Sexy Coffins?


Literotica Guru
May 27, 2002
Look good going down-- six feet down.

Poor taste or marketing genius? Sure it works with sports cars, but somehow it doesn't seem the same.

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Sexy Coffin Girls

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What can you say?

*tosses her hands in the air*

dont know what to say about this one...
nothing beats a babe straddling a mahogany coffin....

hmmm....maybe i should get one...might be better for my back.
ya know

If I could get chicks like that to deliver me to the earth when I die, that woul dmake my funeral a LOT more entertaining :)

Hmmm......What colours do they come in I wonder??

My favourite colour is black.........
They sell candy with sex. They sell cars with sex. They sell hair color with sex. They sell clothes with sex(as if there were almost anything more irrelavent to actual fucking). They sell soda with sex. They even sell coffins with sex.

You know what they never seem to sell with sex? Mattresses.