Shield of Yang, Blade of Yin


Six String Shinobi
Apr 11, 2002
During the fuedel days of Edo (Now Tokyo) There was wars between not only the emperors, but also the clan of ninjas and Samurais.

During this time, magic became very inportant for both people, sadly, the types of magic were very different for each clan, and caused an major disruption, letting demons from the dephs of hell to be freed letting them cause destruction throught Japan.

The clan of Tal, have had enough of the reign of terror, and created two weapons. One was made out of pure yin energy, the other was made of complete yang energy. The two weapons completely drove back the demons of hell, and the weapons were sealed so the deamons can't resurface.

Now in the year 2055, an escavation crew is searching the same area, just before an wrecking crew could destroy the whole place.....

"Come on Koma! Theres nothing here, the old legend must be a phonny!"

"Yeah I guess so!" Koma got up, and quickly left the ditch, letting the wrecking crew to clear the way.

"I can not belive we didn't find any thing!"

"Yes, it is an shocker that nothing was there... well look on the bright side! At least we won't have to run into some type of evil demon or something!"

"Yeah I guess."

An man came running up behind to two professers yelling something, all three ran back to the ditch.... That was time the two prfessers and the Wrecking crew was seen...
Crystal "Crys" Hennings

"...but I guess I have always been that way. Nervous and unsure of myself. I blame my parents, really. They never did let me go anyplace when I was young. Didn't even let me have a pet..."

The patient's voice droned on almost in the background of her mind as Crys looked out the window of the building, watching the work of the work crew there. For some reason she seemed distracted more than usual today. It was a good thing she had a tape recorder running during this session because she was going to have to go back and review what Mr Lang had been saying to her the whole session.

With relief, Crys noticed that time with this patient was up and it was almost time for the day to end as well. She was in desperate need of meditation to pull her thoughts back together again.

Standing, she smiled at Mr Lang and held out her hand. "Looks like our time is up. It was a very good session," She said hoping it really had been,"Why don't you make another appointment with my secretary for next week? I will see you then."

Closing the door after him in relief she looked at the clock again. She would get her paperwork out of the way and go home to a nice hot bath and some soothing music. That would set her mind at rest.

But a half hour later, she found herself still staring at the construction crew, her mind seemed drawn to it no matter what she did to distract herself from the distraction. It was almost as if she was being pulled toward that site. It was ridiculous but that was exactly the way she felt.
Tao stared at his grandfathers shrine "Grampa, I am here for my training.... Grampa?"

For a few moments, there was no answere to the door, but then a raspy, tired and stressed voice emited from the room "No training for today my boy... Plese, could you sweep the steps, the shrine has be neglected for a bit now"

Tao nodded "Hai."
Somewhere near the seal, a band of deomons were ploting what to do with the mortals. "I say we just go on an rampage, forget planning!"

"No... WHat if THEY return? And if I heard right, Yoshimitsu is still alive!"

One of the demons shook his head "Darn it... and isn't it true that he also have to grand children?"

The demons all looked at one Main Demon "Three, but Yoshimitsu's son disowned one of them." The demons laughed sadisticly.

"It seems that the nobilaty line had taken a screeching halt some where!"
Crys entered her apartment still bothered by the feelings of distraction that had plauged her all day. Putting her case files on her desk she went to the fridge to get dinner. After standing there for a bit she realized that not only did she not feel like eating but she was feeling decidedly nauseous.

Shutting the door, she decided for a hot shower and bed. If she was coming down with something than that would explain why she had been so distracted today.

Laying there in the dark she tossed and turned as the feeling of illness continued to get worse, wishing she could go to sleep and then, when she did, visions of demons and evil invading her sleep.
"It has began Yoshimitsu..."

"Yes I know... they will begin to feel awful, like becoming sick, that is when you will come in and fuse with their souls"

"Our souls will be demolished, but they will become strong enough to stop them."

"At least... we hope so..."

One of the spirits felt weird, and it began to fade "It is time for me to go. Good bye."

"Same as for me Yoshimitsu, good luck to all of you." The second spirit faded from the dark room never to be seen again.
In the middle of a nightmare where Chrys was surrounded by demons, she suddenly felt a presence behind her. Whirling, she encountered a mist that almost seemed to be a living thing. Stunned for a moment at the sight, she did not move. The mist took that opportunity to surround her and enclose her. Crys felt as if she couldn't breathe, as if the apparition were trying to soak into her very being.

So wrapped up in fighting the mist, she did not realize that the dream demons had stopped their attack and were now fleeing. She only knew that the mist surrounded her very being, all her senses were centered on the whiteness that was trying to pour into her very soul.

After what seemed like an eternity, the mist dissappeared and Crys fell to her knees gasping, only then realizing she was alone in the dream. No, not alone, it was there inside of her now, a presence, the same one that she had felt in the mist. And visions came to her. More dreams of demons. Wait, not dreams, memories of fighting demons, of forcing them back, of warriors falling all around her, screams of the demons and the dying until....

Crys woke with a scream on her lips, looking about in the darkness of her own room. Her breaths were heavy as her chest heaved with each one and one thought echoed through her mind. Find Yoshimitsu.

The name was not familiar to her, and yet it was. And, for some reason, she knew that she could find him and that she must and she must do it now. Getting out of bed, she dressed quickly and left grabbing only her keys and pocket book. She didn't even know if she locked the door to her apartment afterward. All she knew was she had to find Yoshimitsu and that time was very short.
Tao stoped his board, trying to figure out where this old shop was "Gramps had been acting weird lately, Like, right after the whole seal and disaperence thing... Kind to think of it, so has sis... But thats because her boyfriend was one of the missing 15."

Tao felt odd the whole day, Like his stoamache was slowly being torn to shreds. But it has now goten worst "I'll have to find somewhere to rest... The pain is getting too much for me, I won't be able to make it home." Another sudden sharp pain forced Tao to his knees, and he relized he couldn't breath. but the weirdest thing to Tao is what he saw before him.

Demons by the millon, destroying every thing in their path humans, dogs horses, even their own kind. "What the hell is going on here!?"
OOC: Sorry i havent posted til now. Not been feeling well.

IC: Chrys let the transport take her where she needed to go. It was as if there was a pull toward...something. Finally she came to a place that she had never been before and stopped as if she knew not to go any farther.

It was dark out and she couldn't make out any features of where she was but suddenly she lifted her head as she heard someone cry out. Running instinctively to the sound she found a male figure kneeling down and clutching his stomach. Running up to him, she knelt down beside him and took hold of his shoulders.

"Are you alright?" She said worry in her voice.
Tao held his stomache, trying not to screem out in pain again. He felt an pair of hands grab hold of him softly 'Are you okay?'

Tao did his best to look up to see who its was "... A..." Was the only thing he could say as the pain became worst. He once again hunched over in serious pain. I feel like I'm gonna puke!!! Tao did his best to keep consious, but he was slowly loosing it.
Pulling him down to lay his head in her lap as she pulled a hankerchief from her purse to soothe his brow, she somehow felt a connection to this man though she had never seen him before.

"Relax," She said realizing he was going through exactly what she had just before she came here,"It should be over soon."
Tao didn't know what he could do, he tried to talk to whoever was talking to him, but they all just came out as jiberish. "M... g....a...a.." What going on? how come I can't move?!

He felt that something was surrounding his body, death? No it wasn't that, the entity felt warm, it didn't feel cold as his grandmother said as he sat by her in her death bed.

Tao sighed as the pain and sickening feeling faded slowly. "Ah... Wha...?" he mummered slowly, his words were slowly returning.
Crys shook her head, pressing down on his shoulder to get him to remain laying down until it fully passed.

"I dont know," She said to him as she watched the tension ease from him,"I went through it too and I have no idea what the hell it is. All I know is it's not a sickness and I don't think it's psycological either unless both of us are crazy. It's physical, it's real and I have no idea what it is."

"Can you get up?" She said smiling at him,"My name is Chrys, well my nickname, but I don't think after what we have been through formality is called for."
Tao did his best to keep consius, he just wanted to rest, but as all people, was afraid of getting mugged right then and there. "My... My name is Tao... No, my nickname is Tao..." He slowly said, still recovering. Once his body felt like moving, he slowly got up holding out his hand to help her up.
Chrys shook her head at the offered hand. He still looked like he would fall over and she didn't want to chance it. Getting to her feet, she said,"I have to meet someone. Someone I have never met before but I know his name."

She grimaced at how that sounded. "Look, I know I sound like a lunatic, gods only knows I deal with enough of them at work to figure that out but I am searching for a man named Yoshimitsu. All I know is his name and a feeling that he can explain all this."
"Yoshitmitsu? The only Yosimitu I know is my great grandfather... I can take you to him if you want" He said slowly, still recovering.
Chrys nodded. Somehow she was not surprised to hear that the man she was seeking was another tie between them.

"When you feel rested enough than I would very much like that. I don't know what he has to do with this but I know he is the one I have to see."
Tao slowly shook his head, making ure the cobwebs were out of him "I'm fine, thank you." Tao picked up his board. He taken a look at it, it was completely trashed. "I thinks its over for my hover board though.... So we'll have to walk."
Chrys pointed over to her transport. "I can drive us," She said thinking that maybe he wasn't in shape to walk even though he said he was. "Just point me in the right direction and I can get us there."

Walking beside him, watching him closely to make sure he didn't stumble or fall, they got to her transport and she opened the doors letting him into the passenger side as she slide behind the driver's panel.

"Which way?" She said as she glanced over at him.
Tao made an quick glance around. "Do you see that huge shrine up ahead? Thats where my grandfather lives." Tao quickly put on his seat belt. I don't really know her... Better be safe than sorry!
Pulling up to the shrine, Crys got out of her transport and began to walk toward it. If the man she was seeking was here, this Yoshitmitsu, than maybe she would get some answers to the questions that kept whirling about in her mind.

Stepping inside, she looked around and called out,"Hello? Anyone at home? Yoshitmitsu?"
"Grandfather? Are you home?"

Tao heard an faint voice in the distant corner, it was raspy, and slightly nervous "Tao, what are you doing here?"

Tao quickly bowed in fear of his grandfathers harsh teachings. "S-sorry to be here so late granfather..."

An grunt came from the corner as Tao's grandfather stood up, and slowly walked over to Tao and Crys "Tao... Who is this?"
Chrys looked at the old man. Was this really the person she had come seeking? What could he do about the things that were going on inside of her? Still, he was her only lead.

"They call me Chrys," She said in answer to the old man's questions. "And I need to ask you about...demons and wars and...I don't know what all else."

Her face was grim as she told him about the sickness that had overcome her, the dreams and then his name being in her consciousness when she awoke. She also told him of finding his grandson the way she had and him pointing her to this temple when he heard who she was seeking.

"I don't know why whatever it is that is driving me is pointing me to you, sir," She said at last,"But I need some answers because, if not, I am liable to go crazy trying to puzzle it out myself."
Yoshimitsu sighed as he turned around, and walked to an chair. "It has begun..." He said slowly as he sat down. "I was hoping it wouldn't start so soon, so the others could find worthy spirits..."

Yoshimitsu rubbed the temples on his head. "Have you... Have you heard about the incedent that happened a few days ago?"
Chrys looked at the old man puzzled. "What incident?" She said letting him know the answer from that simple statement.