sex in public


Spank Me!!
Nov 20, 2012
i at times think how be somewhere just want so bad you had to have them there on a bus,a train,a plane the risk of being caught or seen excited you !!
Does the back of Denali, in a cemetery, broad daylight while 2 German Baptist women watched & listened, count?
...on a quiet street late at night, with a cute and wild girl I had started seeing. It was dark, and we couldn't see anyone as we were walking home, so she just dropped to her knees and took me in her mouth. It was a rush to say the least, and she went at it with gusto.
Absolutely, yes please with me on top!! :) There's someone in particular I'm fantasizing about doing with this right now as we speak...
I always thought of sex in public the same way as I did sex on a carpeted floor...sounds great in theory but in practice it always seems unsatisfying with a high risk of repercussions! :eek:
Hike your skirt and bend over

Sex in public is both exciting and liberating, whether it's oral or intercourse. It can be extremely exciting for you as well as those around you in the right situation, I think it is a hidden fantasy for many men and women and a voyeur's playground.
Does the thread opener refer to when one is so fired up by the desire of another human being that they would fuck them silly there and then in front of everyone? ... fuck yes, many times :devil: ... especially in the spring :D
I think it be risky is a turnon with most the thought of be caught being seen,A big turnon to know the other person wants you so bad he dont care where you are at
In a cab

My wife blew me in the back of a cab in Germany. The driver adjusted his mirror to watch. Thankfully it was a long ride, and I came in her mouth while he watched at a red light...
Once I was at this adult resort in Jamaica. Our room had this nice little window seat - a sofa built into the wall right under the window. The window looked out into a courtyard. We were on the second floor.

Anyway, my GF at the time went to the window seat, knelt on the seat with her legs slightly parted, and put her arms on the window sill, with her head sticking out. This of course put her bare pussy directly in my cross-hairs. (we were both naked, of course) I came up from behind, put an arm around her waist, stuck my stiff dick into her snatch, doggy style, and we both started working up a good rhythm. Of course now we were both staring out the window.

Before long, we noticed another couple, in another window, across the courtyard, doing the exact same thing that we were! We waved at them and they waved back. That spurred us on! All four of us finished up at approximately the same time.

For the rest of the trip, we kept running into that other couple in the dining room, at the beach, etc., but we could never say a word to them. Whenever we saw each other, all four of us would just laugh and high-five each other!

Years, later, I was back at the same resort, but the GF was long gone. I ran into the woman from the other couple, whose man was no longer with her, either. But that's a story for another day!......Carney
I dated a girl who lived in a small town where the post office was divided into the locked and unlocked section. the locked section was where the Post master worked and the unlocked section was open 24/7 and had the mailboxes that the townfolk could open with their keys. the lights were always on and it had glass walls on 2 sides so it was open from everywhere. On a dare I did my gf on the table in the middle of that post office one saturday night. when we were finished there was about 15 people in the parking lot cheering for us (you can't see out the windows at night when it's dark outside and light in the post office so we couldn't tell anyone was there. But we knew it was a possibility the whole time.
I've unfortunately never found this much of a turn on. I do find the thought of people watching quite nice, but..not outside. Maybe in a room. Sorry, that's a bit confusing :eek: I guess I am turned on by the thought of strangers watching, but not completely random passers-by..or maybe it's the fear of insects keeping me from wanting me to do anything outside for very long :rolleyes: