sex in public


Feb 26, 2003
I was thinking about having sex in public. I just want to know what you guys think. Do you think it should be fast against a wall, or in a park, or what.

You need to look at cover, crowds, escape routes, etc
I've done it a few times, usually by scouting the location & planning the time first
As a for instance my EX and I did it once in the ocean a few feet out
We lubed her up first, got me hard, and we snuck out, sat in the water a few feet from the other beach goers, and we went at it!

Quick & easy, in & out ;)
My girlfriend has given me a handjob in the park and at the bus stop. We were wearing very large coats though so no one could see what we were doing.

We did shag behind a hedge with some footballers having a match on the other side. No one saw us though!
I had sex in a dark subway car full of people... it was amasing... If it wasn't for damn stops we would have both came...
Back seat of a Greyhound Bus (befor toilets) between Columbus and Cleveland. I got off once, she got off twice.
There is the usual, in bathrooms at places. You could do it in a park at night. My favorite for me was behind a vendor at a concert. Touching eachother is easy, you just need something to put over your laps. I suggest skirts for her for sex, it's easy and she doesn't have to remove much. But like James said earlier, escape routs are a good thing to have. Good luck!!:kiss:
Hmm, while i love mucking around in public, getting a guy hot, letting him play with me, etc, actually having sex in public is generally less exciting than it seems.

James is spot on - there is so much planning that you actually need to do, (that it kind of loses its spontenaity, actually) and quicker is definitely better.

That all said, i'd love to hear more people's experiences. I've done it a few times, mostly in parks, and it's never been great, so i'd love to hear of more people it's actually worked for...
katiekat said:
Hmm, while i love mucking around in public, getting a guy hot, letting him play with me, etc, actually having sex in public is generally less exciting than it seems.

James is spot on - there is so much planning that you actually need to do, (that it kind of loses its spontenaity, actually) and quicker is definitely better.

That all said, i'd love to hear more people's experiences. I've done it a few times, mostly in parks, and it's never been great, so i'd love to hear of more people it's actually worked for...

I was talking about "ideally"
On the other hand, I've narrowly avoided arrest a few times when we've let spontanaiety take over
I KNOW the cop who saw me getting blown in the car that time was just being a "Man's Man" in not arresting us both :rolleyes:
But that was the LAST time I've done THAT during the daylight hours in traffic
My thoughts

katiekat said:
Hmm, while i love mucking around in public, getting a guy hot, letting him play with me, etc, actually having sex in public is generally less exciting than it seems.

James is spot on - there is so much planning that you actually need to do, (that it kind of loses its spontenaity, actually) and quicker is definitely better.

That all said, i'd love to hear more people's experiences. I've done it a few times, mostly in parks, and it's never been great, so i'd love to hear of more people it's actually worked for...

First let me say I love this thread, it's a subject I am very into,

Next let me agree about the planning...
to a point, after you have been at it a while you get a certant "sense" about it and you can spot everything ( escape routes ect...) but you still have to keep your wits about you.....

Jail time sucks.

But I have had it work for me many times, with several differant partners, try the movies first, pick one that's been showing a while that few people are going to be seeing, and around noon is the best time for that, sit in the back, right under the projector (the darkest spot in most theaters) and hike up her skirt and let her sit on your lap.

And if you pick the right movie, nobodys eyes are going to turn from the screen anyway.

Good luck,
the movies is a good place to start...the last showing is also a good time to go. But it should be a moive that not most people are going to go to, or have already been.
public sex is one of the best show's off affection--->i can remember being in the woods' on a local beach on a picnic table back arched moon out god know's who could hear me:D :D :D
can't wait for the summer just so we can get back to that!!!
Movie theaters work
Went with a girl one to a mid-day weekday matinee of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" when it was in a 2nd run theater
NO one else was there
We had QUITE a lot of fun :D
sexcandy said:
I have a fantasy about having sex on the beach.

As noted, I've done it in the water on a beach in the middle of the day
I've also gotten QUITE frisky on a beach at night numerous times

It's overrated, frankly
Sand goes all SORTS of places you never want it to go
Re: My thoughts

spazmodious said:
...sit in the back, right under the projector (the darkest spot in most theaters) and hike up her skirt and let her sit on your lap.

And if you pick the right movie, nobodys eyes are going to turn from the screen anyway.

Where's the movie listings?!?!?!? :D

For anyone near a college campus, there are LOTS of places you can have fun there!! Libraries, deserted classrooms, darkened paths through campus, underneath the bleachers....

Good luck!
James G 5 said:
As noted, I've done it in the water on a beach in the middle of the day
I've also gotten QUITE frisky on a beach at night numerous times

It's overrated, frankly
Sand goes all SORTS of places you never want it to go

I agree James, making love in the ocean is wonderful. Feeling not only his cock sliding in and out, but the water being pushed up inside with him, is a rush. Just have to watch out for those damned crabs nibbling on exposed parts! ;)

Sex on the beach,hmmm isn't that a drink?? :confused:

Seriously, this is one of my fave's. A moonlit night, waves gently lapping on shore, tropical breeze dancing across bare skin. SWEET!

Just make sure you bring a huge blanket. No probs with sand then!

-kym- Life's a beach and then you cum :cool:
I've had sex out in the woods at city/state parks (though mere yards from the trail!) as well as the women's restroom at the college library. All were great fun!


However, in the library we got trapped in the stall by a cleaning woman cleaning the bathroom! We couldn't leave for 10 minutes! (Fun to laugh about now, not so much fun then.)
I don't know if this qualifies................

Sex on a boat......
Yea, You and your loved one are fishing, the fish stop biting, and you begin playing with one another. Things get hot and before you know it, your getting down right there in plain view of anyone passing by. Who the hell cares?? You've got the motion of the ocean,the fresh salt air, and a willing partner with you!

-kym- fishing anyone???? :confused:
i've had sex in the park during daytime,from handjob to intercourse to my fave,oral sex on her,even using tictac bombons.I've done it in the woods, on the beach,in the seawater(including some kissing on her private parts)and many times in the car.Everytime it wasn't planned out,just getting carried away by the feelings.It's great to make love while listening to the sound of the nature,to feel as one with nature itself.It was more that and the sexyness of the moment than just showing off.Luckily we didn't get caught.:)
be a voyeur.. fuck it :)

I had sex in a mall parking lot, behind a pool hall, list goes on. course, It was nighttime as well lol

the mall parking lot was empty and it was dark.. but, the pool hall.. lol, was like at 8 at night' and people were coming in and out and we did it right on the side of the building (like, if you looked out the pool hall windows.. you would see the car fogged up and moving around with ease).. I think that was one of the "ballsy" ones we attempted (my ex- and I)
ahhhh...the thrill

my personal fave was in the mens bathroom of an amusement park...I lost a bet! I was doing really well, being really quiet until he hit " the spot" and hit it good all of a sudden I let out this really loud yelp, no mistaking what it was from and the bathroom went silent!:D

Found the beach to be very overrated and as James said...ugh the sand!!!

Outside in a jeep at a state park, in the woods at the same park later that day! MMMMMMM....what a great hike that turned out to be!:devil:

At a rest stop in Allegheny county PA, just before heading into Pittsburgh. Trucker watched the whole thing from his cab and jerked off. I was suprised by how hot that got me.

Movie theater...more times then I can count.

My backyard.

The DJ booth of a very busy nightclub.

Thankfully I've never been caught, since not a one of them was planned. the only one that was planned ended up falling through before we could actually get to the sex....Navy Sub...his bunkmate walked in on us about to go at it.:devil: :eek:
Re: ahhhh...the thrill

Mstrskey said:

Found the beach to be very overrated and as James said...ugh the sand!!!

At a rest stop in Allegheny county PA, just before heading into Pittsburgh. Trucker watched the whole thing from his cab and jerked off. I was suprised by how hot that got me.

I didn't like the ocean, sand, salt water not as fun as I thought it would be.

I wonder what it is about Allegheny Cty, Pa. Had sex on the hill above a major highway interchange. It was cool looking down on Pittsburgh afterwards. A few Pgh parks, a small ravine where we could see people above walking around above us.

Underneath a silk shawl covered piano during an ambassy reception.

a bench in a police locker room, that was one of the stupider things I have done but didn't get caught. hard to stay on that bench through.

In the rain under a poncho at night in front of the Boston Public library.

strange phone sex recently, I wasn't in public but he was, serious public.
Re: ahhhh...the thrill

Mstrskey said:
Thankfully I've never been caught, since not a one of them was planned. the only one that was planned ended up falling through before we could actually get to the sex....Navy Sub...his bunkmate walked in on us about to go at it.:devil: :eek:

And you didn't invite him to stay & watch, or maybe even join in?
Sheesh! :rolleyes:
has to agree the beach is over rated ....planning to me takes the fun out of it besides how much could an indecent exposure ticket cost?~G~ tubs are fun various department stores parks play grounds at night ......planes, tramplolines are fun to if you can get the rythmn right ! ...has been caught once !
Re: Re: ahhhh...the thrill

James G 5 said:
And you didn't invite him to stay & watch, or maybe even join in?
Sheesh! :rolleyes:

ROTFLMAO!!! I can see it now.....Gangbang aboard the USS KY! As if Tailhook didn't get the Navy in enough trouble.:devil: Actually it's supposedly something they all try to do since it's strictly forbidden- to bring one of us doe-eyed lil civilians onto the sub and get laid. The pinnacle is to do it in the engine room I'm told but we weren't quite that adventurous and really couldn't afford to get caught by anyone wearing to much rank.
The look his bunkmate gave us was priceless though since I'd been introduced at a reception on shore a half hr earlier as the sailor in questions "lil sis". His bunkmate gave us the most incredulous stare I'd ever seen and I just shucked my clothes back on gave the guy a peck on the cheek and said " and you thought all those stories about Kentucky families were just made up." and bolted for shore.:D