Shameless Self-Promotion


Sweet Fantasies
Jan 29, 2024
I have published five stories on Literotica and I would love to get some feedback on them from other authors.

Besides - if you can't self-promote yourself, who can you self-promote? Am I right?

I recognize that some might find my stories "tame" as compared to others on this site but my style is a little softer and sweeter. I'm sure you'll be able to see a theme in my writing but each story is "stand-alone" and relatively short. Four of the five are in the "Erotic Couplings" section. I posted one in the "Fantasy" section but that may have been a mistake. Not much traffic there....

Simone Comes for Me

Lucky at Love

Sight is Overrated

Colette, the Pirate Queen

Monique Visits an Old Friend

EDIT- Added story: Sweet Voyage Another Queensmount Adventure!

EDIT- Added story: Aki and the Art of Service and Pleasure Two stories for the price of one!

EDIT- Added story: Happy Birthday, Big Boy! I think you're gonna like this one!

EDIT- Added story: Fabiana is Driven Hard A fast car and a fast girl!

EDIT- Added story: Dr. Kressmi Makes an Office Call It's a short, little fantasy about a medical checkup in my office.

EDIT- Added story: Beautiful Music This one was a lot of fun to write. Hope you like it and leave a comment!

EDIT- Added story: Colette and the Castaway is a sequel to Colette, the Pirate Queen. Enjoy and leave a comment!

Please let me know what you think. What do you like? What doesn't work for you? Any tips on getting more eye-balls and comments would be fantastic.

There's a LOT of content on here and it's easy to get lost. I really appreciate your kind attention.
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Besides - if you can't self-promote yourself, who can you self-promote? Am I right?
Sorry I won't be reading your stories. I'm definitely a dark erotica person. But I do affirm your self promotion. Go for it!!
I'll add them to my reading list and give them a read and some feedback when I have time.

In terms of getting more views and comments...

Comments are generally tough to come by, in my experience. Commenters tend to be more active in certain categories (especially Incest/Taboo and Loving Wives). Some writers have way more active comment sections, but developing that sort of feedback takes time.

I see that you've only started publishing within the last month: unless you're writing in some of the super active categories, you probably aren't going to get a ton of readers/commenters right away. In terms of views, it's a marathon, not a sprint.

In terms of stuff being 'too Hallmark,' I wouldn't worry about that. There are some very well-regarded entries in the Romance genre here, and one of my most popular stories is a straight up Hallmark movie homage/parody.

Entering contests and story events is another good way to get more readers/followers for your other works. My Hallmark-style story was a Christmas contest entry, and contest entries tend to get a lot more views/ratings/comments, and the popularity of that story drew readers into my other works.

Sci-Fi/Fantasy may not get as many views as other categories, but in my experience it's a category that tends to reward series. I've published three different fantasy series, and while later entries don't have tons of views, some of those series develop loyal followers/raters/commenters over time.
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your tips.

My "Hallmark" comment was relative. My stories have a lot of sex. They just don't have all the dirty, rough, nasty and course components that seem to be so popular here.

Not judging. Just making a distinction.

I'd love to know what you think of my stories when you have a chance.

Thanks again.
I have published five stories on Literotica and I would love to get some feedback on them from other authors.

Besides - if you can't self-promote yourself, who can you self-promote? Am I right?

I recognize that some might find my stories "tame" as compared to others on this site but my style is a little softer and sweeter. I'm sure you'll be able to see a theme in my writing but each story is "stand-alone" and relatively short. Four of the five are in the "Erotic Couplings" section. I posted one in the "Fantasy" section but that may have been a mistake. Not much traffic there....

Simone Comes for Me

Lucky at Love

Sight is Overrated

Colette, the Pirate Queen

Monique Visits an Old Friend

Please let me know what you think. What do you like? What doesn't work for you? Any tips on getting more eye-balls and comments would be fantastic.

There's a LOT of content on here and it's easy to get lost. I really appreciate your kind attention.
I will definitely check out your stories, but my advice to you, from one aspiring writer to another, is to tell the story that YOU want to tell.

When I first started posting stories on Literotica, I was so concerned about what the readers thought and the scores that it really affected my work. I wasn't telling the stories that I wanted to tell. Everything started to come easier when I let that go. My ratings and readership went up, too!

I will be reading your stories.
I will definitely check out your stories, but my advice to you, from one aspiring writer to another, is to tell the story that YOU want to tell.

When I first started posting stories on Literotica, I was so concerned about what the readers thought and the scores that it really affected my work. I wasn't telling the stories that I wanted to tell. Everything started to come easier when I let that go. My ratings and readership went up, too!

I will be reading your stories.
Thank you so much for the advice. I will return the favor and read some of your stories as well. Looking at your bio I see that we both have a wife that acts as our muse.

My stories are EXTREEMLY personal to me. I will definitely continue to write from my heart and not try to expand (too much) beyond that. I don't feel the need to change anything to make someone else like it.

But there is SO MUCH new stuff posted here every day I was just trying to steer some eyeballs my way. I'm also interested to know if anyone finds what I produce enjoyable.

Thank you for the kind attention.
Thank you so much for the advice. I will return the favor and read some of your stories as well. Looking at your bio I see that we both have a wife that acts as our muse.

My stories are EXTREEMLY personal to me. I will definitely continue to write from my heart and not try to expand (too much) beyond that. I don't feel the need to change anything to make someone else like it.

But there is SO MUCH new stuff posted here every day I was just trying to steer some eyeballs my way. I'm also interested to know if anyone finds what I produce enjoyable.

Thank you for the kind attention.
Of course! I enjoy connecting with other writers on Literotica. And trust me, I definitely empathize with how personal these stories can be. It's interesting to me that we both have a wife who acts as our muse.

I don't know if you do this when you write, but I'll often partially base some of my stories on real people and experiences. I don't always use them as inspiration, but the stories seem to write themselves when I do.

As an example, in my "Sharing My Wife Amanda" series, my wife has several sexual partners, and they're all based on people whom we actually know. Glenn is her real-life boss who's old enough to be Mandy's father, and they're very close... so close that their relationship has always been of keen interest to me and the source of inspiration for a few of my stories. Jansen is a random very handsome man whom my wife met at the gym in real life, and became one of my characters. Jimmy was Amanda's real-life intern at work whom she swooned over... you get the idea.

And "Mandy's Sexcapde: Pantyless and Proud" was based on our real date night.

When I first started posting stories on Literotica, I incorrectly assumed that every ready basically just wanted, for lack of a better term, smut. But each category is definitely nuanced. From my personal experience, everything seems fair game in Fetish. And I've written stories that resembled cheesy Hallmark movies that I figured wouldn't go over well, but they're some of my highest rated stories (Romance category, of course).

So, yes... write from the heart! It's good to be aware of the audience in each category, obviously, but write the story that you want to write! And don't be afraid to write a "bad" story. There will always be people who identify with your thoughts and ideas. And that, to me, always makes the effort worthwhile.
I read Colette the Pirate Queen. Then I looked at the scores on the rest of your work to find them hovering in the 4.3⭐ range. Which I understand now. As for Colette, I gave the writing a solid five, but the story itself a four. The story is so short it's a tease. Like we're only getting a taste of what could be a scrumptious meal.

After reading the end I understand what you were going for, but that's not a reason to not give us more of a story. Such a cool setting and situation, and all we got was "two people meet and immediately have sex." I would have liked more setting and character development. A lot more.

You're writing is good. Give the readers more of what they want, and you'll see much better scores.
I read Colette the Pirate Queen. Then I looked at the scores on the rest of your work to find them hovering in the 4.3⭐ range. Which I understand now. As for Colette, I gave the writing a solid five, but the story itself a four. The story is so short it's a tease. Like we're only getting a taste of what could be a scrumptious meal.

After reading the end I understand what you were going for, but that's not a reason to not give us more of a story. Such a cool setting and situation, and all we got was "two people meet and immediately have sex." I would have liked more setting and character development. A lot more.

You're writing is good. Give the readers more of what they want, and you'll see much better scores.
Thanks for taking the time. I really appreciate your comments.

My stories tend to be on the shorter end of the scale just because that's what I prefer. I'll need to ramp up my imagination quite a bit to flesh out more story for Colette. I may turn it into a series but I just don't know if I can pull it off to my own (maybe grandiose) standards.

I'll have to think on that.

Thanks again.
I read Colette the Pirate Queen. Then I looked at the scores on the rest of your work to find them hovering in the 4.3⭐ range. Which I understand now. As for Colette, I gave the writing a solid five, but the story itself a four. The story is so short it's a tease. Like we're only getting a taste of what could be a scrumptious meal.

After reading the end I understand what you were going for, but that's not a reason to not give us more of a story. Such a cool setting and situation, and all we got was "two people meet and immediately have sex." I would have liked more setting and character development. A lot more.

You're writing is good. Give the readers more of what they want, and you'll see much better scores.
Rob -

I've given your comments some more thought.

As far as taking the time for character development; My stories are actually chapters of the same story. It's the same two characters is all of them. Hopefully some development will happen when they are all read as a series.

The story you read about Colette is just a "dream sequence" in the ongoing story. Try some of the others when you get a chance.
I read Colette the Pirate Queen. Then I looked at the scores on the rest of your work to find them hovering in the 4.3⭐ range. Which I understand now. As for Colette, I gave the writing a solid five, but the story itself a four. The story is so short it's a tease. Like we're only getting a taste of what could be a scrumptious meal.

After reading the end I understand what you were going for, but that's not a reason to not give us more of a story. Such a cool setting and situation, and all we got was "two people meet and immediately have sex." I would have liked more setting and character development. A lot more.

You're writing is good. Give the readers more of what they want, and you'll see much better scores.
Rob -

I just read "Trixie". Epic. Loved it. I can see how much you like character development!
My stories tend to be on the shorter end of the scale just because that's what I prefer. I'll need to ramp up my imagination quite a bit to flesh out more story for Colette. I may turn it into a series but I just don't know if I can pull it off to my own (maybe grandiose) standards.
I get that. I'm just speaking from the viewpoint of the average reader. From reading her on the forums and chatting with other writers, readers seem to like a bit longer stories from 8-16K words. Something they can sink their teeth into, kill an hour or so, and really enjoy a story. Your imagination will do fine. Describe the ship, the weather, and the room they were in. Set the stage. Sounds, smells, tastes. Maybe after he admits to his memory loss, she sends him out to work the decks, and she watches him with interest. He works hard, but it's clear he's no sailor, so she brings him in for more "questioning". That gives you time to build both of them up a bit without having to extend the story further.
As far as taking the time for character development; My stories are actually chapters of the same story. It's the same two characters in all of them. Hopefully, some development will happen when they are all read as a series.
The story you read about Colette is just a "dream sequence" in the ongoing story. Try some of the others when you get a chance.
I'll give them a look in a few days when I go back to work. I like to read on my breaks.
I just read "Trixie". Epic. Loved it. I can see how much you like character development!
Thanks very much. It works for me.
Of course! I enjoy connecting with other writers on Literotica. And trust me, I definitely empathize with how personal these stories can be. It's interesting to me that we both have a wife who acts as our muse.
Wow, dude. While I would NEVER want to share my wife with anyone (beyond these stories) I sure enjoy reading about you sharing YOURS!

Very sexy stuff.
Wow, dude. While I would NEVER want to share my wife with anyone (beyond these stories) I sure enjoy reading about you sharing YOURS!

Very sexy stuff.
Truth be told, I don't know if I could ever go through with it (sharing my wife), but it is a fun fantasy!
Truth be told, I don't know if I could ever go through with it (sharing my wife), but it is a fun fantasy!
Well, you are pulling some very consistently high scores in LW, which is no mean feat. I will be checking them out myself.
Well, you are pulling some very consistently high scores in LW, which is no mean feat. I will be checking them out myself.
Thank you! I would love to hear your feedback, if you have time.

TBH, I know the first several chapters of "Sharing My Wife Amanda" are poorly written. Those were my first submissions, and I hope my skills improved over time.

P.S. I love your user name!
I'm glad you guys found each other. I hope you'll be very happy together.

But I sorta started this thread to get people to talk about MY stories!

Stay focused.
I've read two stories now and the writing is solid. I'd like to see more character and setting development though.
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your tips.

My "Hallmark" comment was relative. My stories have a lot of sex. They just don't have all the dirty, rough, nasty and course components that seem to be so popular here.

Not judging. Just making a distinction.

I'd love to know what you think of my stories when you have a chance.

Thanks again.
Mines the same way as far as the sex scenes. Their gentler. I won't use certain words in mine because it's not that kind of a story. My current one is a romance story.

I am also working on a different kind of story though which is weird for my kind of writing style.

When I first started posting the chapters, I was aware that I would have a different kind of following than other people and I'm fine with that because of the kind of story it is.

Anyways getting off track here, I will check your stories out, Pirate Queen looks like it might be interesting. Will take a look and let you know.
I have published five stories on Literotica and I would love to get some feedback on them from other authors.

Besides - if you can't self-promote yourself, who can you self-promote? Am I right?

I recognize that some might find my stories "tame" as compared to others on this site but my style is a little softer and sweeter. I'm sure you'll be able to see a theme in my writing but each story is "stand-alone" and relatively short. Four of the five are in the "Erotic Couplings" section. I posted one in the "Fantasy" section but that may have been a mistake. Not much traffic there....

Simone Comes for Me

Lucky at Love

Sight is Overrated

Colette, the Pirate Queen

Monique Visits an Old Friend

Please let me know what you think. What do you like? What doesn't work for you? Any tips on getting more eye-balls and comments would be fantastic.

There's a LOT of content on here and it's easy to get lost. I really appreciate your kind attention.
I read Collette story, that would be a good beginning for a serial. you have the makings there in that story, just need to be expanded a bit more storyline.

again, this is just my opinion and not shared by all, I bet.

I would very much like to see you make a prequel, since at the end, they already knew each other and he relived a memory. maybe start at the top of your story or create a back story for him and then rejoin where he is rescued. you can make this a very enjoyable serial.
I read Collette story, that would be a good beginning for a serial. you have the makings there in that story, just need to be expanded a bit more storyline.

again, this is just my opinion and not shared by all, I bet.

I would very much like to see you make a prequel, since at the end, they already knew each other and he relived a memory. maybe start at the top of your story or create a back story for him and then rejoin where he is rescued. you can make this a very enjoyable serial.
I'm glad you like Colette. I like her too!

I actually have another Queensmount Adventure coming soon but it's not at ALL what you expect! Keep your eyes open for that!

Thank you for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it.
Mines the same way as far as the sex scenes. Their gentler. I won't use certain words in mine because it's not that kind of a story. My current one is a romance story.

I am also working on a different kind of story though which is weird for my kind of writing style.

When I first started posting the chapters, I was aware that I would have a different kind of following than other people and I'm fine with that because of the kind of story it is.

Anyways getting off track here, I will check your stories out, Pirate Queen looks like it might be interesting. Will take a look and let you know.
Thanks for the comments, Elayne. I really appreciate it.

Look for another Queensmount Adventure soon!
Thanks for your attention. Maybe my fiction is too "Hallmark" for this site.....
Nothing is too anything for this site (within its guidelines, of course). If I have an essay or story that has nothing to do with sex - well, if they'll publish it, that's good with me. They haven't turned anything down on that basis yet.

P.S.: I haven't read the whole thread yet. Some people have said virtually the same thing.
I have just added a new story about another adventure aboard the Queensmount. If you liked "Colette, the Pirate Queen" you'll like this one, too.

Sweet Voyage

Be sure to read Colette, the Pirate Queen first or this new one won't make much sense.
