Sexual Instincts Humans Share With Animals, by John Engelman

I suspect that in the underclass the men with the largest number of illegitimate children are the most successful criminals, and that responsible men with minimum wage jobs are usually celibate. It would probably be possible to verify that for a PhD thesis. The thesis would make interesting reading. Unfortunately, it would almost certainly not earn the author a teaching position at a university, or even a position on a right wing think tank.
tl:dr With the exception of this blather of bullshit from our resident Racist.....pathetic mind showing through here....sick, you should take advantage of suicide...
tl:dr With the exception of this blather of bullshit from our resident Racist.....pathetic mind showing through here....sick, you should take advantage of suicide...
I want my hypothesis to be tested. Do you?

I also suspect that welfare checks for illegitimate children contribute to black on black homicide. Just as elsewhere in the animal kingdom, black males are killing each other for the opportunity to fornicate with black females.

My second hypothesis would be difficult to prove, however. The high rate of black on black homicide is easy to prove.

BlackCrime 3.jpg
Once I read about a demonstration that was held in Oakland, California to protest black on black homicide. During the demonstration a fight broke out. Someone was killed.
I want my hypothesis to be tested. Do you?

I also suspect that welfare checks for illegitimate children contribute to black on black homicide. Just as elsewhere in the animal kingdom, black males are killing each other for the opportunity to fornicate with black females.

My second hypothesis would be difficult to prove, however. The high rate of black on black homicide is easy to prove.

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No BLM is protesting Blacks being killed by Police....sorry.......another graph that doesn't show what you want it too...idiot....fuck off and die
Once I read about a demonstration that was held in Oakland, California to protest black on black homicide. During the demonstration a fight broke out. Someone was killed.
I once read about this racist fuck, who posted false facts on a website, and claimed to be a race realist....
No BLM is protesting Blacks being killed by Police....sorry.......another graph that doesn't show what you want it too...idiot....fuck off and die
If black lives matter, why do so many black men kill other blacks? Why so few black men marry the mothers of their children, and raise those children properly?

Blacks are far more likely to be killed by other blacks than by policemen.

Black Lives Matter is a shakedown organization that deflects attention away from the problem of black on black homicide, while enabling leading members to buy mansions for themselves.
If black lives matter, why do so many black men kill other blacks? Why so few black men marry the mothers of their children, and raise those children properly?

Blacks are far more likely to be killed by other blacks than by policemen.

Black Lives Matter is a shakedown organization that deflects attention away from the problem of black on black homicide, while enabling leading members to buy mansions for themselves.
I get you want to move goal posts....
Insults, name calling, and obscene words are all you are capable of.
Then why engage you dumb fuck piece of shit>?........heard of the ignore feature, or are you too fucking stupid to know how it works....Fuck off and die...
Every johnny eagle post is about those stupid blacks.
I want most blacks to behave as well as most whites. Early advocates of the civil rights movement confidently predicted that they would, as soon as they were given equal rights.
No, they did not. That is another one of your justifications you've invented for your racism. What advocates of the civil rights movement did "predict" was that all people are equal and are entitled to equal rights. Now, it is true that opponents of the movement argued that Black Americans were not yet ready for the responsibilities that came with equal rights (most famously William F. Buckley in an unsigned editorial in National Review - although it was unsigned, he never denied having written it), and that did create a lot of blowback which was undoubtedly just what they were after. But the point of the civil rights movement was never "treat them like human beings and maybe then they'll act like human beings".
Johnny Eagle wants blacks to be punished more because police killing them at higher rates than other races isn't enough.
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No, they did not. That is another one of your justifications you've invented for your racism. What advocates of the civil rights movement did "predict" was that all people are equal and are entitled to equal rights. Now, it is true that opponents of the movement argued that Black Americans were not yet ready for the responsibilities that came with equal rights (most famously William F. Buckley in an unsigned editorial in National Review - although it was unsigned, he never denied having written it), and that did create a lot of blowback which was undoubtedly just what they were after. But the point of the civil rights movement was never "treat them like human beings and maybe then they'll act like human beings".
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If you have read many of my posts and book reviews, you know that I have written about many topics, including the desirability of a more progressive tax system, and a higher minimum wage.
Johnny eagle hates the blacks.

Everything else is secondary.
I was alive back then. I remember being told, and I actually believed, that as soon as blacks were given equal rights most of them would begin to behave and perform as well as most whites.
If true, that certainly explains a lot about your attitude. But the fact remains, that was not what the civil rights movement was after. It was about giving people equal opportunities to live their lives as they saw fit.
We certainly were not told that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the War on Poverty would be followed by five years of black ghetto rioting, and more durable increases in black social pathology, but that is what happened.
Correlation is not causation. Those years were also marked by greater social unrest over Vietnam, not to mention a white backlash from people who (probably even by your twisted definition) did not want Blacks to have equal rights. And there were riots before 1964, too.
Correlation is not causation. Those years were also marked by greater social unrest over Vietnam, not to mention a white backlash from people who (probably even by your twisted definition) did not want Blacks to have equal rights. And there were riots before 1964, too.
I was active in the anti war movement during the War in Vietnam. In retrospect I think the anti war movement prolonged the War. The disruptive behavior of some anti war activists, as well as their open displays of anti Americanism and pro Communist sympathies angered the voters into voting for hawks who prolonged the war. By 1971 most Americans disliked the War and hated the war protesters.

Most of us in the anti war movement were not promiscuous, foul mouthed flag burners who seldom bathed. Enough were to make the stereotype plausible.

The behavior of some anti war protesters angered the voters. The black ghetto rioting frightened the voters. Together they caused the election of Richard Nixon in 1968, and seven more years of War in Vietnam.
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