sex in pjs


Sep 20, 2002

the orginal thread was little difficult to understand and many readers complained that they dont understand it so I tired to change it hope it will be easer to be understood

My question is "how many men had sex with a woman having her pj bottom on her knees I mean he or she didnt remove it but they had sex that way with her pj bottom on her knees"

I hope this time the question is easer than before

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Please clarify and we'd be happy to try it out and provide some feedback :)
kane555 said:

i want to know how many tried sex with a woman having her pjs in her knees i knind find this arosuing ..? and i wan to know how women feel about it.?


i think he is saying how many have pulled a womans pjs down to her knees bent her over and proceeded to pound her pussy with your cock.
What if he's referring to something surgical? Flannel's pretty soft, maybe he wants to cushion the cartelidge in her knees.

I'm definitely interested as well...come on kane...lets get this straight...
sorry i am late in replay

lorddragonwolf was right i ment how many pulled the pjs to woman knees and procced to have sex with her without remove them ..?

Thanks for the clarification, Kane. I don't wear pjs - or anything, for that matter - so I guess this really doesn't apply to me.

""tried sex with a woman having her pjs in her knees""

kane555, where the hell do you live? What grade are you trying to pass?
Doesn't it bother you that almost every time you post in here nobody can understand what the hell you're asking/trying to say?

In my world that's called being FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE.
MR.GGG said:
RE: ""tried sex with a woman having her pjs in her knees""

kane555, where the hell do you live? What grade are you trying to pass?
Doesn't it bother you that almost every time you post in here nobody can understand what the hell you're asking/trying to say?

In my world that's called being FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE.

I'm inclined to agree with MR. GGG a bit here. While we as readers are more than willing to comment on things, we have to understand the questions. You have a few other questions and I find them incredibly difficult to comment on on the sheer fact that I'm not sure of what you're asking!

Please use common grammar. Spell things correctly (as much as possible at least. Heaven knows we're all guilty at one point or another) and get to the frickin' point! Say what you mean man!!!:mad:
Just so ya'll don't think I'm dumping JUST on Kane...I run my own business and get Emails from all over the world all day long. The abiity of many of our younger members to write English is appalling. I hear in the papers that our youth are receiving the BEST education ever. I see something else entirely.

Many schools no longer teach History. They may have a course called History but it deals with some moment in time, usually taken completely out of the context and chronolgy of the times it happened in or what happened after the event.

Many school boards no longer teach Geography. How the hell do kids know what is happening or why it's happening if they have no clue WHERE it's happening. Combine the History vacuum with the lack of Geography and we have a bunch of complete idiots. The scary thing is these kids are being told they are getting a superior education. It's not until they get to University that many of them find out that they can barely read...certainly not to the standards required by higher education. The first year is a blood bath!!!

There are many other factors that I find mind-boggling. Schools routinely run mini tests and the final assessment INCLUDES cheat notes. They are called something else now but when I went to school it was called cheating if you brought the answers into an exam. Teachers are telling kids that this is not only OK but expected and the "notes" are marked along with the test results.

Teachers instruct kids to go into the internet for a homework assignment and drag and drop research material into their own paper. When they do this the kids a) don't learn anything and b) copying is ALSO called plagerism or cheating. Try that in University and you're out on your ear. Universities now scan in term papers and "wash" them through programs that compare sentence structure and sentence by sentence word groupings so that if a student does drag and drop off the net s/he'll get caught fershure. One warning and the kid is tossed. The trouble is they DON'T KNOW what they're doing wrong and they never learned how to take proper notes or form their own compositions to explain or describe the researched material.

Speaking of sentence structure... spelling and grammar are no longer taught
in most schools. THAT fact is pretty evident when people like Kane come in here and attempt to communicate with us. Sentence structure doesn't exist. Spelling is ...well typically 50% of his words are spelled incorrectly. I know, we all are guilty of that in here...we type fast or in the dark and we make the odd mistook but 50%??!!! There is NO punctuation. It is impossible for him to look at what he's written and realize the mere concept of the entry is so obtuse that all we can do is attempt to decipher it.

Unless people like him are made aware of their atrocious written skills and rectify it before they get much older they are doomed to a career which doesn't come close to the potential they could have if they could communicate.

I would LOVE to see a bunch of University kids who are flunking BIG TIME from their first year (when they realize they haven't received the excellent education they've been told they've been getting for 12 years) launch a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against the teachers, boards and unions siteing (criminal ? )conspiracy to provide woefully inadequate schooling, fraudulent misuse of funds (their salaries) and go after some of the retirement funds as restitution.

Sorry. Got carried away. Our society is doomed, though, if we don't fix this but soon.

and ya nowhot ? im knot evan go to prof these post cuz iz wuz lurnd gud
Since this fellow kane has not stated where he is from, has it not occurred to you, Mr GGG, that English might just be a second language for him? Maybe he's not that well versed in English, hm?

Just a thought to consider...

Yes, of course I've considered it. I've asked him where he was from in 4 different threads. He has ignored me OR he can't read well enough to understand what precisely I'm asking him. If it turns he IS from North Korea or something it doesn't change what I said about the schools and what an atrocious job our educrats are dumping on our kids these days.

If fat kids can sue MacDonalds then so can kids who have been pushed through high schools and although they are getting A's in reading and writing evaluation scores, they, in fact can't read past what used to be a grade 3 reading level. Like I said the first year at university for many kids who thought they were smart is best described as a massacre. The tragedy is that the funding for Universities is based on enrollment NOT on what % of kids actually graduate so they could care less that typically out of a 1st year class of 300 to 400, on an average, less than 40 will graduate 4 years later.

Read this. It applies and is relevant through most of the Western World.
ANyone remember those one piece pjs with the feet and the trap door in the back? I loved those as a kid - they'd be damn handy for Kane's little quest too!
unfortunately I was so busy yesterday and before that so i couldnt write a reply to what MR.GGG wrote about me

I was going to say that I dont want to start insulting anyone and if you saw someone doing something in a wrong way you should teach him the right thing in a polite way not by insulting him

but now I must say that this person is an idiot and more than that he is arrogant and I dont know why most of the people that english speaking poeple expect the foreigns to speak english so fluently how many other languages can you speak and how fluent can you speak them Mr.perfect.?

and to answer you question from where I am..? I am from Turkey

Dont give me lecture on school system today who says that you are perfect.

oh well I know there is no use in talking with people like because they always think that they are right
I also want to say another thing

in the thread "what do you do while sex..? for women part 2"

MR.GGG wrote this to me

imreelyentret d indiskuvringhoweolduyorandwhereyouleavebecuseu ru egnleeshisatrocusanwhathefukisaldis"whensex" stufuraksingIztheseurfirslnjugeoreryutringtoltanslteevrytinginyurhedefirscauzifyurlikenghleeshasathi
r d lanjugthanyurdonotbadatallbuttuthrwizmigessuronoffdeteenybopperzwhatflunkedtherliteracytestingrd10re
cent lygawdhelpthechiLren

to show me that he didnt understand anything of the 30 questions that I asked there

So MR.perfect if what I wrote was bullshit and no one can understand it how come 4 other readers read it and answered each question in it
That shows that what you are doing is just to annoy poeple
Sexy Chell does have a good point!!!

Leave the poor guy alone...he doesnt know english that well! it doesnt mean he is stupid!
Re: Whotaconcept

MR.GGG said:
If it turns he IS from North Korea or something it doesn't change what I said about the schools and what an atrocious job our educrats are dumping on our kids these days.

Ya know what? If ya got an issue about education, why the hell not start your own thread about it? Why highjack some one else's just to push through your own opinion? It's typically called respect, and should be given to anyone, native English speakers or no.

Kane - you are welcome. (Coming from one who only knows one language, English, but wishes she knew more)
again I want to thank both SexyChele and this time lovechild27 for their support and what SexyChele said is ture if you have something against education dont blame that on me and try to get your anger on me

SexyChele I want to tell you that learing other languages is very good and useful thing I speak Arabic turkish and English I want to learn 3 other languages Germany French and Spanish hope I can do that

Thanks Again for both of you
I didn't really hijack the thread because nobody knew what kane was asking. The thread was a discussion of what he might possibly be asking.

My apologies to kane. Your English is obviously way better than my Turkish. When you didn't respond I assumed you were English speaking and a "victim" of our education system. Many of the Emails I get everyday are from people who only speak English, are grads from so called good highs schools and even universities and their freehand (just typed- not grammar and spell checked by their computer) English is as bad as what you've been posting. You have a good excuse.

When English speaking and "well educaed" people can communicate at the level of a person who's second (or third) language is English then there IS a problem with the educations system. It is self evident. Society is just begining to realize how little the younger generation actually knows about anything. The criticism is just starting.

If you read my post I wasn't calling kane stupid. I was knocking an education system which has been hijacked and corrupted. Basic education is no longer taught and grads can type no better than somebody from Turkey. That IS a problem... my thread or not.

We love flannel because it is so soft and it keeps the skin under it so warm. We associate it so often with cold nights so when your hands get down under the flannel and touch her warm skin it is even more exciting.
If my girl stays the night.
She tends to be naked anyways.
So I have no idea lol.
Freya2 said:
ANyone remember those one piece pjs with the feet and the trap door in the back? I loved those as a kid - they'd be damn handy for Kane's little quest too!

yes and i know were you can buy them.