She didn't want to marry (open)


Literotica Guru
Nov 26, 2010
need a guy who is strict and controlling, and forceful, the basic idea for my story is that our parents died a year ago, leaving me in your charge, I am now at the tender age of eighteen and you are trying to marry me off.. I rebel against this.. you end up stepping in to teach me a lesson and steal my virginity.. we eventually form a relationship.
We are wealthy and have a lot of money.

I like a big build up.

Year: 1880
Name: Isabel
Age: Eighteen
Height: 5"2
Looks. Long dark brown hair that when loose curls all the way down my back, but is usually kept in a tight bun and large brown eyes, 32B, slim and petite. White creamy skin.

Background info:
Isabel and her brothers parents passed away last year and ever since then she had been left under the firm but fair care of her older brother, however they had many disagreements recently, mainly about who Isabel was to marry. Isabel was ahead of her time, thinking that women deserved equal rights to men and she refused to settle much to her brothers displeasure. Today he is meeting a potential suitor but Isabel has a plan to scare him off.

Isabel stands in front of her big brothers mirror as she slides on a pair of his dress trousers, she knew that the man he was interviewing was after a submissive wife, one who would look good on his side, something that Isabel had no interest in, he would certainly not accept his wife wearing trousers… mind you neither would her brother.. the only downside is that she would most certainly be punished. Isabel surveys herself in the mirror, the creamy soft flesh of her breasts showing out of the top of her brothers shirt.

Isabel walks downstairs as she hears the men chatting and laughing in the room, taking a deep breath to calm herself down, as she pulls out her clip, freeing her mass of hair and shaking it around, she pushes open the door to the study.

“I want a traditional women one who knows her place a…” she hears the man say.

“And I want a man that is not a complete pig” she says cheekily as she storms in knowing she would pay for this after he left.
Name: Reginald.
Age: Twentythree.
Height: 6'1"
Looks: Light brown hair kept short, stern grey eyes, muscular build, sunkissed skin from several outdoor activities.


"Isabel, didn't I tell you to-" Reginald's roar was cut off in midsentence. What on earth was she up to now, what was she THINKING!? Her provocative dress and demeanor drew both Reginald's eyes and the eyes of Sir Trumbull. Her provocative cleavage and- were those HIS pants!? Oh, she'd be paying for this.

Reginald's face grew redder from both anger and humiliation as the stunned silence grew more pregnant. Finally, Sir Trumbull spoke: "Well! I've never before been so insulted by a woman! This is not what I had in mind at all! The talk in our circles is correct, your sister needs a firm hand of correction before she'll be eligible for marriage. I bid you a good day, sir, and if I may be so bold: I suggest you punish her severely for this... vulgar display!" With that, Sir Trumbull left.

Isabel was standing there still, a triumphant little smile on her face. Anger darkening his features, Reginald approached Isabel.
A smirk of satisfaction overtakes Isabel's face as she see's the horrified expression on his face, she knew that she would be in big trouble for this but it was worth it.

Then as he speaks the smirk slips a little, she hadn't been aware that people talked about her in such a way, just because she was not ready for marriage now it did not mean she never would be, however her plan was working and this man clearly did not want to marry her.

She stands there with her hands on her hips as he practically flee's from the room to get away from her and she is left alone with just her brother. Just her brother the realization dawns on her as she glances at her brother, he looked so angry. She gulps loudly, she had been pulling these stunts long enough to know she was about to get into big trouble.

Isabel backs up away from him "now I know what your thinking, but that man was revolting, your lucky I got rid of him" she says as she half halfheartedly begins to plead with him as she backs towards the door, thinking of how to get herself out of this situation.
Reginald's voice started as a menacing growl: "First of all, I asked you to stay ou of sight until I'd negotiated your marriage. You fail to do so. Second, I find that you've been in MY chambers dressing up in MY clothes! That isn't proper at all for a young unwed woman, it is positively unbecoming! And finally you INSULT Sir Trumbull who was good enought to at least come down here and talk things over. Now you've scared him off! And all because you are picky about the suitor's appearances, age and manners!? There's nothing for it, Isabel. I must punish you. And punish you hard!"

He was upon her, his face inches from hers. He made a grab for her.
He was making her feel guilty, even though she knew that she shouldn't. "But..." she begins biting down on her lower lip gently as she always did when she was nervous. Isabel's voice is trembling slightly now "we've been over this, I want to pick who I marry not you" she whispers, they had had this conversation a million times, she told him she wanted to marry for love, he told her not to be so childish.

Isabel keeps backing up genuinely a little bit frightened now "please don't punish me" she pleads as he stalks towards her, his figure so clearly intimidating, almost a foot taller than her and so much stronger.

His hands fly out to make a grab for her and she shrieks loudly, dodging away from him, turning and running from the room, she knew she didn't have time to get upstairs, he would catch her, so she heads into the room opposite, the big dining room. She pushes open the heavy door and goes inside, slamming it shut behind her, she leans back against it, breathing loudly.
Reginald's anger only mounted as she dodged and fled him. "You're only making this worse for yourself, you know!" She was quick on her feetand she managed to elude him and run inside the dining room. There was no point in going around, they'd played that game many times when they were small.

There was nothing for it. Brute force had to be applied. No doubt she'd be leaning on the door to keep him out. He stepped back a few yards, then charged at the door shoulder first.
She knew that she was making it worse for herself, she really did, but it didn't mean that she wouldn't at least try. Isabel closes her eyes and breathes deeply as she tries to figure a way out of it.

Suddenly the door is rammed open, sending Isabel sprawling forwards, she stifles a scream as she falls to the floor, putting her hands out to protect herself. She whimpers quietly resisting the urge to cry, she was angry now.

Isabel quickly pulls herself up from the floor, turning to glare at him, yet still backing away. "What an earth do you think your doing?" she demands, folding her arms across her chest as she tries to look intimidating even though she was terrified.
The nerve!

"What do I think I'm doing!? You have the unmitigated NERVE to ask me that, little sister!? Insulting a guest, entering my chambers without leave and stealing my clothes and then running off when I'm about to punish you, and you DARE ask me that when I catch up with you!? You'll not be able to sit for a WEEK when I'm through with you!"

He lunged at her and seized one of her wrists, ready to fight her if need be.
He looked furious as he gave her that look that made her feel like a little girl again. "I...." she begins, ready to plead her case even though her actions were completely inexcusable.

"No" she shrieks as she begins to back away, but he is too fast for her. His large hands around her wrists. she struggles as she tries to pull away from him, reaching out with one foot and kicking his leg as hard as she can. Hoping that he will let go "please let go of me" she whines. Isabel was scared, he looked so angry and she was worried about what he was going to do next.
The kick sent him over the edge. He pulled her towards him and held her firmly. Holding her in a vicelike grip, he pulled her towards one of the chairs in the dining room.

Without letting her go, he sat down, then manhandled her so she finally after a struggle lay across his lap.

"Don't say you didn't have this coming, Isabel" he growled as he set about spanking her. Hard.
"Please please no" she cries in frustration as she see's were he is pulling her. "Please" she whimpers, he was going to spank her and whenever he did it was such a humiliating experience.

Isabel kicks her feet wildly as she tries to stop him, but he was far too strong and she quickly finds herself lying over his lap. She continues to squirm as the first slap hits her and she yelps loudly. It really hurt and immediately she feels to tears pooling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry" that was a lie though, but at this point she would say anything to escape punishment.
She whimpered that she was sorry, most likely to get off lightly like she'd done before. Not this time. Reginald's anger for his sister needed an outlet. Her bottom would pay for her infractions.

He spanked her fiercely, feeling her behind getting warm through the cloth of the trousers she'd stolen. He kept it up until he was worn out and and she was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Now go back to my chambers and return the clothes you've stolen! Don't EVER let me catch you doing that again! Do you understand!?"

He let her down and fixed her with his most vicious glare as she stood up, still crying.
By the third spank she is in tears and after a few more she is sobbing uncontrollably, she could never take her punishment and despite this she kept getting herself into trouble. Her legs stop kicking as he spanks her into submission.

"Please please" she repeats over and over again, pressing her head against his trousered leg, the tears soaking the material. She was in so much pain and he wasn't easing up on her.

After what seems like an eternity he stops, she sniffles loudly as he stands her up, fixing her with that look that made her eyes immediately drop to the ground. She nods her head in agreement but they both knew it was a complete lie, if he brought someone around again, she would ruin it, but she felt bad for him.

Slowly she leans in and presses a soft kiss to his cheek. "I'm sorry for embarrassing you" she whispers before turning and leaving for her chambers, to change out of his clothes and into something more feminine.
Spanking her always bothered him. It wasn't only the fact that she needed spanking after she'd come of age that bothered him. Nor the fact that she seemed to be testing him that irked him. No, it was something else. He secretly relished the feel of her firm bottom against his hand as he struck her. The way she squirmed and sobbed and, yes, the way she cried when he punished her as well. And her demure behaviour after he'd punished her, he liked that as well.

Like now for instance, when she softly kissed him and apologized. He grew tender towards her when she behaved like that. Why couldn't she always?
He slapped his own thigh in frustration over his spitfire sister. His hand came away moist. He looked down at his trousers. They were soaked with Isabel's tears and saliva. She'd been bawling uncontrollably when he'd finished with her. He felt a pang of conscience then. But she had to learn!

Oh well, he thought absentmindedly. Better change into another pair of trousers. He got off the chair and walked up the stairs to his chambers, having completely forgotten about Isabel and the stolen trousers, his mind preoccupied with several disturbing thoughts.

He entered his chambers.
Isabel walks into her chambers pulling off his shirt and folding it neatly along with his trousers. She walks to her mirror, looking at herself, standing there in just her corset and her undergarments. she looked very feminine like this a drastic change from a few moments ago, her waist was pulled in and her small breasts pushed upwards to look fuller. She sighs as she takes in her blotchy looking face, red from all the crying.

She picks up his folded clothes, without bothering to dress any further and walks over to his chambers, she pushes the door open and her eyes land on him, she blushes a bright shade of red, feeling a little undressed. "I brought your clothes back" Isabel whispers as she sets the clothes on his bed. Flashing him a timid smile before retreating.

she hated being punished by her brother, she felt like a complete and utter disappointment,, he was the one man that she actually respected and loved, she just wished he could see her views.