Sex Study


Literotica Guru
Jun 21, 2009
Hey everyone! I'm working on a sex study that's looking for connections between people's personality types and what they find attractive. Right now it's for American men only, please, but I may expand to other groups later.

Basically, I want to see whether there really is such a thing as a "breast man" or an "ass man" in terms of personality and background. If you're interested in helping, go here for details:

You'll need to complete a questionnaire and select your favorite photos; one from each of seven groups. The more data I get, the better, so please consider doing it if you're an American male. Thank you!
Number: (Please leave blank)

A number of photo collages have been included. For each college, please select the photo with the most attractive attribute. For instance, for the collage named Breasts, select the photo with the most attractive breasts. Please provide the corresponding number of the photo, with the numbers increasing as you would read. That is, the photos are in the order:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Or whatever is appropriate for the number of photos. If you are unsure of the number, please describe the photo in detail instead, including its position.

Breasts: Firm yet supple #10
Buttocks: Well-rounded and tight #6
Figures: Washboard abs and nice underarms #10
Woman #1: Green dresses are awesome #5
Woman #2: Buxom blondes rule #2
Woman #3: Cleavage rules #4
Woman #4: See-thru wins the day #3 & #5

Background Questions
Please be as specific as possible

How old are you? 14

Which race do you identify as? Tour de France

In which state were you primarily raised? If multiple, pick the one you felt had the most influence on you. Insanity

Who raised you? The big blind raised me.

How many siblings do you have, and what is your birth order (i.e. first, second, &c.)? I’m the last of quintuplets, my path was easy.

Do you consider yourself lower-, middle-, or upper-class, socio-economically? Beyond upper, 1%’er

What is your sexual preference? Do you consider yourself straight, bisexual, gay, or something else? If bisexual, do you prefer men or women? I prefer women, and lots of them.

Traits Questions

What is your religion? How religious do you consider yourself, on a scale of 1-5, with one being not religious at all, and five being extremely religious. Atheist

What is your political affiliation? Do you consider yourself to be liberal, moderate, or conservative? None of the above.

What is the highest education level you have achieved? Post-Masters Doctorate.

If you graduated from college, what was your major? Sexology.

What is your current occupation? Sexologist.

What is your approximate income? Eight-figures plus.

Do you feel you have a clear idea about your career goals? Of course.

Have you dated before? I once had my had stamped just prior to Y2K.

What is your marital status (i.e. Single, Dating, Married, Divorced, Widowed, &c.)? Other.

Are you a virgin? Of course, aren’t we all?

Do you have children? None that I will admit too.

Do you…?
Please answer the following questions either yes or no.

Do you smoke cigarettes? No

Do you use marijuana? No

Do you use other drugs that are harder than alcohol? No

Do you play sports regularly? No

Do you play video games regularly? No

Do you watch anime and/or read manga regularly? No

Do you have tattoos? No

Do you have a special diet, e.g. vegetarian, vegan, kosher, &c.? Yes, ostogreta.

Do you feel stressed or worried often? No

Do you curse often? Yes, who doesn’t?

Do you cook meals often? No

How often do you…?
Please answer the following questions with a number between 1 and 5. The numbers correspond to the followed frequencies.
1-Daily or more often
2-Every few days
3-Once a week
4-A few times a month
5-More rarely than once a month

How often do you have sex or orgasm with a partner? 5

How often do you masturbate? 5

How often do you go on a date with a potential sexual partner? 4

How often do you exercise for at least thirty-minutes? 3

How often do you drink alcohol? 5

How often do you watch or look at pornography? 1

Personality Questions

What are your top three hobbies? Sex, masturbation, gambling

Which magazines do you read most regularly? Please include no more than three. Playboy, Time, & Outdoorsman.

In a job, is job satisfaction or money more important to you? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert.

Once you begin a long task, are you more likely to see it through until it’s completed, or move onto something else before it’s finished? Move on (this is where I leave.)

Do you prefer your mother or your father? If not applicable, do you prefer your primarily male caregiver or primary female caregiver?

Do you mind relying on others for help?

Do you try to avoid being bound by obligations to others?

In general, do you feel positively about authority figures?

Do you believe that following emotions or following logic leads to better outcomes?

Do you prefer your life to be simple or complex?

Do you easily empathize with others problems?

Are you neat or messy?

Do you enjoy being the center of attention?

Do you believe in destiny or fate?

Do you feel comfortable pursuing traditionally feminine activities, such as cooking, gardening, sewing, housework, &c?

Are you good at saving money?

Do you have more fun when you stay at home or when you go out, generally?

Do you like having luxuries, or do you prefer to live a simple life?


Do you have a lot of friends?

Do you easily make new friends?

Are you happy with the quality of your friendships?

Do you have more male friends or female friends?

Do you believe men and women can be platonic friends without any romantic or sexual feelings?

Romantic Relationships

Out of the following, which is the most important quality to you in a female partner: physical appearance, intelligence, personality, financial stability, sense of humor, or ability as a mother and wife?

Do you feel comfortable displaying affection in public?

Do you prefer a sexual partner with more dating experience or less dating experience?

Where do you tend to meet women?

Would you mind if your partner paid for everything on a date?

Would you marry a woman who was intellectually superior to you?

Have you ever dated outside your race?

Would you date outside your race?

Have you ever dated outside your religion?

Would you date outside your religion?

Do you want to get married?

Do you want to have kids?


In general, about how long do you wait until you have sex with someone?

Are you satisfied with your sex life?

Have you ever cheated on a partner?

How many sexual partners have you had?

Do you consider sex to be a need?

Out of the following, which is your favorite body part on a female: breasts, buttocks, or legs?
Make sure to finish the questions. :) And if you can, email them to the specified email address. It'll be easier to keep track of everything.
Make sure to finish the questions. :) And if you can, email them to the specified email address. It'll be easier to keep track of everything.
