*Shhhhhhhh* It's a secret


Looking for the way
Feb 4, 2001
Okay so what secret are you hideing that you don't want anyone to know?
Nice try, Fly, but if I tell you it's no longer a secret, and if I tell you here it fails that whole "anyone" test by a mile.
LukkyKnight said:
Nice try, Fly, but if I tell you it's no longer a secret, and if I tell you here it fails that whole "anyone" test by a mile.

I never thought of that :D :D :D
hmmm.....since i can't tell much about myself, thus ruining the mystery....how about this:

I cry at movies. :rolleyes:
Fly_On_Wall said:

yes i'm part of it but you never seem to see me there :(
aawwwwww, flybaby. Don't be like that sugah. I'm just letting you buzz among all the flowers ;).
I know where Waldo is....

Shhhhhh. He's Dick Cheney.
