Sequel to Daughter Gets Horny/Mom and The Sappho Experiment?

Sep 13, 2012
This is an old story from the site (like 1997):

I always thought it could use a sequel to explain the aftermath of the mother's decision to give in to her daughter's idea of experiencing what lesbian sex was like. Does she regret it? Does the daughter push the relationship further to the point that she wants her all to herself as a lover?

I guess more of the psychological aspects would be great. Anyone familiar with the story? Great story considering what's usually posted at that site.
Think a Lit author will steal another author's characters/plot/etc?
The last time anyone did anything with Daughter Gets Horny is 1997. Besides, it's a sequel. It would be someone else's take on where the story left off.
So its like moving into someone summer home during the winter? Its so silly to poach ideas (unless the author allows) when there are so many damn good ones out there.

*edit* I read it and dont see any sort of depth worth carrying on. Why not start fresh with a similar theme but build it with real, interesting, deep people.
1.) No one here (that we know of) has the author's permission.
2.) That story is from another site. (Simply posting the link is spamming Lit.)
3.) Maybe you should go back to that site and ask its authors to plagiarize the tale; not us.
4.) You plagiarize it.