She said, "Again"?


Literotica Guru
Nov 2, 2001
What'dya think? How long can you take stimulation? Sure in our fantasy worlds we can go all night. But, really now, when does the sensation become too much?

I think I can outlast the lot of you...:D

It's all about my work ethic:cool:
tenacity is his middle name - or maybe his FIRST name!

exactly, naaki, tenacity. It might very well be my first name...:D
There is NEVER too much.

There are just too few breaks in between.


No matter how satisfied I am, how utterly completely content I feel, it just never goes away, I am never without the ache. Whatever it is that drives me, I hope it never ends because it is intensely real, it's when I feel the most alive, and the closest to the real me.

erosman, maybe the word you're looking for is insatiable? ;)
erosman said:
What'dya think? How long can you take stimulation? Sure in our fantasy worlds we can go all night. But, really now, when does the sensation become too much?

I think I can outlast the lot of you...:D
It's all about my work ethic:cool:

darlin'....I can outlast you! :devil: and I am definitely female! :D
Confession time...I'm not insatiable. I just know how to break through the wall of feelings and do beyond the realm of normal. Maybe it's para-normal sex.:D

it's not bragging:cool:
Let's see.....I have $5 and some change....oh wait....I have some more change in my room.....brb!:p

no, I'll cost you your sanity...:D

and, your good judgment:cool:
Sorry. I lost those earlier today! What else are you willing to take?
Passion...raw and wild...the kind that erupts from the pit of your soul, and takes you beyond the safety of your sanity. An inner power that transforms your body into a vehicle of pure pleasure...wild, free, and uninhibited...

or, a plane ticket to Nashville...that leaves tonight...:D
Passion...raw and wild...the kind that erupts from the pit of your soul, and takes you beyond the safety of your sanity. An inner power that transforms your body into a vehicle of pure pleasure...wild, free, and uninhibited...

Whew! Did it suddenly get hot in here?

Sounds like a fair deal to me! When do you want to meet?

*packing bags*
erosman said:
Confession time...I'm not insatiable. I just know how to break through the wall of feelings and do beyond the realm of normal. Maybe it's para-normal sex.:D

it's not bragging:cool:

Confession time....I AM insatiable.

I have to tell you, your last post above describes it perfectly...each time I make love, that is exactly what it is like...I suppose its because I truly enjoy every little thing about the experience, I hold nothing back...I love with total abandon.
It would have to be tonight...:D...before midnight, in fact:D...'cause, I turn back into a frog after midnight:D

and...the sign on the old relic reads, 'pre-occupied':cool:

*edited because I missed Ish's judgment*

and...the sign on the old garbage reads, 'pre-occupied':cool:
Last edited:
It would have to be tonight......before midnight, in fact...'cause, I turn back into a frog after midnight

Damn... That doesn't give us much time! Can I just keep you as a pet? Frogs are cute!:p
hmmm...a pet? There is an allure to being someone's 'precious'.;)