never liked me." He says simply...

I smiled and brushed his hair back from his eyes, "They will I can guarantee it hun." We sat in silence for a little while, just listening to the storm beat at the small hut. My mind kept wandering over what I had seen before and what I was seeing now.
A young man, unsure of himself and desperately wanting to know more. I hadn't failed in his education. He was now over 18 and knew everything I knew. Harvard education had taught me alot and I had passed it on down to my son.
I had only left out one part of his education, and that was sex. Seeing no reason to inform my baby of such things, I now realized perhaps I should have?
I was tormented inside with what to say and what not to say to him, but how did I let him know he was attractive to females? Without breaking any strict moral codes? I mean out in the middle of no where. Just the two of us, who would know? I would know, Curt would know, but would we ever be taken off this fucking island!?
I hated swearing, even in my thoughts, but this was becoming harder and harder with each passing day. And still I felt drawn to him, right or wrong I couldn't help the cravings my body got. It didn't help that there was indeed a man on this island with me. I battled my thoughts, tormented more and more the longer I thought about all of this. Torn was a good word for what I felt, I felt torn between what I knew was forbidden and what I knew my body and his was wanting.
"Hun, would you like to know a little about sex and how it is done? Will that help you to understand some things? I am not sure how to reassure you that you are a fine young man.. But I can educate you on things I purposely left out. No pictures to help but I think I can describe it to you some what..... What do you think?" I glanced back down at him, his face red but his eyes holding mine. Would he be interested or disgusted with me? I feared the later was true, but I hoped it wasn't.

As her words sink in, he pulls himself up as he looks at her in disbelief. At the same time, he feels that shiver shoot through his body. For the first time in his life, he feels embarrassed in front of his mother. Not so much because what she has said but his reaction to it.

Do I want her to show me?

"That is if you want to." She reitterates.

Though he feels very confused, a small voice representing the need that had been growing within him for the last year cries out yes!

"Erm...okay." He replies, not exactly sure what is happening here...

I thanked god silently that it was becoming darker outside and I could barely make him out in the dim light. I felt the heat creep into my face and a nervous sensation come over me, but I was dertermined to see this through.
"Alright, I will start simple then and start with kissing.." I cleared my throat and turned to face him slightly.
"When a woman is interested in you, you can tell with little signs. Like touching with her hand on your arm, chest or even thigh. Depending on how bold she is. She will smile and flirt, giggle sometimes, scoot closer to your body." I paused, feeling this was going to torment me more than him.
"There is chaste kissing, where the mouth is closed and it's on a cheek or forehead. Much like my kissing you good night. Innocent and a show of affection. Then there is kissing with the lips. I know you know most of this. A french kiss is between lovers. mouth open, tongues uhhh well I'm sure you know this one I will move on.." I felt a little calmer but not much.
"There is touching as well. Masturbation.." God did I just say that aloud!? i shook myself out of it and went on, "Relieving your needs with your own touch. Then there is touching your partner to bring her into awareness.. uh make her ready.." I felt like fleeing the room right now.
"A soft gentle touch, nothing too firm at first.." This really takes hands on learning dammit! I knew I would give it my best shot.
I reached out, "I am going to touch you now hun, on your chest and just give you a demonstration.. me being your mother, it's a little different but you get the idea." I reached out and bumped my fingers into his chest. Giggling a little, I appologized and continued. I ran my fingertips up and down his chest just twice to show him the lightness of it.
"See? Soft and slow." I withdrew my hand from him. Turning away for a second I got my mind back on what I was doing, ignoring the wetness between my own thighs.
"A man's penis is hard when he is excited, or simple terms turned on. A woman's vagina becomes wet.. this makes for easy.. "god I was blushing furiously now, "penetration." i wished to god I had some kind of magazines available for this.
"Her nipples are hard and her breathing picks up.. And you can smell the scent of a woman when she is excited.. It's a little hard to explain but the signs are there..." I glanced around, nothing to write with here, so I would have to give him pictures in the sand for a better education on this.
"There is so much to cover, I can't really explain all of it in a single night or without something to draw on.. But the general idea is a man inserts his penis into the woman's vagina, moving back and forth until he finishes... A woman has an orgasm much like a man does, and that too is felt.." I was too red to go on and too edgy to continue.
"I know my knowledge is a little lacking in the explanation department, but I am hoping this clears things up for you for now? I can continue your education tomorrow or the day after when we can use the sand for aid.. Any questions?" I knew there was going to be a ton of them, if he could speak up. Hell i was red and he couldn't even see me clearly.
"Don't be ashamed or shy hun, It is just us here, no one else is going to know I told you these things.."

Her words almost bowls him over in their velocity. He tries to take in everything but quickly gets lost after her explanation about kissing. He's not even sure why she had touched him but it felt good.

"I know my knowledge is a little lacking in the explanation department, but I am hoping this clears things up for you for now? I can continue your education tomorrow or the day after when we can use the sand for aid.. Any questions?" She finally says, the words coming out slower now. "Don't be ashamed or shy hun, It is just us here, no one else is going to know I told you these things."

The fact is that he isn't either. He is mostly confused than anything. He wants her to go through it again but slower but he doesn't want her to think that he didn't understand any of it.

Maybe if she could explain more about what he did understand?

"Mother, can you tell me more about kissing?"...

"Kissing? Sure hun.." I felt a little nervous but I had done it! I had told him the most part of sex there was to know, right?
"Kissing is well.. soft. Lips barely touching. And then the deep french kissing, more ardent type of kiss. Teasing with your mouth while kissing. Perhaps nibbling on the bottom lip of who you are kissing.. Playfully or even eroticly teasing lightly with the tip of your tongue between their lips, but not fully in their mouth.. It is hard to explain, more a hands on thing, but there isn't a female around here to kiss huh?" I fell silent once more. My hands sweating a little, so I rubbed them on my skirt.
"There is kissing of various part of your body. For instance along you neck, ears and down the chest as well. Inner thighs.." I felt the room heat up, my mind was getting away from me now! I stopped all conversation, franticly searching for a way back away from the thighs area!