Sharon's Israel is crumbling from within...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
More than 1 million of the 6 million population are living on or below the poverty line. Israel's constant persecution of the Palestinians, the never ending growth of illegal settlements into occupied territories and the support of the ultra religious, who don't work, are all taking a toll on the economy.

The budget for 2003 is still going to stand showing that Sharon cares little for the people he is elected to represent. His insane obsession to rid the land of Palestinians has now taken precedence over the welfare of Israelis.

Stand by America for another huge payout to the most useless ally you have...

Surplus?? Hell NO!!

Hi p p man . . . but where else will the US armaments manufacturers sell their surplus production???

China is too busy developing to worry about threatening the US . . . give them ten years and they will outcompete the US on both quality and quantity . . . just like Japan in the sixties through eighties . . .

Can't sell it to Africa, they haven't got any money, and already owe the US bankers more than they borrowed . . . corruption is a wonderful way to send a country broke, particularly when the bankers have encouraged it in the past . . .

Can't export them to Oz . . . that's already the fifty-first state . . . and Polynesia has too much water . . . and too few resources, except fish . . . and we're plundering those already . . .

Nope . . . nothing else for it . . . we'll just have to have a nice big Imperialist war . . . now . . . whose got all the undeveloped oil reserves?? . . . aahhhh . . . the Middle East . . . Iraq . . . Iran . . . Saudi Arabia . . . only desert to muck up with the bombs, that's not important . . . we got the anti-personnel sprays down to a fine mist in Vietnam . . . and there was jungle there . . . out in the open survival rates will be much lower . . . under 50% survival for our US conscripts . . . still . . . you gotta break eggs to make an omlette . . . hope their parents still vote Republican at the next Presidential appointment . . . :)

Oh dear . . . I am in error . . . that is NOT SURPLUS manufacturing . . . it is preparation for the next Imperialist surge of US interests into the nineteenth century world of petroleum pollution and trade barriers . . . well, you know . . . we gotta stay top . . . whatever it takes . . . :)
Well, Israel is safe. Whatever pp predicts never comes true. You'd think by now he'd realize that alcohol has burned up what few brain cells he had left and either stop his profound zerospeak or quit drinking.


Rat bastard.
...and people randomly blowing themselves up, of course, has had no effect on the economy or the welfare of the Jews...

But, Europe generally starts bashing them before it starts killing them. This time, they're using the Terrorist Arafat and his Iranian backers as cut-outs. THEY WON'T EVEN HAVE TO WASH THE BLOOD OFF THEIR HANDS!

Neat, sweet, and complete.
Although as our lead foreign correspondent we are VERY displeased to find no story, no color, no background on the important news of the day.

What does the Butler know?

Re: Surplus?? Hell NO!!

Don K Dyck said:
out in the open survival rates will be much lower . . . under 50% survival for our US conscripts . . . still . . . you gotta break eggs to make an omlette . . . hope their parents still vote Republican at the next Presidential appointment . . . :)
Under 50%?

You must be joking. The only way anybody can say anything that stupid is if it's on purpose.

Re: Re: Surplus?? Hell NO!!

teddybear4play said:
Under 50%?

You must be joking. The only way anybody can say anything that stupid is if it's on purpose.


Well, he agrees with pp. That qualifies him. Is he a racist drunk, too?
Re: Re: Re: Surplus?? Hell NO!!

miles said:
Well, he agrees with pp. That qualifies him. Is he a racist drunk, too?

I don't think you need to be a racist drunk to remember that Israel, before 1949, belonged to the Palestinians.

Quite aside from the politics and religion behind the formation of, necessity for and alliance with Israel, I see no reason why the Palestinians shouldn't have a Palestine... again.

Just as the Israelites needed a homeland in 1949.

It's just like the fucking Irish.

Only worse.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Surplus?? Hell NO!!

Lancecastor said:
I don't think you need to be a racist drunk to remember that Israel, before 1949, belonged to the Palestinians.

Quite aside from the politics and religion behind the formation of, necessity for and alliance with Israel, I see no reason why the Palestinians shouldn't have a Palestine... again.

It never "belonged" to the Palestinians! Where do you get this bullshit from?

Giving them their own country will only be the beginning of their problems.

...and BTW, the racist drunk remark was directed at doodoo boy.

Not an opinion, just fact.
My sympathies are increasingly with Israel. My original attitude was it takes two to Tango and a pox on both their houses...

No concession will suceed as long as this Intefada is directed and controlled from Iran, backed by Iraq, and supported by the Saudi's, and other assorted vermin which have seized control of their various little fiefdoms. This is just one of the sores in the declared war on the West by the leaders of the faith.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Surplus?? Hell NO!!

Lancecastor said:
I don't think you need to be a racist drunk to remember that Israel, before 1949, belonged to the Palestinians.

Haven't you ever read the Bible? There's no question that Bethlehem, Nazareth and Palestine were at that time Jewish communities.

Lancecastor said:

It's just like the fucking Irish.
Only worse.

Spoken like a true Brit wannabe :rolleyes:
Only worse.
Cherry said:
Haven't you ever read the Bible? There's no question that Bethlehem, Nazareth and Palestine were at that time Jewish communities.

Spoken like a true Brit wannabe :rolleyes:
Only worse.

Bible? Hmmm...I think I ran across that one in theology school; I seem to recall that a whole bunch of people with differing beliefs lived in that neck of the woods at one time...

My parents met at an Orangeman's dance in a place where the catlicks and prods lived on separate sides of the village, had different spellings for the same last names, separate schools...

I happen to think that, like in most civil wars, if everyone else would get the fuck out of the area and turn off the arms supplies...they'd work it out way or another.

But that's just my wanna-be opinion.


Lancecastor said:

I happen to think that, like in most civil wars, if everyone else would get the fuck out of the area and turn off the arms supplies...they'd work it out way or another.

But that's just my wanna-be opinion.



Ummmmmmmmmmm. This is not a civil war. Open a dictionary.
Originally posted by Lancecastor

My parents met at an Orangeman's dance in a place where the catlicks and prods lived on separate sides of the village, had different spellings for the same last names, separate schools...

Well now, that explains a lot.
I hope in your own life's experiences you have learned that being "orange" is not an honorable virtue.

I happen to think that, like in most civil wars, if everyone else would get the fuck out of the area and turn off the arms supplies...they'd work it out way or another.

I would hardly call The Troubles in Northern Ireland a "civil war". But, you're correct on one point ... as soon as the UK gives up their occupation of the six counties of Ulster, all will be well in United Ireland. :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Surplus?? Hell NO!!

miles said:
It never "belonged" to the Palestinians! Where do you get this bullshit from?

"Britain's high commissioner for Palestine, John Chancellor, recommended total suspension of Jewish immigration and land purchase to protect Arab agriculture. He said 'all cultivable land was occupied; that no cultivable land now in possession of the indigenous population could be sold to Jews without creating a class of landless Arab cultivators'...The Colonial Office rejected the recommendation." John Quigley, "Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice."

"In 1919, the American King-Crane Commission spent six weeks in Syria and Palestine, interviewing delegations and reading petitions. Their report stated, "The commissioners began their study of Zionism with minds predisposed in its favor...The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission's conferences with Jewish representatives that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, by various forms of purchase..."

If the Arabs living in Palestine cultivated by themselves alone (the jews were busy elsewhere in the world) for nigh on 1500 years can't be considered as owning the place, what's your criteria?

Well miles if you will keep questioning the facts I suppose you're bound to end up as an ill informed supporter of the jewish and Zionist cause forever spouting your beautifully memorised bits of propaganda...

I would have thought that by now, after more than a year of being told the truth that even you might have some doubts...

Guess not...


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Surplus?? Hell NO!!

Umm, PeePee

The Jewish birthright is documented in the Bible NINETEEN HUNDRED YEARS earlier. Quoting some hokey Brittish rule in "1919" is irrelevant.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Surplus?? Hell NO!!

Cherry said:
Umm, PeePee

The Jewish birthright is documented in the Bible NINETEEN HUNDRED YEARS earlier. Quoting some hokey Brittish rule in "1919" is irrelevant.

Yeah, given by God wasn't it?

But the jews left...

What did they expect to happen? Someone would keep the house clean and tidy for them...
