Shame on the BLACK members of Congress. They DONT support our TROOPS! SHAME SHAME


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Rangel Opposes the Troops

Remember back in December, when Rep. Charles Rangel of New York proposed reinstating the draft? His stated rationale, as we noted, was egalitarian: "A disproportionate number of the poor and members of minority groups make up the enlisted ranks of the military," he told CNN. Forcing the affluent to serve would establish a principle of "shared sacrifice."

It turns out Rangel doesn't think very much of those who actually are making the sacrifice of serving in our volunteer military. This morning Rangel was one of only 11 House members to vote "no" on a nonbinding resolution "expressing the support and appreciation of the nation for the president and the members of the armed forces who are participating in Operation Iraqi Freedom." (The Senate unanimously approved a similar resolution yesterday.)

This was not a pro-war resolution, just a show of support for the troops. Along with Rangel, the following members, all Democrats, voted "no":

John Conyers (Mich.)
Mike Honda (Calif.)
Stephanie Tubbs Jones (Ohio)
Barbara Lee (Calif.)
Jim McDermott (Wash.)
Bobby Scott (Va.)
Fortney "Pete" Stark (Calif.)
Edolphus Towns (N.Y.)
Maxine Waters (Calif.)
Diane Watson (Calif.)
In addition, 21 Democrats, including presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, voted "present," which we guess means they can't decide if they're for or against America's troops. Also voting "present" was Republican Ron Paul, the isolationist feather of the GOP.

By our count, 23 members of the Congressional Black Caucus--a clear majority--voted either "no" or "present" on the resolution. This goes a long way in explaining why so few black candidates are able to win statewide office in America. Racial gerrymandering produces districts that elect black candidates who are so far to the left that they cannot even bring themselves to endorse a simple expression of patriotism during wartime.

One encouraging sign: Denise Majette of Georgia and Artur Davis of Alabama both voted "yes." Both are black Democrats who defeated far-left anti-Semites (Cynthia McKinney and Earl Hillard, respectively) in primaries last year.
you fucking racist KKK badge carrying member. Free speech is not just limited to the cross burning members of your race.
His bottom-line idea of everyone sharing the burden in times of conscription make sense to me. A person's wealth or influence shouldn't exclude them from a draft, or guarantee them choice assignments. Fair should be just that in a draft...fair.

In times of a voluntary military, the argument that most personnel are minorities means little. People join the military for various reasons...the main reasons being a sense of duty, or to get a foothold on a better life. People can draw their own conclusions.
Why is a MAJORITY of the Congressional BLACK!!!!! cacus voting against the troops???????
makemecumloudly said:
you fucking racist KKK badge carrying member. Free speech is not just limited to the cross burning members of your race.

Fuck you ASSHOLE

Nuthin to do with freeDUMB of speech......

Why do the BLACKS not support the troops???????
Bobby Scott is on the list. I have yet to vote for him, but he's usually unopposed, or tokenly so, anyway.

Think I should move?
busybody said:
Fuck you ASSHOLE

Nuthin to do with freeDUMB of speech......

Why do the BLACKS not support the troops???????

Now get my wife's battalion, a vast majority of the troops are minorities...mainly African-American. In a friend's battalion, it's the same way. In another friend's batallion, it's the same way. At Ft Bliss, it was that way. At Ft Benning it was that way.

Now...I don't have exact numbers, but I will go out on a limb and say a vast number of soldiers are minority. It just doesn't add up that minority leaders want to see minorities hamstrung.

Only BLACKS can get away with this shit!!!!!!!!!!!


On Saturday, at one of the state's public colleges, another man said something even worse about another black female government official.

In front of an overwhelmingly black audience of about 100 at Coppin State College, Amiri Baraka, New Jersey's Lunatic Laureate, called national security adviser Condoleezza Rice a "skeeza."

For those of you not in the know, a "skeeza" is a derogatory street term used in reference to a woman and as offensive as calling her a prostitute. It's a noxious, bilious, disgustingly sexist term and one of the worst things you could call a woman.

It is something Rice certainly is not. Baraka knows she's not. Those blacks who laughed, giggled, tittered and applauded when Baraka said it know she's not. But what was the reaction of these black folks when Baraka finished his invective masquerading as poetry that he called "Somebody Blew Up America"?

They gave him thunderous applause and a standing ovation. At no time was there the indignation that was present when O'Malley said much less about Jessamy. I guess Baraka can get away with it because he hates all the right people.

I'm waiting for the chorus of condemnation for this slur. You know it would be forthcoming if Trent Lott had said it. Instead, we get this:

Robert Cataliotti, an associate professor in Coppin's department of humanities and media, said Baraka was paid for his appearance, and he defended his being invited to speak.

"[Baraka's] a major figure in the development of African-American literature," Cataliotti said. "I'm not here to judge the content of his poem. He has the right as an American to express his opinion."

And others have the right, and perhaps the duty, to condemn his opinion -- unless they share his ugly views.
Bob_Bytchin said:
Now...I don't have exact numbers, but I will go out on a limb and say a vast number of soldiers are minority. It just doesn't add up that minority leaders want to see minorities hamstrung.
Quite the opposite — they're stuck in the '60s/Vietnam/Black Panther mentality that the minorities do all the dying and then come home to a nation that hates them.

BLACKS make up 14% of the Army

And LESS of the actual COMBAT troops........
Bob_Bytchin said:
I didn't twist your words bb, this is exactly what you said.

I meant the CBC, and you know it.....

BTW, is there a C WHITE C????????

Why do BLACKS get one??????????????????
teddybear4play said:
Quite the opposite — they're stuck in the '60s/Vietnam/Black Panther mentality that the minorities do all the dying and then come home to a nation that hates them.



So are you a supporter of everyone having their lot in a draft? No exclusions for the affluent?
busybody said:
BLACKS make up 14% of the Army

And LESS of the actual COMBAT troops........

Actually, 20%...and you're right, they mostly choose support roles.
My congressman was one of the ones who abstained, I'm proud to say.

Only Republicans could think sending people to die is supporting them.

It's the kind of hypocrisy you'd expect from the brain-dead right.
Sandia said:
My congressman was one of the ones who abstained, I'm proud to say.

Only Republicans could think sending people to die is supporting them.

It's the kind of hypocrisy you'd expect from the brain-dead right.

I hope you DIE a hideous painful death......SLOWLY!
busybody said:
I hope you DIE a hideous painful death......SLOWLY!

I am not standing up for Rangel, I am standing up for the idea that in times of a draft, everyone's lot should be equal.

As to wishing someone a slow, painful death. That's pretty extreme. Maybe you should think about anger management or some other variety of therapy.
Bob_Bytchin said:
I am not standing up for Rangel, I am standing up for the idea that in times of a draft, everyone's lot should be equal.

As to wishing someone a slow, painful death. That's pretty extreme. Maybe you should think about anger management or some other variety of therapy.


I will them all hideous painful slow DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no problem with anger!