Seven Letter Post Office X 3 Redux

Since you were erroneously correcting me in the word chain thread, please allow me to accurately correct you here. Post number one simply states 'change TWO letters, as quoted here:



I don't think I was erroneous in the the word chain: the word you played from ended "te" and your word began "li." It seemed to me you were playing it as if it were the seven-letter post office.

Note: I checked back, and it was my error in thinking you were misplaying the game. The similarity of the letters in the words led me to think it was a seven-letter play. My apologies, Bergeron.

As to the rule, yes, I know the OP stated 2 letters, but with all the word games here, we are a bit flexible with the rules, and this one is generally played as "substitute no more than two letters."

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I don't think I was erroneous in the the word chain: the word you played from ended "te" and your word began "li." It seemed to me you were playing it as if it were the seven-letter post office.

Note: I checked back, and it was my error in thinking you were misplaying the game. The similarity of the letters in the words led me to think it was a seven-letter play. My apologies, Bergeron.

As to the rule, yes, I know the OP stated 2 letters, but with all the word games here, we are a bit flexible with the rules, and this one is generally played as "substitute no more than two letters."


I don't think I was erroneous in the the word chain: the word you played from ended "te" and your word began "li." It seemed to me you were playing it as if it were the seven-letter post office.

Note: I checked back, and it was my error in thinking you were misplaying the game. The similarity of the letters in the words led me to think it was a seven-letter play. My apologies, Bergeron.

Thank you, Narratore

