I’m in the checkout line at the supermarket with my 20 year old niece and my toddler. My niece is unloading the groceries while I’m fighting to wrestle away a Milky Way my 2 year old has somehow snagged and is eating with the paper on. I hear the checker ask my niece for her ID as she has put a 6 pack of Corona on the counter. My niece says I forgot to bring it but it is for my uncle and my aunt is the one buying it. Now I think the checker may want my ID and I start to open my purse but the checker tells me that I can’t buy the Corona because my niece is underage and she touched it.
The checker informs me there has been a rash of adults buying alcohol for under aged kids and this is their way of preventing this. She says that if I had put the Corona on the counter I could have bought it.
By this time I’m fuming. I’m 7 months pregnant, my legs and back hurt and the baby is screaming for the candy bar. My niece sees the warning signs and tries to play peacemaker. She suggests I pay for the groceries and she will go to the car and unload them. The assistant manager has now been called over and tells me I can’t buy the Corona or any alcoholic beverage today because my niece touched it. I argue that this makes no sense because even if my niece hadn’t touched it I still could have bought it and gave it to her in the car. They keep saying the same thing … “It’s our policy.” I asked the guy if my 2 year old had touched the beer if I still wouldn’t have been able to buy it. He said he didn’t appreciate my humor and maybe I should shop somewhere else. I went down the road a mile and bought the Corona.
Am I missing something here or is this policy a bit crazy?
The checker informs me there has been a rash of adults buying alcohol for under aged kids and this is their way of preventing this. She says that if I had put the Corona on the counter I could have bought it.
By this time I’m fuming. I’m 7 months pregnant, my legs and back hurt and the baby is screaming for the candy bar. My niece sees the warning signs and tries to play peacemaker. She suggests I pay for the groceries and she will go to the car and unload them. The assistant manager has now been called over and tells me I can’t buy the Corona or any alcoholic beverage today because my niece touched it. I argue that this makes no sense because even if my niece hadn’t touched it I still could have bought it and gave it to her in the car. They keep saying the same thing … “It’s our policy.” I asked the guy if my 2 year old had touched the beer if I still wouldn’t have been able to buy it. He said he didn’t appreciate my humor and maybe I should shop somewhere else. I went down the road a mile and bought the Corona.
Am I missing something here or is this policy a bit crazy?