Send This Lunatic To Ukraine To Stay


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Democrat Gerry Connolly: ‘Ukrainian-Russian Border Is Our Border’​

924Toni L. Sandys-Pool/Getty

America’s borders extend across the Atlantic Ocean and deep into Eastern Europe, geographically challenged Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) asserted from the House floor Saturday before the House passed a $61 billion aid bill to Ukraine.

Connolly blasted Republicans advocating to address the southern border (the actual United States border) before considering foreign aid – a position long held by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) before he suspiciously changed his mind after a February 28, 2024, White House visit.

“Some say, ‘Well, we have to deal with our border first,'” Connolly said from the House floor. “The Ukrainian Russian border is our border!”

Republicans, exasperated after months of fighting Ukraine aid only to be betrayed by their own Speaker, pointed out the ridiculousness of Connolly’s screed.

More here:

He doesn't give a shit about our border.

Democrat Gerry Connolly: ‘Ukrainian-Russian Border Is Our Border’​

924Toni L. Sandys-Pool/Getty

America’s borders extend across the Atlantic Ocean and deep into Eastern Europe, geographically challenged Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) asserted from the House floor Saturday before the House passed a $61 billion aid bill to Ukraine.

Connolly blasted Republicans advocating to address the southern border (the actual United States border) before considering foreign aid – a position long held by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) before he suspiciously changed his mind after a February 28, 2024, White House visit.

“Some say, ‘Well, we have to deal with our border first,'” Connolly said from the House floor. “The Ukrainian Russian border is our border!”

Republicans, exasperated after months of fighting Ukraine aid only to be betrayed by their own Speaker, pointed out the ridiculousness of Connolly’s screed.

More here:

He doesn't give a shit about our border.
Just because he's not a Russian asset like you and trump doesn't mean we need to exile an American citizen, comrade Reichguide.
Traitorous "republicans" FAILED Ukraine for the past 6 MONTHS and may well have ALREADY doomed the Ukrainians,


Traitorous "republicans" also FAILED to pass the BIPARTISAN senate bill that included the most significant immigration reforms and border security funding in decades.


