Shaving Question....


Nov 13, 2001
I got into a discussion recently with a few female friends of mine about what women like, etc....

They said that a lot of women like it when men shave themselves? Is this true?

It may sound stupid, but I guess this is what this forum is do you make it stop itching? LOL

Thanks in advance
When my wife and i were dating, she shaved me. It was erotic. Its an appearance thing. But be careful b/c if the both of you are shaved then when you go deep you skin will build up friction and cause a rub burn..But for the most part its better than having a jungle. I havent shaved in a while but i do try to keep it neat.
Try it, shoot it will grow back. And to keep the itch down shave completly ever other day and make sure you use a poweder of shaving cream etc.

Have Fun with it. Have a shaving party for the two you.
party07 said:
...a lot of women like it when men shave themselves? Is this true? do you make it stop itching? LOL

From comments here at Lit, it would appear that it is true -- there are several threads, including a couple of polls, that discuss what the women here at Lit feel about shaved men. I think that it will depend on just how hairy you are are in general whether shaving is for you or not -- If you're very hairy and shave just your genitals, I think it would tend to make you look mangy instead of sexy.

Do a search for Magic or Magic Shave here and in the general board. It's a depilitory product that solves many of the itching, shaving bumps, and razor burn problems if you can use it -- do the patch test first!

Other than using Magic Shave, the itching can be stopped by shaving every day or letting it grow back out. Just like letting your beard grow, other shaved areas itch as the hair starts to grow back.