sex at the Sperm bank?


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
I know its a porn cliche, but I was surprised that a search of stories did not turn up any stories featuring sex at a sperm bank or fertility clinic.

What do others think? Too obvious?
there was one thread where we discussed a man going in to get some sperm, maybe for artificial insemination for his wife, and being embarrassed to realize he can't...produce. So a nurse "peeks in" on him to see how he's doing, and somehow ends up helping him - sorta ironic - another woman helping a man get sperm to give to his wife.

I donated in collage

I actually donated in collage. The second time I went the nurse watched the whole, time because she said she wanted to see how I was able to give so much. She said she and the other 4 employes were suprised to see that I ejulacted over 45 ml in the first visit. I told her that was nothihg I could do more with the right stimulation.She asked If I ment her and I said yes. We went to the booth and striped and I told her to suck it a little then we could fuck and when I was close for her to start jacking me off.We did this and the first climax was over 55 ml and I remained hard and we did it again with the same results 55 ml. I told her my secret was my 3 balls then she looked at them and felt them and she told everybody. I hope I have alot of children out there in this world. I was only able to have 2 in marrage because my first wife had a hysterctormy 6 years after we were married. I am getting married again this Saturday for the second time in my life.But I wish everyone the best Nicky9
Re: I donated in collage

Nicky9 said:
I actually donated in collage. The second time I went the nurse watched the whole, time because she said she wanted to see how I was able to give so much. She said she and the other 4 employes were suprised to see that I ejulacted over 45 ml in the first visit. I told her that was nothihg I could do more with the right stimulation.She asked If I ment her and I said yes. We went to the booth and striped and I told her to suck it a little then we could fuck and when I was close for her to start jacking me off.We did this and the first climax was over 55 ml and I remained hard and we did it again with the same results 55 ml. I told her my secret was my 3 balls then she looked at them and felt them and she told everybody. I hope I have alot of children out there in this world. I was only able to have 2 in marrage because my first wife had a hysterctormy 6 years after we were married. I am getting married again this Saturday for the second time in my life.But I wish everyone the best Nicky9

:rolleyes: right. sure
<Insert 70s porn music.>

~*~*~*~Bow chicka bow wow~*~*~*~