Shame on you CANADA, you useless TURD of a CUNTry!


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Oh, Canada
One casualty of the war on terror has been the stereotype of Canadians as polite. Svend Robinson, a British Columbian member of Canada's Parliament, says he plans to heckle President Bush if he speaks before Canada's House of Commons on a visit to Ottawa May 5, the National Post reports. "Clearly we shouldn't be rolling out a red carpet for an individual who may be responsible for war crimes and the deaths of thousands and thousands of innocent civilians," says Robinson, who also heckled President Reagan 16 years ago.

Meanwhile, the Associated Press reports that fans in Montreal booed the American national anthem when it was played before a game between the hometown Canadiens and the New York Islanders. The Montreal fans got what they deserved, though: the Islanders trounced the Canadiens, 6-3. "I came to the game pretty pumped up, but once I heard [the booing] it really got me going," says Islanders right wing Mark Parrish. "So I guess I can thank them a little bit for getting me more pumped up."

On a more serious note - Remember when you didn't post for a while? Can we try that again?
busybody said:
Oh, Canada
Svend Robinson, a British Columbian member of Canada's Parliament, says he plans to heckle President Bush if he speaks before Canada's House of Commons on a visit to Ottawa May 5, the National Post reports. "Clearly we shouldn't be rolling out a red carpet for an individual who may be responsible for war crimes and the deaths of thousands and thousands of innocent civilians," says Robinson, who also heckled President Reagan 16 years ago.

Excuse me, buttt....Svend Robinson is a twit. I am ashamed to say that he is from BC.

Pay no never mind to ANYTHING he says at any point in time.

Sheesh. At least know your players before you criticize an entire country for one twit.
yeah no kidding. he'san ass, and the government told him to shut the hell up, and be reserved when criticizing another cvountry. don't shit disturb unless you know the whole story.
Re: Re: Shame on you CANADA, you useless TURD of a CUNTry!

Mia62 said:
Excuse me, buttt....Svend Robinson is a twit. I am ashamed to say that he is from BC.

Pay no never mind to ANYTHING he says at any point in time.

Sheesh. At least know your players before you criticize an entire country for one twit.

Excuse me, buttt....BUSYBODY is a twit. I'm ashamed to say that he is from the US.

Pay no never mind to ANYTHING he says at any point in time.


Read the rest of the article

The Cantyuks are booing the national anthem
For a real, light, yet insightful discussion on the matter, see kitty's thread.

And no more Labatt's or Molson's for busybody!

Boo USA!

There, how's that? You all freaked out now, Busybody?

Count yourself lucky we're just booing you and not turning off the oil and electricity you buy from us, knobgobbler. The whole eastern seaboard would go down like a ten dollar whore if we did.

Next time, please have a real election and get a real President.


I too must say... Boo America.

I use to live there, so glad to be back in Canada. Home sweet Home.
Lancecastor said:

The whole eastern seaboard would go down like a ten dollar whore if we did.

Is that so? As an american living on the ESB, could you explain that to me?
Alvin Brickrock said:
Is that so? As an american living on the ESB, could you explain that to me?

You can look it up yourself...though I can't say I'm surprised that you don't know where you get a critical percentage of your oil and electricity from.
It was Montreal for God's sake. They boo the Canadian national anthem.
Re: Re: Re: Shame on you CANADA, you useless TURD of a CUNTry!

KillerMuffin said:
Excuse me, buttt....BUSYBODY is a twit. I'm ashamed to say that he is from the US.

Pay no never mind to ANYTHING he says at any point in time.


Ya know... For "Bush-Lovers" You & Chey are MY Kind of Neighbours, Babe! :rose: :heart: :rose: :kiss:

:p love ya Muffin! You have BALLS! And I do not give a feces that thast is not PC! :kiss:
Where was your outrage when the American fans booed the Canadian anthem last year? Grow up BB - it's a fucking hockey game in Montreal (which isn't really considered a part of Canada anyways).

As for the other, well you can't expect every politician to have a brain - hell, look at your President.
Lancecastor said:
You can look it up yourself...though I can't say I'm surprised that you don't know where you get a critical percentage of your oil and electricity from.

You can all thank PSNH for that.
Re: Re: Re: Shame on you CANADA, you useless TURD of a CUNTry!

KillerMuffin said:
Excuse me, buttt....BUSYBODY is a twit. I'm ashamed to say that he is from the US.

Pay no never mind to ANYTHING he says at any point in time.


Thanks for pointing this out. Oh and hey busybody, I didn't hear you complaining during the playoffs last year when the islander fans booed the Canadian anthem when they played the leafs. So from a Canadian who is 6 foot 4 and 235 pounds and could definetly whip your ass, allow me to say this: any person, regardless of what country they are from who is stupid enough to condem an entire nation based upon the acctions of one man is an obvious mental defective. I'll give you a minute to find a dictionary and look up defective now. Oh, and don't bother responding to this, I won't be around to read it.