Serious, Not flirty....yet....

Nov 22, 2002
What is everyones opinion of posting the real photo on the AV.

I am considering it, but whats everyone elses take on it......

Bad experiences......Security......annonimity........spill.....


P.S If you want to turn this into another flirty thread have at it.....heh
I almost laways have me as my AV - except the last few days when other ones seemed to fit a bit better. I post my face or my body, but never together.
I was pretty much shooting for the face :)confused: what does he mean by that)

But yeah,,, a facial picture.....good idea.....bad idea?

For some, it can be an ego booster. For others, it has been a source of harrasment.

There are some people on this board who have a very closed mind as to what is "beautiful" or "handsome" and what isn't. Don't listen to those people; they aren't worth it.
It's entirely your decision. How much you feel comfortable with. I've used my face, and other parts of myself as an av, but like Freya never together.
Ego booster for some....sure I'll buy that........but I also know its cool to put a name with a face.......I'll still consider it....

I have never posted a picture of my face and I doubt I ever would. I'll not show above my lips.
I think it adds a bit of mystery and so few people from Lit have actually seen my face pictures.
One more teeny tiny thing.....

I don't think witness protection would approve of you posting your face! ;)
This is what I meant, I have no plans on ever showing more of my face than this in my AV.

I think it's whatever you feel comfortable with sugar.
Very nice Kitty........

And I guess I should change the witness protection deal for location.......Since I have been kicked out of the program for going on Dateline NBC....:eek:

Im sorry to hear that Pixie.

Personally I think you are very cute

I also think that you have been open with everyone with your physical challenges. Which takes guts, and a certain confidence.

Anyone who harrassed you or made fun of you is just fucking dirt in my opinion.......No.....They are just fucking dirt period.


Pixie Mischief said:
having my pic up has been a source of harrasement personally

Granted I don't read every thread and/or post, especially by a few.

But I've noticed a lot of men digging them, Pixie Mischief. ;)

And thank-you KS. It took me months to even put what I have of myself, up as an AV.
LOL thanks KS hehe well I just dont think I should hide LOL I mean I'm not a monster or anything hehe. and I am not ashamed of who I am. I am how I am. its the way it is. and if people cant realize that life aint perfect and that it doesnt revolve around them. I pity them. I have no desire to loose my time on them. Only reason why I do on some on here is that it amuses me.

and I dont have alot of confidence LOL hehe I'm shy