Sex Messages


Literotica Guru
Mar 11, 2002
...sorry. Text Messages.

I got off the tube this evening to be BOMBARDED by text messages from Pixie. So many, in fact that I had to clean out my phone's text message store 3 times!

Here are 2 I want to share with you:

could you just come and take me to bed and fuck me? Please... Your AV is driving me crazy... I want you to fuck me


just put me on the bed and take me, use me, fuck me, cum on me and in me... and make me cum... I need you so much

If I had any way of actually being with her tonight she wouldn't stand a chance :D

She is the sexiest Pixie on the planet.
:eek: sorry about that...

NOT! :p

What can I say...You put me in a mood... :devil:
I certainly am...

The Dipsomaniac said:
Sounds like you two are having fun!!!

lotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandLOTS of fun

i am still looking for a free online text messager for the US.

there has to be one... and i can find 5 or so, but none seem to work.
QuickDuck said:
i am still looking for a free online text messager for the US.

there has to be one... and i can find 5 or so, but none seem to work.
That bites... :(

I hope you find one that works.
Pixie said:
That bites... :(

I hope you find one that works.

Yahoo actually has one linked to their website, but it is only for the UK and BT.

Silly people :)
QuickDuck said:
Yahoo actually has one linked to their website, but it is only for the UK and BT.

Silly people :)
Those nitwits :rolleyes:

I wish I could help, but at the moment....
I can't seem to concentrate...
Maybe it's the AV's around here? :)
Re: I certainly am...

woodgie2 said:
lotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandlotsandLOTS of fun

Yeah... So I see...Yummy eMail :p
Just when I thought I couldn't get any hornier...
Ginny said:
pixie rocks!.....mmmmm you two......nice av, btw....yum....:)

Thank you kind lady.

And not only does Pixie Rock, she Rolls and is Fab and Groovy to boot!

In case you were wondering...

You know? The worst thing about having my mobile phone stolen is that I can't get text messages like this for a while.

Now that annoys me.
If I had gotten messages like that everyday...I'd be in heavy withdrawal.
juicylips said:
If I had gotten messages like that everyday...I'd be in heavy withdrawal.

I may not have got them every day, but often enough that not being able to get them is causing palpitations :D
I know, it's terrible...
All those little spur of the moment thoughts that get lost
with no way to get there...
QuickDuck said:
i am still looking for a free online text messager for the US.

there has to be one... and i can find 5 or so, but none seem to work.

So Yahoo, MSN, and AOL messengers don't work from down under?
Luscious Lioness said:
Pixies is just a lovely sprite!

This made me smile... you two are just too much. ;)
:eek: thank you

What can I say, I was in a mood the day woodgie started this thread :D
Luscious Lioness said:
I :heart: ya, baby! I've got to get to the shower and cover this naked body with clothes... It is freezing today!

Have a marvelous day. *mmmmmuuaaahhh*
I :heart: ya too, LL!

Have a fabulous day! :kiss: